Orc Tyrant

Chapter 205: Codenamed "Pangolin" (Part 1)

"what is this!"

The brazier was overturned for the first time. In the dim sight, a beast jumped out from both sides, wielding a rough knife and axe to chop up the soldiers and workers who hadn't figured out what happened.

The workers were at a loss. Many of them had never even seen Ouke. With the advent of the greenskins, they became easy-to-kill prey. Groups of beasts ten times stronger than ordinary people, taking advantage of the noisy environment and dimness. The sight of the people hunted and killed humans. They suddenly attacked in such an environment, tearing the unprepared people to flesh and blood with crude weapons, and the dying screams would immediately be submerged in the harsh groans of the friction between the metal and the ground. .

These greedy beasts gush out from the dark corners without light, and in every place they pass, they will only leave stumps and headless corpses all the way.

Bang bang bang!

Gunshots sounded, but the firelight attracted more attention, death followed one after another, and life was like a candle being blown out one by one.

The slaughter ended just as suddenly as it came. When Momac smashed the head of the last panting shrimp with his foot, the boys had already chopped up anything larger than a fist, and even the fart was bloody. Hanging her eyes on her body as a show off.

"Hurry up, the gunshots will alert Xiami!"


Leaving this small slaughterhouse, the crowd of Ok, who had not yet satisfied their bloodthirsty desires, stepped forward and ran towards their goal, and the harsh whistle in front began to echo in the cave.

The strange noise in front of this was playing with the will of the soldiers. Marshall saw the brazier and the kerosene lamp go out one by one, which made his task more and more difficult to perform completely-the guard area.

Because this is easier said than done, especially when you can only hear the enemy and not see them.

"Captain, will it be Wendigo?"

"Impossible, if it is impossible for them not to trigger the wizard's alarm!"

Under the command of Captain Marshall, the soldiers quickly entered the narrow middle passage, where the narrowest part was less than six people wide, so only a simple sandbag fort and a machine gun were enough to resist most enemies.

The soldiers in the rear proceeded along the passage in an orderly manner, deploying at least one division's force in this stretch of passage for several miles. However, this was originally only used to guard against Wendigans, but now they have to face a brand new enemy.

The noise appeared again, which meant that there must be something in front, but the soldiers could not see anything, but no matter what was lurking here, some of Marshall’s men could not wait to do it right away. They did stay a bit tired. Now, it should have been an honor to serve as an **** in this Republic’s top secret project.

[Pangolin] is the code name of this top-secret project. It originated from this natural passage discovered by gold diggers, which can lead from the west side to the east side of the Howling Mountains. It was proposed by General Sherman ten years ago. An unprecedented plan to completely solve the malignant plan of Wendigo Church.

The construction of a railway in a natural cave ** at an altitude of 3,400 meters is the core of this plan. When the railway is completed, the strength of the five divisions and the assistance of the Kaimon Church will go straight to the magic cave of Silent Hill. All the cultists were dragged out and hanged.

This plan was fully supported by the Patriarch Kaimon of the New California Republic. Under the lobbying of Marshall and the Patriarch, the then President of the New California approved this seemingly fantastic plan and quickly put it into action.

But the difficulty of the project is far more difficult than expected. It took five years to solve the most basic transportation problems. Afterwards, it experienced events such as the death of General Marshall, the change of president, and budget cuts. This top-secret project is a stop-and-go. It was not smooth. Fortunately, the new president still supported the plan. After a delay of nearly eight years, the laying of the railroad tracks officially began, and the small trains were also transported to where it should go.

Kaimon Church always supports this plan as always, but the new president is more cautious about religious power. He did not agree to Pastor Kaimon’s request to join the project. Instead, he dispatched a mysterious camp, commonly known as the Wizarding Camp, to join the project. .

In order to ensure the secrecy of the project, all garrisoned soldiers do not have holidays or rotation, and the workers are the same. They have stayed in the mountains for several years, guarding the secret fortresses and mountain roads, and only regular supply convoys are the only ones. Outsiders, anyone else close to the Howling Fortress will be shot directly without warning.

The Wendigans are the biggest threat to the entire project, and it can be foreseen that if they knew there was such a place, they would desperately destroy it.

But the New California Republic is also determined. The significance of this railway is not only military. Once the two sides of the mountains are opened, the land that was originally far away will become close at hand. The gold mines on the west side of the Howling Mountains are already in the dozens. Excavation was exhausted during the years, but the east side was an undeveloped virgin land with more arable plains. Since the enclosing order was implemented, the Republic’s appetite for land has grown stronger.

Destroying Wendig is just a goal, but the end result is more land occupation.

All the soldiers and workers involved in the construction of the project have been promised that when everything is completed, they will obtain a vast land in the newly occupied land that they would never have imagined in their entire lives. Everyone can become a big farmer.

This is also the moment Marshall looks forward to most, and it is not too far away.


A man's call interrupted his thoughts.

"Right, thirty meters, request investigation."

"be careful."

Marshall agreed to the bold soldier's request.

Several light infantry leaned slightly, moving with slow and precise steps, and the rifles behind them crossed their shoulders and aimed forward. Somewhere in the distance, some huge shaking shadows could be seen faintly.

The investigation team came to a turning intersection, half of the team left the team and quickly guarded the intersection. Marshall stared into the darkness, and suddenly a light flashed at the far end.


When it appeared intermittently again, Marshall noticed that a shadow changed its position. When the light appeared for the third time, the shadow moved again and the noise became louder and louder—something was rushing toward them. .


Marshall did not hesitate to order the fire, and the fire from the machine gun illuminates the tunnel. With the help of the flickering light source, Marshall saw large green faces with terrifying deformities.

These burly monsters have terrifyingly stout limbs and huge teeth, let out a devastating howl, and rush towards them at an astonishing speed.

Marshall reacted in a heartbeat, no matter what is moving, no matter what these dirty monsters are, shoot them all! His pistol accurately hit a creature that rushed forward. The beast wielded a machete the size of a table. Marshall almost shot out the bullet in the barrel and failed to knock him down, and more followed.


A shout from the right side of the investigating team forced the soldiers to turn around. More monsters were approaching from their side. Marshall shouted and ordered the team to retreat, but it was too late. He witnessed the twelve best The soldiers were torn apart like toys.


The huge smoking grenade hit the roaring machine gun position. Before everyone could react, a dazzling flash was accompanied by a violent explosion and a roar occurred in the passage.

"Um...what the hell!"

After a while, accompanied by intense tinnitus and dizziness, when Marshall, who fell on his stomach, re-adapted to the darkness, his whole person was dumbfounded. He saw tides of ugly creatures coming towards them, the only machine gun that could rely on. And the soldiers who operated it all turned into a pile of smoking wreckage.


At the last moment, the only thing that echoed in his ears was this strange and terrifying roar.

This natural railway tunnel has a realistic prototype, you can Baidu it~

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