Orc Tyrant

Chapter 209: Sleepy beast (middle)

Momac has always believed that a real hunter will not avoid being seen by its prey. The kind of sneaking approach and only showing up when the prey is killed can only be done by cowards and scavengers. What happiness is it? Where is the excitement?

An Ouke learns to hunt under the guidance of some more correct and instinctive dogma.

He walked through the shadows like a ghost, secretly judging the sensitivity of Xiami's ears, how much could they hear?

He watched them go deep into the tunnel, then scratched the rock wall with his finger.

The soldiers behind the palace immediately turned around and hit him in the face with a string of bullets.

This almost worked, Momac had to turn his face away, but these weak guys didn't know that they were not hunters, but mere prey. After several heartbeats, more bullets came.

Momac completely ignored those attacks. Their tactics were meaningless. When they opened fire, he had already left and merged into the shadows next to him.

After more than twenty breaths, he found them again.

The shrimps were very alert. They held up their rifles and quickly aimed around. They were on high alert. Momac saw their mouths moving. It was they who were reporting to each other.

The ugly green face showed a grinning smile.

He fell heavily behind a certain shrimp, suddenly stretched out his left hand, and grabbed the soldier.

"Be careful!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

The other shrimp turned around and fired at Momac. When more than a dozen bullets were shot into the shrimp, Momac also saw the gritted teeth and the fear in his eyes, and he couldn't help laughing.

The chief Okker kept the convulsing human shield in front of him, and watched the blood of the dying soldier splash on his armor. The dried shrimp he held in his hand was like a big bag of frozen meat, and the grenade exploded. Coming out, it exploded his physical shield, but it was still not enough to kill him.

"Good fight, Xiami."

Momac's mockery sounded like a low growl in the opponent's ears. He threw the tattered meat shield aside, then lifted the machete in his hand and rushed towards the other soldier.

The battle was short and cruel, and the powerful power provided by the unreasonable brutal muscle fibers of the boss of Oak meant that only one result was possible.

Momac smashed the upper body of the shrimp with a backhand, then kicked him out and knocked over several people, then turned and grabbed another one. When the weak warrior twisted his body, Momac bounced his forehead with his finger. a bit.

"This thing looks very crisp." He said.

The shrimp shouted something, hatred burned in his eyes, and Momac wasted a few seconds just to appreciate the expression and the cruelty.

Then, he smashed the face to pieces with his fist.

"Destroy it!!"

The follow-up company noticed this big guy who suddenly inserted into the middle of the team. The officers shouted orders and commanded groups of soldiers in an attempt to drown this abominable monster.

This is what Momac is waiting for.

He greeted the first group of soldiers to charge, first smashed one over with a punch, and then slashed the head of the second. The shrimps' lungs were still exhaling a scream, and the air came from the chopped throat like farting. Jetting out of the tube, the scream also dissipated in the wind.

Blood is flying in the air.

The third, a brand-new bayonet bucket was placed in Momac's shoulder pads. With his left hand, he found the enemy's throat and chest, tearing the fragile flesh like a piece of wet parchment.

Fourth, the blood-stained machete removed the arm that held the commanding knife in his hand. He lifted his leg and kicked the crippled head of Xiami into the rock with his head facing down.

He grabbed the grenade with a wooden handle that was still spinning and falling from the air. His movements were so fast that it was as if time was slowing down and waiting for him, as if the grenade was left in the air waiting for him to fetch it. It seemed that the air held the dangerous explosive for Momac like a submissive servant.

He grabbed the smoking grenade, turned it over, and quickly buried it in the face of the fifth shrimp, kicked the opponent, blood and fire spattered out of the crowd at the same time.


Momac roared and summoned the boys who were hiding in the surroundings.

Waaaagh! !

The boys responded with louder roars, rushing over from the dark one by one, their saliva splashed, their trembling lips were full of rotten stake-like teeth, and their beast-like bodies were covered with paint. Ochre, chalk and indigo, machete and battle axe stab at the dense crowd.

Bloody hand-to-hand combat broke out quickly in the tunnel. The human defenders were obviously not prepared to deal with this unexpected situation. Two-thirds of them were in the front and one-third were in the back. Ouke’s sudden attack disrupted. All plans and preparations.

No one would have expected that so many monsters would hide in culverts and workers' dormitories.

A group of soldiers receiving the enemy were quickly destroyed, and the Oukes rushed to the exit of the tunnel along the way, which was also the camp of the Ninth Division.

Momac's idea is very simple. He thinks that most of the shrimp has gone to the trouble of Shaluka, and he will get a sufficient time to plunder, and the remaining shrimp will not be too much.

But it turns out that he and Shaluka were both wrong.

"At all costs! Destroy this Ouke!"

Strict orders were sent to the front-line officers, because the two sides had been entangled together, and the heavy firepower had no effect. The officers had no choice but to bite the bullet and direct the soldiers to initiate a suicidal charge.

The casualties began to soar, and the entire company was like wood thrown into the stove, which was quickly exhausted, but the Oukes' pace gradually slowed down.

Momac realized that something was wrong. The shrimp in front of him could not be killed no matter what. His machete was even blunt, and there were at least thousands of corpses left behind, but the shrimp in front of him still looked endless. The boys were crazy. A lot has been lost in the war of attrition, and now there are only less than one hundred left.

"Damn it!"

With a strong sense of crisis, Momac turned his head and glanced behind him, he was considering whether to retreat first.

Then, he saw a tall figure staggering forward, and the familiar face.

"Momac! The shrimp is behind my ass!"

Shaluka did not look optimistic at this time. His whole body was full of traces of flames burned. Large scars appeared on his bare skin. The original heavy armor became tattered, and even his face appeared to be tattered. There were two blood holes, and one of the fangs was broken.

Over his shoulder, Momac saw a large piece of shrimp with a rifle, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"you idiot!"

As soon as the opponent walked in front of him, Momac knocked him to the ground with a punch.

"That's a little bit of what you said!?"

"I, I didn't expect so many!"

Shaluka was also very aggrieved. Originally thought that Momac would bump into Xiami’s hometown, and then follow him to pick up things, but the guy actually hid and let Xiami find his trouble directly, but didn’t get much of the things in the end. , The boys lost all their money.

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