Orc Tyrant

Chapter 219: Persuade to surrender (part 2)

The Phoenix Palace is still resplendent, but a kind of anger and fear, like a drop of ink falling into the clear water, slowly spreads in the air, and even the light breeze blowing through the flower windows and curtains also brings silk. Silky anxiety.

"and so……"

The queen high above the throne, Isabella III, uttered sad words with her trembling pink lips.

Because of this, her chest was ups and downs, her eyes never left the black figure below, the person who brought the unclear bad news, just like the meaning represented by her feathers.

"...You want to intimidate your fellow citizens with destruction and death?"

Liya, who kept her knees bent, straightened her body, raised her head and looked up at the noblest she had never seen before, the queen she had sworn allegiance to.

"Your Majesty, what I bring is not intimidation, but the reality that is about to happen. It really exists, not just verbal language."


The noblewoman in the robes of a high-ranking priest stepped out of the queue with graceful steps. Her eyes were like a burning furnace, and her sight was even hotter than molten iron. She was not the only one who had murderous intentions at the scene, but she was The strongest.

She is Liya's biological mother, the noble high priest of the sky.

"Liya! You are crazy! Dare to talk to the queen like this, and take refuge in the disgusting green skin to make you forget what you are!?"

Liya glanced at her mother, but didn't reply, or said she was disdainful to deal with her.

However, an obscene voice jumped out.

"I heard that Ouke is very strong, not to mention their boss, I guess... she was probably ‘conquered’."

It was Ekaterina, the lord of Jaeger City. It is said that she has more than a thousand male favorites. At the same time, she is also the person with the thinnest clothes on the scene, if those simple shells are considered as the clothes.

"If you don't show any respect, I promise you and your **** will..."

"Hey! What a big tone, hehehe..."

Seeing Liya's angry face when she turned her head, Ekaterina covered her mouth and laughed. The fruity fruits trembled constantly with the shaking of her body. Her figure was exaggerated so that she did not look like a harpy.

"...I know that Ouke is nothing treasured, but it really hurts you."

"Ekaterina, stop your foul language! Don't forget this is the sacred court, not your garden!"

After Grand Vizier spoke, the **** could only retreat into the queue angrily.

"Liya, daughter of the sky, if I could call you that way."

The Grand Vizier walked up to Liya, turned her back to the queen, and a cloud of fire rose from the scepter in her hand.

"Why do you want to abandon your homeland and your family?"

"I didn't abandon anyone."

Liya looked directly into the opponent's eyes, her tone as hard as a rock.

"If I really turned my back on it, I won't be here! I can just sit back and watch Oak's army level the entire flame plateau. It only needs to delay for a few days. My lord's patience is as unpredictable as the sea."


Ava sneered, her tone of contempt that couldn't be concealed.

"The Wendigo Church thinks so too."

"They are just a gang of mobs, a group of cultists! We have the most elite fighters, the strongest beliefs, and we have the sky!"

"But my lord can tear the sky."

"Then let it come!"

"All right!"

The Grand Vizier hit the ground with a scepter and interrupted the quarrel between the two. When Liya turned around again, she found that the old court chief's eyes were full of helplessness and fatigue.

"We have no intention of going to war with Oak."

"Such the best."

"Before... it was just a misunderstanding. We will prepare gifts and envoys and go to the court of Guk to explain."

"Why show weakness!"

As soon as the queen's sister Ava heard the words of the Grand Vizier, she jumped up like a feather on fire. She drew the sword from her waist suddenly, pointed at Batka, who looked around curiously in the center of the palace, and said sharply. :

"My lord! We must not give in. The Ouk Barbarians are a group of bullying and fearful things. If we are softened, they will have an inch!"


Isabella III seemed very hesitant. She had no opinion on this matter, and even this was the first time she saw a living Ouke.

Strong, savage, ugly and weird were her first impressions of this green creature, but the iron plate behind Batka made her very curious, because she could see a certain misty energy lingering around the plate. .

Although she is not a mature king, she is a rare genius in the kingdom in witchcraft.

Seeing her sister hesitate, Ava suddenly became very nervous.

"A traitor brought a beast to the sacred Phoenix! My majesty, my sister! Don’t you understand the meaning? That tyrant didn’t regard us as a negotiable existence at all, it was ordering Us! It thinks a threat can make us bow our heads!"

Ava's words immediately aroused the indignation of many ministers, they were like frightened birds, making loud noises.

"Yes! It despises us!"

"How can the daughter of the sky succumb to the beasts of the earth!?"

"Kill this traitor! And this smelly guy! The perfume on my body can't cover its smell!"

"Kill her!"

"The traitor should be punished!"

Enthusiastic ministers slowly gathered around, thinking of killing Liya and Batka on the spot. On the other hand, Liya was still indifferent, but Batka was even more curious. His mouth was as wide as jumping and his hands were like Scratching his ears and cheeks like an ape, as if watching a good show.

"Back! Are you going to rebel!"

Accompanied by the roar of the Great Vizier, there are also the awe-inspiring Phoenix Guards. These palace guards are the most elite weapons in the kingdom, and each is a highly skilled wizard.

Seeing the guards coming out, the ministers retracted their positions one after another, and the indignation on their faces melted away like ice and snow in the sun, as if nothing happened just now.

"Ava, we don't have a human industry or number of beasts. We can't afford a full-scale war with Ouke, do you understand?"

Grand Vizier was already bitterly persuading this powerful nobleman, but the other party didn't seem to buy it.

"Oh? Then we simply surrender, let Guk live in this Phoenix Palace, and let our sisters make wine for him to warm the bed!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone was in an uproar, and the faces of Liya and Isabella III suddenly became extremely pale.

"Shut up! Do you know what you are talking about! Ava!"

"Of course I know, because if we keep giving in, then this will happen sooner or later, so it's better to say it directly."

"You...I didn't say anything about retreating. I just hope to eliminate Guk's hostility to us. Since it is willing to send an envoy, it means that at least it does not want to go to war with us."

"Hostile? Haven't you read Morana's report? Why did she take the initiative to attack Ouke's camp? Because they have already put their paws on our chests!"

"We still need patience for the time being!"


Ava laughed, she looked at Liya and lifted her chin.

There are so few tickets recently...

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