Orc Tyrant

Chapter 221: The country over the mountain (part 1)

Guk came out of the tunnel and looked down at the remains of the fortress covered in white snow. The white heat rising from his body dissipated the snow that had not yet landed in the air, and every breath he took would create an air current on the snow. , It is easy to misunderstand that what stands in front of you is not a beast made of flesh and blood, but a steam engine made of steel.

Bucktooth is by his side, and behind this guy is a blue rag with thirteen white stars arranged neatly. It is said to be the flag on the human side. Guke thinks this thing is ugly, completely There is no momentum.

In front of them, there was a broken wall that was stained white. Originally, there should be a fortress with a large scale and well-equipped facilities. However, after breaking through it, Yakya did not protect it properly. As a result, the boys destroyed the fortress. Sexual destruction.

Now Guke can see only a section of the retaining wall that remains relatively intact, there are also a few relatively sturdy houses, and a flagpole standing alone in the snow, with a frozen dead body hanging upside down.

"How many shrimps were there before?"

The cold air made Gu Ke a little uncomfortable, his lungs were like a stone, but the unexpected gain calmed the anger in his heart a bit.

"I don't remember very much, a lot anyway."

He pointed to the two hills that stood between the ruins. Guk looked over and found that many frozen hands and feet leaked out of the thick snow. Two snowdrifts nearly six meters high were completely free from nothing. The corpses of the head are stacked.

Guke nodded slightly and walked into the ruins surrounded by many guards.

Although many days have passed, Guk can still see the traces of the tragic battle from many places. The boys saw a huge white boss approaching and cast curious eyes, but they did not dare to approach. Because as long as you are not blind, you can see that the guys in the hands of the big guys with silver horns are not joking.

After basically recovering from the injury, Gu Ke was surprised to find that he seemed to be a little bigger again. When he entered the narrowest part of the tunnel, he had to ask the boys to chisel the rock wall wider because he was now close to five meters tall. .

"Boss Guk!?"

"Bullshit, it's Guk the Conqueror."

"I thought I was as big as it..."

Some guys recognized Guk, and the news of the overlord’s arrival spread out. More and more guys crowded towards the ruins of the fortress, and soon only the roofs of the few houses were covered with guys.

Guk glanced at the same rooms, and then shook his brain at Mangguer, who immediately walked over with a group of fierce guards with his mind.

Then there was a harsh wailing and the sound of collapsing bricks and stones. The surviving buildings eventually turned into rubble in the rising snow and mist, together with the kid above.

While the guards' behavior caused a burst of fear, it also aroused a round of applause. The boys always appreciate the violent behavior, provided that it does not happen to themselves.

As for the hapless guys, who made them dare to stand taller than the overlord, and even arguing.

"Country...no, overlord, boss Guk! I have a baby here!"

Suddenly, a leader wearing a single eye mask ran over and tried to approach Guk, but was blocked by two staggered battle axes.

Seeing what it was holding in both hands, Gu Ke raised his arm, the interlaced battle axes immediately separated, and the guy came to Gu Ke's face.

"Overlord, I, it's me, find this! Fart... No, the kid said, it's very useful, I think I can give it to you."

Guk snorted and grabbed the thing directly from the opponent's hand.

He wouldn't be fooled by this idiot. This is just a map of human beings. Most of this guy doesn't understand, and he doesn't know what he is doing, so he simply takes it to Guk to exchange rewards.

Ignoring the other's longing eyes, Guk opened this thick map, but the dense lines and various texts smaller than a fly immediately crushed his patience and couldn't help tearing it apart. Before the thing, Guk decisively rolled it up again.


Gu Ke cast a curious look. He seemed to want to ask what that thing was, but Gu Ke didn't give him this opportunity.

"Yes, it's a baby, take it."

Guk drew a boss pistol from behind his waist and threw it into the boss's arms. This action immediately attracted a large envious look.

"Good good!"

The guy didn't even thank him, so he turned and ran off with the pistol in his hand. Guk grinned, because he had seen no less than a hundred boys following him, all of them carrying weapons in their hands.

A generous reward, but also a deadly trap, if that guy can survive, it also proves that he is worthy of the gun he made by himself.

"Didn't Hannibal keep a few people, get them."


Mangul, who was ordered, turned his head and muttered for a while with several guards, and then they left the team and walked towards the tunnel.

"Boss, there is the shrimp market over there!"

Coming to the edge of the fortress, from this direction you can already overlook the entire Essex Plain, which is the third plain in the entire Pacha area and also belongs to the largest state of the New California Republic-Essex.

Guk's sight penetrated the wind and snow and extended to the horizon. This was a whole new world, a large piece of land eagerly waiting for him to conquer.

"Shrimp's site? No, buck teeth, it won't be anymore from today."

A strong desire to conquer rose in his body like fire, and even the discomfort caused by the severe cold went away. Gu Ke put his right hand on the shoulder of the buck tooth and whispered:

"Good job, old man."

"Head, what did you ask me to do, I just did what you said."

Buck teeth smirked and scratched his armpits. He was a little uncomfortable with this atmosphere. To be honest, since Guk became king, he rarely stood beside him like this, although he himself has become a thousand thousand. A warlord supported by millions of boys.

"Let your kid get that land away. Anyway, there is a place to hide from the wind. It will be yours from now on."


"Also, where is that big iron car?"

"Then, I asked the kid to watch it!"

Under the leadership of the buck tooth, Guk finally saw the iron cart that the kids had been rumored about. It was really big, with a round head, and a big tube on it. The wheels were also iron, but very small.

Guke took a closer look and found that this kind of cart seemed to be able to run only on rails, because its wheels were made to follow the rails, and this thing probably couldn't run on flat ground.

"Let the mechanics come over and fix them, fix a few big wheels, install a few big guns, all these things are changed! This kind of stupid thing can be made by humans."


Suddenly, just after the buck-tooth nodded, he thought of another thing, patted his head suddenly, and said loudly:

"Oh! Almost forgot, boss, Xiami has a lot of guns, explosives and cannons..."

"Keep it for yourself."

With a wave of his hand, Guk was now indifferent to ordinary human guns.

"Oh, there are two other guys. They are very courageous. A few hundred boys dare to come to trouble Xiami, faster than me."

"Let me take a look."

Soon, Momac and Shaluka were brought to Guk with nervous faces. He hadn't recognized Momac at first, but he thought this guy was familiar.

"are you……"

"Yes, yes, yes! Boss Guk, I'm the one with Double Snake, who was in the abandoned city that day..."

"I remember."

Guk finally recalled that he had witnessed a duel, but he didn't expect that this guy would have a chance to appear in front of him again.

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