Orc Tyrant

Chapter 223: The country over the mountain (below)

"King, they are here."

Just as Guk was watching the fight caused by the uneven distribution of the spoils, a team of guards walked in with their bodies covered in frost, followed by three short figures wrapped in thick coats.

"Let them come."

Although there were guards leading the way, the three of them trembled involuntarily when they passed through the messy hall. This was not due to physical cold, but from inner fear.

They clearly saw that there were scorched bones on some fire stands. If they did not make a mistake, they should be of the same kind as them.

"Meet the king!"

When they came to Guk, those people knelt to the ground for the first time, naturally and without any hesitation.


The way Guk pays homage to humans has always been curious and puzzled, but this does not prevent him from accepting it.

"bring here."

When the two guards unfolded the map in front of the three, their eyes immediately turned from fear to surprise.

"This is a map, I know."

Guk stood up and walked in front of the three of them. The shadow he cast was enough to swallow them all. His stare made the three of them tremble like a sieve. This invisible pressure could not even bear the nerves of Ok. Live, let alone humans, if they can support them without fainting, it already shows that they are not ordinary humans.

After just looking at them for a short while, Guk turned around and stabbed the map with his fingers. He carefully controlled his strength so as not to make a hole in it.

"But I don't know where we are and what's written on it, so you have to tell me."

The roar like a waterfall shook the eardrums of the three of them, but they did not dare to get confused at this time because they knew that the new owner had a bad temper.

One of the three immediately stood up, and although his knees were still shaking, he still walked to the front of the map.

"My lord, we are here now."

He nodded a spot on the west side of the Howling Mountain Range with his hand, and Guk stretched his head and glanced, not seeing anything special.

In the past, Liya painted him mostly religious maps, with simple lines but many allegorical patterns, but this one is a standard military map, composed entirely of dense contours, arrows and topographical lines. , Supplemented by geometric markers, non-professionals can only look at it roughly.

"Well, go ahead."

"Here is Silent Hill, and over there..."

"Stop, don't talk about anything else, tell me, where is the big city on the human side?"

Before the interrupted person spoke, the other one walked up and pointed to the edge of the map, an area with lines drawn like a spider web.

"Tell the king, it's there, Arkham City! The second largest city in Essex."

Guk's eyes suddenly burst into enthusiasm, and he leaned his face to the edge of the map, greedily watching the "net".

"How old is it?"

"My lord, I have lurked three times in Arkham City..."

"I asked how old you are! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Uh, uh, understand... Arkham is the industrial center of Essex. The city was first built on a giant iron mine. There were several fine open-pit coal mines around it. Because of the past gold rush, this place used to be A large number of miners have gathered, and they have brought a lot of advanced technology...At present, Arkham has three large steel plants, with an annual output of crude steel around 250,000 tons, and many other factories throughout Essex. 70% of the rails and 60% of the locomotives are produced in Arkham. According to the results of the previous survey, the urban population of Arkham is about 800,000-900,000. If you add some surrounding villages and towns, it should exceed one million. , Accounting for approximately 31% of the total population of Essex."

He swallowed his saliva. Just when the cultist was trying to stop his throat, he saw Guk’s burning eyes, and he was so frightened that he dared not stop, and continued:

"Also, there is only one division stationed near Arkham. They are stationed at the main road of the state railway network, a place called Fort Gordon, and there are also several state militia brigades, but they are all irregular... …Because of the vast land and sparse population, the wilderness of Essex is known as an extra-legal land. Many criminals who can't get in the west go to this place. They often looted trains, ransacked mines, and kidnapped hostages, which also gave birth to bounty. In the hunter profession, they are actually desperadoes, but desperadoes who cooperate with the government."

As an old opponent of the New California Republic, Wendigo Church naturally spared no effort in intelligence collection. The few people left by Hannibal were the people who managed the intelligence files. He seemed to have a foreboding that Guk would need them before he left.

After listening to this person, Gu Ke was a little confused. His gratitude for numbers is not particularly strong. Whatever 250,000 tons or 800,000 people, he has no idea in his mind, so he found the easiest way.

"That kind of iron cart with many wheels, know how to cut?"

Watching Guk make a few gestures, both of them were puzzled, but the third one saw some clues.

"My lord, did you say that there is a cigarette **** on it? The front of the car is round?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"That's a steam locomotive, also called a train."

"Train, train... well, the name is not bad, how heavy does it weigh?"

"Probably, around 100 tons."

"That place called Arkham, how much iron can be made?"


The cultist who was an accountant thought silently for a while, and then replied:

"Calculated with crude steel, it is about 3,000 units a year. This is normal working hours. If you use extended working hours, you can probably reach 4,000 units."

This number, Gu Ke has some concepts, because the guards under his hand are about 10,000, which is also his counting limit, and the number reported to Liya was also casual.

"Good, good! Good place!"

Guk really wished to take his army down the mountain immediately, and directly put the city of steel into his bag, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that it was not the time yet, he had to wait. Two things.

First of all, the transport team in the abandoned city is about to arrive at Silent Hill, and he has to let the legion get a new round of supplements to prepare for the next battle.

He actually didn't like this way of fighting that was tied to a certain line, but Silent Hill was too barren, and there was no way to make his war machine run at the highest speed.

Secondly, it is the birds. If they continue to make trouble, in order to be able to safely go to the car shrimp, he will definitely have to solve this problem first. In fact, this idea appeared once early, but Guk weighed it again and again. Fighting those birds is too much trouble and not much benefit, so it is rare to give the other party a choice, or to say, give Liya a choice...

So he had to go back to Silent Hill first no matter what, and he was especially looking forward to what results his bird could bring back for him.

Either way, he readily accepted, anyway, everything will end with killing, the difference is only sooner or later.

Don't stop! (Referring to votes)

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