Orc Tyrant

Chapter 227: Fantasy Dream (Part 1)

When a beautiful singing was over, Gu Ke was alone in his royal court. He was half lying on the throne, immersed in some kind of wonderful dream.

This is a long-lasting dream.

The illusion caused by pain first visited, the existence of his whole body wounds made it extremely sharp, and the large amount of alcohol injected into his veins twisted everything.

Those sharp and incomplete dream shards are like scattered puzzles or shattered mirrors, intertwined with segments of dark and silent coma, which makes Guk fall into the memories of the past duels, without thinking. Be cautious about offense and defense, and long planning before swinging the knife.

There was no one on this ancient arena, and he could smell the thick blood clots accumulated in the corner of the chess over the years.

Next to him was a wooden totem with a smiley face of Oak. He was drinking rotten mushroom wine and heard someone playing the piano nearby.

The sharp edges of the soul fragments gradually become dull, and those dreams become more persistent and complex.

He began to have some very long and reciprocating grand fantasy dreams, those dreams that have been exhausted for menstrual years, spanning long years, witnessing the ice covering everything and melting into spring water, experiencing the complete consolidation of the sea and surging again, looking at the yellow The copper disk-like sun galloped across the sky among the clouds, first shining, bursting with light, and then gradually dimming and turning into embers.

Day and night alternate, endless...

In dreams, there are often things that come to visit this dark cave and sit next to him and talk.

A bonfire was burning in the cave. He could smell the grease floating in the air, he couldn't see those things, but he could see the shadows cast on the cave walls by the pulsating firelight—that was definitely not Ok.

Those shadows had animal heads, or antlers and horns, and the humanoid figures sitting around him gasped with beast-like snouts and snouts.

Some of them spoke, others lighted their horned heads in agreement, and others hunched their bodies, their broad and heavy shoulders were as strong as a giant Skug.

In the end, he couldn't be sure whether he was seeing a shadow projected on the wall or a mural painted with ochre and coal. Perhaps those movements were just illusions caused by trembling firelight?

He tried to listen to the long and deep conversation, but he couldn't concentrate.

Sometimes, another vague thing will take him out of the cave, and he will go to a condescending place, with only the blue dome dotted with stars above his head, and the colorful earth shining at his feet.

All the light spots in the vast starry sky merge into a giant tapestry, just like the chessboard of a magnificent game. On that chessboard, the magnificent epic is kicking off. Thousands of empires, majestic strategies and countless races are participating. Among them, it plays a drama of prosperity and decline, wandering in all directions, and fighting against each other.

Unification, annihilation, reconstruction, annexation, aggression, expansion and enlightenment all flashed by before his eyes. He sat in a big chair high above, with a panoramic view of the world, but he was in a dangerous peak, and he often needed it. Hold the golden armrest of this throne tightly to avoid accidentally falling.

Sometimes, in his dreams, his eyes will be restrained, and he will escape into his own flesh and blood, observing this gigantic body like a galaxy at a micro level, examining the countless particles that make up the whole one by one, and splitting the essence of his life into the most subtle. The information is like using a prism to subtly filter out its colorful components from light.

He felt that the organs and tissues all over his body were dissociating, as if he had become an old broken machine, and every cracked part stood in front of the mechanic, waiting for maintenance and repair.

Gradually, he got bored of staying in the cave. He left the whispering voices and walked out to the glowing cave.

This short stretch of road seemed to have spanned many years, and when he finally walked out of the cave entrance, a magical world came upon him.

The breeze brushed his face like the little hands of his two pets. The gold was swept up and the gleaming coins were innumerable, spreading towards the end of the horizon, and the colorful gems were divided by the tall marble wall. Taking a step, the treasures under his feet will make a temptation rushing sound, as if urging him to take possession of everything here.

But he turned a blind eye, the so-called wealth in the mortal world is no different from a mud pit in his eyes.

An annoyed sigh was heard in the wind.

Guk continued to walk forward, and he came to another place.

Here is a vast ocean of fine wine, the air is full of intoxicating breath, vertical and horizontal bridges connect small islands dotted in the wine sea, each island is a big table full of feasts, and each table is more rich than the table. .

Guk saw a lot of foods that he had never seen. They looked strange and seemed delicious. There was even a female human body that was cut open. She seemed to be tempting herself with her delicious internal organs. The moving coquettish head uttered a low soft singing voice, but he had no appetite now.

He took a sip of the fine wine, but unfortunately he didn't like it, it didn't taste like Oak.

The chagrin in the wind converged into hysterical screams.

On the next field full of emerald green, moving silks formed a curtain that seemed to be there and nothing. Numerous slender and soft female bodies danced behind the curtain. The wind also became softer in this place, like a soft tongue. Licking his skin.

The moaning reminder echoed in his ears, reminding him repeatedly that this place allows him to have all the happiness that Ouke can't realize.

The wind lifted the curtain, and females of different races and shapes came towards the Guk models. Their faces and plump bodies are all in the most perfect form.


Suddenly, a loud battle roar resounded from the sky, and a group of obscure Oukes slayed from a distance. They slaughtered everything on the plain with their cruel swords and battle axes.

No matter how perfect the body is, there are only **** bones and flesh inside.

Guk, who was aroused by the slaughter, eagerly wanted to join it.

But soon, everything was destroyed, and Guk stood in a fog in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain. He wanted to talk to these Oukes, but they immediately disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

With suspicion, he moved on.

He walked back to his royal court, but at this time the place became extremely magnificent. Many human beings, boys, and banshees were flattering him, singing praises to him, and singing his strength.

But Gu Ke left angrily, because he hadn't enjoyed the killing yet, and such a master was meaningless.

He continued his journey, and he came to a huge garden.

Its winding paths are covered with beautiful flowers and thorns. The gentle, fragrant breeze whispers to Guk the promise of honor, and hints at his future glorious achievements. The calm lake reflects his reflection and shines his most perfect image. .

Guke glanced at it, but found that it was not himself, more like some fool.

He stopped paying attention to such unwilling screams and crying, trampled those noisy flowers with iron boots, and went straight through the garden to a shore.

The sound of heavenly singing lingers on the endless sandy beach, and the singing is soothing and soft, just like those he has heard. The sea is fragrant and makes people sleepy. The gentle summer sun calms the waves of the soul, and the gentle wash of the waves soothes the body. .

Guk had an urge to lie down and take a big sleep, and the voice in his head urged him to do so.

But he couldn't close his eyes. He had a hunch that something was approaching him. The instinctive vigilance made him work hard to resist those hypnotic songs.

A soft smile came from Skyrim, it had been waiting for a long time.

What everyone loves to hear is coming soon! !

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