Orc Tyrant

Chapter 230: Eve

"Are you reading a book?"

In order to turn the topic to a relaxed place, Alexei picked up the book that Jamila had previously held.

"Not yet started."

"This is worth reading."

He flipped through a few pages at random. Although he had read it many times, he still tried his best to show interest.

"Why is there a long night?"

Yamila’s sudden question caught Alexei a little bit by surprise. He pondered for a moment, and then cautiously replied:

"Because... the wizard."


Jamila frowned. Although she was not unfamiliar with this group, she was limited to a few rumors.

"Aren't they very few?"

"At a certain time in the ancient past, there were a lot of them. These monsters manipulating mysterious powers almost destroyed everyone."


"If you read later, the book will tell you that it was a wizard who opened the door to hell, but it's far more than that. The real enemy is the group of monsters attracted by the wizard."

"What kind of monster?"

In the process of questioning, Jamila unknowingly pulled in the distance from Alexei. Her warm breath made the big boy a little bit at a loss, and his face blushed.

"Ah, they were originally human beings, and even the rulers of this world, but the approach of the long night made them panic, so they chose another terrible escape route."


Jamila had a foreboding that her world would be overturned again.

"Yes, the institution called the Trust Council in the past once ruled the entire world. They monopolized all wealth, knowledge and technology, and everyone was the object of their squeeze."

"Like a nobleman?"

"Ha, almost."

Di di di di~! ! ! ! !

Before Alexei's smile disappeared, the harsh siren suddenly sounded, and the two stood up and walked out the door at the same time.

"Emergency mission, everyone will gather immediately!!"

Looking at each other, both Jamila and Alexei saw deep anxiety in each other's eyes.

The chaotic footsteps sounded one after another, and the two had to separate. Jamila quickly ran to the direction of her company's assembly, where there was a neat line up, and the flashing red warning lights reflected the panic on everyone's faces.

The Citizen’s Temple maintains an ancient and strange system. The Supreme Committee has 13 branches, which are divided into technical, engineering, agricultural, biological, cultural, transportation, armed, logistics, and religious. Information Section, Astronomy Section, Diplomacy Section, and the most mysterious 13th Section-Relic Section.

Each section is subordinate to several or more bureaus. The directors are appointed by the Supreme Committee, and the section chiefs and deputy section chiefs are elected by the directors. At the same time, the top of each highest committee requires thirteen directors to vote. The citizens' assembly It is the highest supervisory agency and legislative body. Such a simple hedge of power from above and below is the basis for the maintenance of the citizen temple system.

Yamila belongs to the Seventh Armed Division, but the Armed Division is slightly different from other departments. Its subordinates are not "Bureaus", but "Regiments."

There are a total of eight regiments in the seventh division, and each regiment has ten companies, and each company has two hundred people. Therefore, the commander of the seventh division has 16,311 people in total.

But the huge number does not mean that the seventh section of the Citizen Temple is an army. In fact, the first article of the Citizen’s Charter, the core contract of the Citizen Temple, is to permanently renounce the right of active war against all human beings. The country launched a war like that.

Division 7 is more often scattered around the world in the form of scattered rangers. They are more accustomed to small-scale conflicts and killings in the dark. With advanced weapons, they can often destroy the dominant enemy with very few troops. .

"Nine Lian!"

As soon as Yamila stood still, company commander Johnson roared. The 7th regiment they belonged to has always been known for its tough style, which is why Yamila chose this place.

Contemptuous eyes swept across the restless crowd, and Johnson roared again.

"You bastards! I'm like vomiting when I see you! The thing that pees on your pants on the battlefield! It just so happens that the chance to see blood is here."

The transport boom flicked over everyone's heads, and they grabbed a pair of metal exoskeleton combat suits in their hands. Under the flickering lights, the dark shell reflected the cold light of metal.

Jamila raised her head and watched the skeleton-like artifacts hanging down through the guide rails. According to Alexei, these things were originally the lowest-level work clothes for miners, but now that they have been severely lost in technology, they have become the main force of the armed forces. Protective gear.

The soldier-level combat uniforms they wore in Operation Silent Hill had less than a hundred sets left in the entire armed department, and the loss of maintenance technology resulted in a lot of unnecessary equipment losses.

"Three minutes to prepare!"

The crowd quickly dispersed and came to their respective positions.

Yamila stood still, first let the machine buckle her calf, and then several restraint straps connected her to the brace behind her. The cold sensor was attached to the back of her neck to capture her nerve dynamics and force feedback. The device blocked her joints layer by layer, providing her with the most basic protection, while also allowing her to increase her strength exponentially.

This is the characteristic of the [Miel-style infantry combat uniform], which lacks comprehensive and detailed protection, but can greatly enhance the user's strength and impact resistance.

Taking a deep breath, Yamila moved her arm to confirm that she was connected to the battle uniform.

Her weapon was handed in front of her through the mechanical arm, a large-caliber assault pistol and a wide-bladed sword of amazing size.

Many people are puzzled by her choice of such primitive weapons. Only Dawn Johnson appreciates her decision. This may have something to do with both of them having seen Oak’s violence. She has a foreboding that one day she will go there again. For them, at that time, adapting to the brutal melee combat is worse than learning now, because most of the learners on the battlefield have become corpses.

She clenched her pistol tightly, and the bullet count appeared on the small screen of her arm along with garbled characters-thirty rounds. She can now accurately hit every bullet into the enemy's head within 100 meters.

Putting the pistol in her waist, Yamila picked up her broadsword in one hand. She could not pick up this thing, but now she held it in her hand like a toy.

Power gave her confidence and allowed her to face the things that she had tried to avoid in the past. The feeling of holding her destiny in her hand is very beautiful, as long as she has it once, she would not want to let it go.

"Squad leader! Ready!"

Nine men and women appeared next to Yamila, her comrade-in-arms, her buddy, and someone who trusted her very much.

Carrying the broad sword on his shoulder, Yamila nodded.

"Let's go."

Amid the deafening roar, the gate of the training hall slowly opened, and a huge noise came over it.

In the huge space, there are piles of containers like mountains, artillery dense like jungles, ocean-like armed vehicles, and four-arm gyroplanes crawling on the ground like giant gray birds, a team of young men and women in combat uniforms, and Arranged neatly, waiting to enter the belly of the giant bird.

"Where are we going?"

The slight noise made Johnson look a little dissatisfied, but he turned his head patiently and said:

"A place suitable for travel and vacation!!!"


"The capital of that old empire, Cusconar! Don't ask more, keep up!"

In the noise, Jamila's footsteps paused, and he quickly caught up with the others, but the sword in her hand became tighter...

If you can’t imagine what the exoskeleton combat uniform looks like, just go to see Tom’s Edge of Tomorrow...according to that written third watch at 8 pm

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