Orc Tyrant

Chapter 232: Deadly Dawn (2)

Who are the first victims?

Most documents will list Captain Sinel, he and 294 other crew members, all died in the cabin of the Queen of Sin at 16:49 PM on 17 9th, 22nd Era 25.

However, in fact, they were not the first to die.

As a preparatory step for the raid, the Palm Leaf Naval Academy of the Imperial Navy was destroyed at 16:34 that day.

1,709 naval cadets were massacred, including the dean, instructors, logistics personnel, and a Marine Corps in charge of security.

The news about the destruction of the Naval Academy was submitted to the emperor at 16:44 on 17 9th. It revealed the calculations and plans carried out by the enemy, but did not show any more specific information. Therefore, the emperor did not immediately implement martial law throughout the city. , But sent all secret guards to investigate this.

The specific information about the destruction of the Queen of Sins is no longer available. It is like a boat breathing in a storm, carrying hundreds of souls, penetrated by something that lives in the mist, is born in the mist, and originates from the mist. , That is the emptiness and thirst with sharp teeth and eyes, permeating every vent and hatch like high-pressure oil.

All the crew screamed when they suffocated in the dark, there was nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, those things that originated in the dark were full of the Queen of Sin, every cabin and deck, every room and passage, suddenly flooded like a torrential rain The underground dwelling suffocated everything and drowned, filled the room, filled the mouth and nose, filled the lungs, filled the ears, filled the belly, soaked the brain, extinguished the gunfire, wiped the blade of the knife, and swallowed the screams of those who are about to die.

An hour later, the lighthouse at the entrance of Silver Point Bay discovered the Queen of Crime, floating like a dead fish. The lighthouse officer determined that if no semaphore was received before the end of the rotation, it was necessary to send an interception signal.

Due to the approaching storm, there were nearly 10,000 large and small ships that needed to berth in the various port areas of Silver Point Bay that day.

The interception finally did not start, because the Queen of Sin issued a semaphore requesting mooring at 18:12 on 17 9th. The lighthouse officer believed that the opponent might have some power failure, so he allowed the opponent to rise from the sea. Floating up.

If the lighthouse standby officer at that time was more careful, he would definitely find that he couldn't see any crew members on the deck. If you were more careful...

Menech III and his chief imperial wizard Tren Balta stood in the observatory of the Purple Palace, the tallest building in Cusconar.

They looked at the twilight outside through the transparent dome.

The emperor suddenly asked the wizard what he thought of such a situation.

"Tonight is a little different..."

Tren Baltar opened his hood, and as the crystalline artificial eye rotated and twisted, he blinked his left eye.

He tried to understand what happened when a star disappeared, but now there is only darkness.

"The stars are disappearing."

The old fox wizard whispered, his voice low and helpless.

Menech III gave a wry smile.

Although Tren Balta spent most of the time in his astrological tower, he was right. A few days ago, he had personally checked the situation with a telescope-the darkness has soaked the entire sky, and the brightest stars are all Has been suffocated.

It seems impossible for so many stars to be extinguished, but this is how it happened.

And now, darkness is gathering around Cusconar.

"You are right."

Menech III looked very tired. He had already received a lot of information, but when he realized that something was happening, the group of people he had trusted most disappeared.

Completely, all that was not left disappeared.

"What is making them extinct?"

The emperor asked the wizard.

"I can't understand it at all."

There are many possibilities for the culprit, but in the current situation, there is only one explanation.

"Because of a twisted group of people."

Tren Balta thinks it's best to say it straightforwardly.

"Arcane, they have gone astray and are coming towards us."

The emperor shifted his gaze from the dim starlight down to his throne, Cusconar.

This is an eternal city with countless history and glory. His family has ruled here for centuries under the name of Kaimon.

Although Cusconar has experienced countless wars, he stands proudly every time. His great-great-grandfather even fought **** battles with Western invaders here, and has become a legend.

This country has a long history and is the oldest human empire. Although it is a bit old-fashioned, the people here have survived thousands of years. Some of them have become wizards and arcanists, all of which are the cornerstones of the empire. .

But now, those arcanists are going crazy, ready to swallow everything here in the blink of an eye.

With a sigh, the emperor decided to change to a more optimistic tone.

"Don't worry, Tren, get the spirit of starting point. A few days ago, I had already conscripted the army. We still have some old friends who will help us, and...In this city, there are already 200,000 elites stationed. The troops, including the secret guards and the Three Witches, as well as the holy church, they will not let the capital fall."

Suddenly, a man rushed into the dome, sweating profusely and disheveled on his bright bald top.

He is Francis, the dark sword leader of the secret guard, and the emperor especially remembers his name because of Diego.

"His Majesty!"

Francis said hurriedly:

"The telegraph system is completely paralyzed, and we are completely isolated!"

Menech III gave another wry smile, and the last resort failed. As early as a few hours ago, the railway system from Cusconar to the outside world was in chaos, and the roads were the same.

A few weeks ago, the Aswan region issued an early warning, indicating that Ouk’s large-scale invasion was imminent. He had to mobilize the main force of the western army of the empire to guard the important province of Gramatia. Due to the rush of war preparations, As a result, hundreds of thousands of troops were blocked on railways and roads outside the capital.

According to the original plan, they should come to the outskirts of Cusconar in batches in order, then change their equipment, and then board a troop carrier to the port of Tyre.

But I don’t know exactly what went wrong, or what did not go wrong, the whole plan was chaotic from the beginning, chaotic organization, chaotic command, chaotic schedule, and troops that shouldn’t have appeared one by one. After coming out, the expected troops are still stationed in place. Although he has been disappointed with the Military Affairs Department, they made him even more desperate this time.

"Yes, I knew it would become like this."

"Let me try?"

Tren Balta said tentatively.

"Maybe I can communicate with the troops in the neighboring provinces."

"It's too late to count on you now, and you should know how dangerous it is."

Menech III said.

"Your Majesty... why?"

Francis showed confusion.

"Go find a wizard and ask them how they feel now."

The emperor screamed that a wizard-like royal member had just committed suicide not long ago, just to calm the noise in his brain.

"Anyway, we have to rely on ourselves now."

In the following silence, Francis looked at the chief emperor, then at the royal wizard, and whispered:

"What is your order, Your Majesty?"

Menech III took a deep breath and tried to conceal his trembling hands, then spoke:

"The whole city is under martial law, and General Wilson is solely responsible for it. Later, he will issue military orders and send letters to the Three Witches and the Church. We have been completely isolated. Let them prepare to fortify and assist around Witch Hill and St. Andrews Cathedral. Deal with the chaos on the street, and you, at all costs, find a place where the arcanist hides and kill them all!"

After giving this series of orders, Menech III looked at the night sky again, and suddenly his eyes saw another scene that was so terrified that he was shaking all over.

"Heaven, sky!"

The other two raised their heads.

The dark night is being dyed into an ominous cyan...

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