Orc Tyrant

Chapter 241: Deadly Dawn (11)

Large tracts of port facilities have been plunged into a sea of ​​flames, the sky on both sides of the river is smeared with dense smoke, and meteor-like trajectories traverse the dark background, like the trajectories of meteorites.

At this moment, it was difficult to distinguish the huge wreckage of the warship floating on the sea, but through the black smoke, he saw the direction of Silver Point Bay flashing red, as if it was the entrance to hell.

A distant muffled sound was clearly audible, almost like an uninterrupted shelling.

He still didn't know anything about it.

There was a shout from below, and a group of soldiers entered the depression at the foot of the tower. They were wearing blue-gray military uniforms. Although it would be great to have some unity and cooperation at this dangerous moment, Nutans had never seen such an empire. soldier.

He saw many people come forward to welcome them.

Nutans returned to the listening station.

"I'll go down."

He looked at Silas and whispered:

"A bunch of suspicious guys came."

He looked at the hard-working transmitters again.

"As soon as they make any progress, call me up immediately."

Silas nodded.

Nutans turned around, but paused.

"what's happenin?"

Silas was puzzled.

Nutans wasn't sure, he answered openly.

No warning, no warning, just a second of anxiety, an intuitive sting, telling him that something is wrong.

One second is too short and too late.

Large-caliber bullets hit the floor and front walls of the workshop and fired bullets from below.

The floor and the front wall were suddenly torn, and the dissociated metal plates turned into deadly fragments. Light and flames suddenly poured in from the blasting point, sweeping the damaged room with countless fragments.

The interior of the workshop was filled with spreading flames and flying metal. The strong pressure caused by the impact of the bullet blasted the windows open and destroyed the transmitters. The countess was knocked to the ground and an attendant was hit by a bullet. His shoulders and head turned into a cloud of red mist in the explosion. The incandescent fragments peeling off the floor split the two teleporters.

The floor began to break away from the front wall.

"Back! Back!"

Nutans roared, and the entire workshop was screaming and tilting, as if it was about to leave its position, and the metal cage supporting the spiral ladder broke off from the iron tower and collapsed.

The unknown killers opened fire again, and another rainstorm-like fierce bullet enveloped the workshop. Nutans frantically assessed the situation, his weapon held in his hand, and the attack came from a position below, which was the bottom of the workshop.

A large-caliber bullet, detonated on impact, he had never heard of similar weapons in the Empire.

"We have to leave!"

Silas yelled beside him.

"I said step back!"

Nutans screamed, grabbed Silas, and dragged him to the back of the workshop.

The two began to fight back, firing bullets through the big hole left when the floor was peeling off. The bottom was full of smoke and dust, and there was no clear target. They still fired to block the enemy.

The shaking of the body indicates that this workshop is overturning backwards, it will leave the platform on which it is located, and fall to the ground.

The Countess was dead, and she had no wounds on her body, but Nutans knew that the tremendous pressure and kinetic energy caused by the bombardment of large-caliber bullets would inevitably shatter her organs.

Albay fell. Two or three bullets from below hit him. He was lying on his back on the rapidly dying floor. His feet were missing. The explosion stripped off his calves, thighs, torso and face. , The deep wound was covered with dirty clots of blood.

Nutans saw Alba's eyes wide open, his eyes filled with helplessness and confusion between the blood on his face.

Without time to mourn, Nutans kicked open the rear door suddenly. The spiral staircase was gone, and there was no way to go. The workshop began to capsize, like a small boat floating in the turbulence suddenly came to the waterfall.


Nutans shouted.

The next second, they jumped down.

17 10th 6:45:09

Fedetek just teleported to the surface, and he led the march to the Purple Palace.

The Flesh Messengers, Sons of Dawn and a large number of rebels are opening the way for his formation. Another army has been sent to besiege the Wuqiu in the south. From ancient times to the present, the Flesh Messengers, who are still destructive, will surely be able to remove that filth. His lair was burned out.

Fedtic is very ambitious. He wants to surpass the role of a commander and medium, and the unnamed shadow that often haunts Oriba and Mark, whispering in the twilight, has promised him this, he Will be favored, he will be even greater than the Son of Dawn.

But he must prove himself, although he has proven himself on the battlefield thousands of times.

This is a new war. This is a war that has never been made public. Federek must achieve his goals and fulfill his mission. He must prove that he is allowed to be both human and non-human. Drive.

He is hungry for power.

Fedtic was the greatest arcane master in the long past, but now those ripening sons of dawn seem to have surpassed him.

He and them are no longer masters, and they can barely keep up with the subtle skills of the Son of Dawn.

Just as they borrowed power from a certain place, the Son of Dawn is one with that place.

Fedetek wants to have a place in the new world in the future, and in order to win such an honor, he will turn all mortal kingdoms into scorched earth.

17 10th 6:47:13

Cusconar was hit hard, and light flashed in the sky.

Creedfurst knew that the blessed masters were already destroying the enemy's last foundation. They were shaking the city, like a thief prying the jewels out of the base.

Hoar frost quickly froze on the walls and roofs of the city and then melted. The flames trembled out of nowhere, and then reignited instantly.

He assembled his subordinates, and devoted himself to the Brotherhood of Dawn. Under the leadership of the Son of Dawn, they have completely wiped out and burned the many imperial army camps on the river bank.

They killed thousands of people. Creedfoster inspected the mountain of dead people. Almost a whole regiment of soldiers rushed into the river, struggling to escape, and then they were slaughtered by their guns. Many were not killed. The corpses washed downstream by the river became several new piers on the bank, and the ramps built by the remains stretched out into the turbulent turbulent flow.

In the face of sporadic resistance, the Brotherhood had no fear. They stepped into the rain of bullets and faced death.

This ecstatic sacrifice ceremony finally overwhelmed the opponent completely. Some people tied explosives to their bodies and plunged one end between the fleeing enemies to achieve their own detachment.

When they captured the camp of the 61st Company, the Brotherhood found a batch of weapon boxes with new rifles waiting to be distributed. The Brotherhood replaced the old equipment with these powerful new weapons, Creed. Foster took a black rotary pistol.

It is strong and light. Although the recoil is quite strong, it is not in the way. He has already killed six people with this gun.

He can feel the irony in it.

There was an order from the superior that the last river port must be seized, followed by the church on the nearby plain.

Creed Foster was thinking about the deserted hills covered by dirty witchcraft. He believed that there would soon be violent concentrated firepower. All the mighty forces will be unsheathed today, and a new world will be soon. It's about to open.

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