Orc Tyrant

Chapter 244: Deadly Dawn (14)

17 10th 6:55:34

Nutans stopped abruptly. The dense fog was too bad for his vision, so he saw the erected machine gun only after turning the corner.


He waved the people behind him to leave the open street, because he saw the flags behind them, and the gray canvas was a pyramid with eyes, not an imperial soldier, but an abominable rebel.

Bullets have begun to chase them. The latest water-cooled machine gun poured swift firepower, tearing the bricks and tiles of the warehouses and shops around them to pieces. The concrete walls were pierced by the bullets, trembling and spitting out dust, and the windows shattered.

"This road won't work!"


Silas shrank behind a flowerbed. He was checking the ammunition, but unfortunately there was not much left.

Nutans turned to the left and led Silas and the remaining five guards quickly through a damp concrete tunnel, winding between two huge trading markets, bypassing the burning tax office hall.

There were corpses, civilians, and soldiers everywhere, so that Nutans could hardly see any hope. Many soldiers died before their weapons were unsheathed, and they were slaughtered without being able to face their deaths.

Piles of shattered armor wrapped around limp corpses lay scattered on both sides of the trails and avenues. Some were leaned against fences and walls like firewood, some were split, some were nailed to pillars and walls, and some seemed to be opened. Broken belly, or a bit like... has been eaten.

He could see the symbol of the Three Witches—the Scarab Guard from the armor, which was quite ironic, and the empire had been guarding them all the time.

Nutans couldn't understand. He guessed that these people might have died of some kind of new explosives. The theory is possible.

This is the best theoretical possibility. Nutans hopes that this is indeed a practical possibility. Other theories may be too scary to imagine. For example, arcanists are performing some kind of cannibalism ritual?

Nutans doesn’t need more reasons to let him fight to the end with the Arcanists. Their harm to the Empire and Cusconar is enough, their betrayal is enough, and their merciless offensive without honor is enough. That's enough.

But this kind of blasphemy brought his reason for combat to a new level.

This is no longer just war, it is a crime, which violates and insults all the norms and precepts of being human.

Nutans could see symbols like blood smeared on the wall, pyramids with eyes, and many patterns and words he was not familiar with. Seeing them made him feel uncomfortable.

The faint footsteps around him gradually mixed with some disturbing roars, in addition to that, Nutans also heard the movement of some large machinery walking through the nearby streets.

They are in the street between the administrative district and the commercial district. Nutans urgently wants to break through and march towards the Purple Palace in the northwest. His primary goal is to report to his superior, the Emperor, what he has witnessed, and what he has witnessed. The other troops of the Purple Palace rendezvous.

If his emperor and the entire empire are unscathed, or survive the disaster largely unscathed, then there is still hope of a counterattack.

There are at least more than 200,000 troops on the outskirts of the city, stationed on the railways and highways, as long as they contact their commanders, Cusconar will not fall.

Unknowingly, a cloud of mist poured into the city and the port. It was not only a large amount of smoke, but also water vapor, and a large amount of suspended cyan dust.

The dense fog obscured the sky and covered the high-rise buildings of the city, turning millions of ignition lights into soft orange spots. Nutans had never seen a similar scene before, like the dead ocean condensed in low-lying areas. Over the city.

They turned another corner and saw six sons of dawn on the freight lane ahead.

The monsters in human skin also spotted them, and then opened fire without saying a word.

The bunker shook under the impact. The wall was strong, but Nutans knew it was scarred.

"Those guys' guns are too powerful!"

Silas leaned back and crawled, intending to find another way, but more rebels arrived and fired at them from the top of a broken bakery and the scaffolding between the two lighthouses.

Celadon received a big shock and was immediately suppressed on the corner of the street.

They have no way to go.

A black car suddenly rushed out of the street. It knocked down the two Sons of Dawn who appeared behind them. The two bodies in cyan armor were thrown out by the rounded front and rolled and fell on the concrete ground.

But it couldn't knock over the machine gun that was standing high up together, and the guy had begun to turn its smoking muzzle towards them.


Feigdor poked his head out of the broken car window and shouted.

Nutans and Silas didn't have time to think about it. They pulled the driver's head and got in, with Samuel covered in blood sitting in the passenger seat.

The situation was urgent. Although Silas and the other two Nightblade Secret Guards were a bit reluctant to put him in the back seat at the same time, it was not time to consider comfort.

"Quick! Run through them!"

Without being reminded by Nutans, Figuedo slammed on the gas pedal to make the car rush forward.

He ran into a Son of Dawn who had been washed to the ground before. Before that guy could get his feet on the ground, the front of the car slammed up, letting him cling to the hollow metal shell, and then threw him aside.

He fell to the ground, the twisted posture marking a broken spine.

Silas kicked off the ragged roof of the car and got up from his seat. The roof and the street poured down on them. The bullets hit the ground around them, splashing sparks and dirt, and others were like heavy hammers. Shaking the body.

Silas opened fire with his pistol. Although the conditions were not ideal, he still found a good angle and used a string of bullets across the scaffolding to completely misfire the machine gun.

Then he swept down two more enemies and hit a third.

Nutans saw a rebel's head explode like a red flare, and the dead man fell and fell to the ground one second after the car passed.

Silas swiftly loaded the bullet again and shot another enemy on the ground. The other rebels still held their positions and continued firing at them.

Figurado firmly held the steering wheel, and a bullet passed between his and Samuel's heads and flew out of the cockpit through the rear window.

"Deep your head down!"

He rushed down another Dawn Son and threw it into the air with a galloping speed.

After that, he ran into another rebel and nailed the opponent to the front cover of the car. The guy's upper body was collapsed on the front of the car, and his legs were hanging down.

The car moved on with the body, and a large spark came out from underneath the body. The rebel's boots and calves rubbed violently against the ground. The terrible rubbing sound was endless, and Feigduo couldn't throw the guy off.


A wall beside the road ahead suddenly collapsed, and a terrifying messenger of flesh and blood rumblingly appeared, raising six metal articulators to run over the ruins of the building.

It turned slowly, and the weapons on both arms began to aim.

Figuedo struggled to turn the steering wheel to the left. There was no other actual combat possibility. He smashed through the wall of a warehouse, trying to avoid the firepower of the flesh messenger. The rebel who was nailed to the front of the car suffered the main impact. If he hadn't died before, he must be dead now.

But the car was not much better. The violent impact damaged the engine, and it began to roar and spray black smoke from the exhaust pipe.

In the end, after sliding for more than ten meters, the car slowly stopped in the dark warehouse.

The second is 15 o'clock!

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