Orc Tyrant

Chapter 246: Deadly Dawn (16)

It has no eyes, so...

Yamila took a deep breath and realized that toxins were making her head dizzy. She knew that her mind was full of stupid and illogical ideas, and she also understood that the anti-toxin that had just been injected through the vein was fighting hard, but he was not sure. Which side will the victory belong to.

Even if she could win, Jamila didn't know if it was still too late.

That thing is right in front of her.

She reached for her pistol.

But that weapon was long gone, her sword was lying on the beach next to her left leg, and she bent over to reach it, trying to stretch her arm out and stick out her arm.

With the Holy Father on, she hardly had the strength to move her body.

Jamila couldn't help but let out a growl in frustration.

The thing heard it, turned the huge mouth full of sharp teeth, bowed slightly like a cat, and then swooped over.

Jamila screamed in fury and horror. She waved her left fist and hit the side of the thing's head, knocking out two molars in the splashing cyan mouth.

Then, Jamila's swift blocking swing hit the monster's face, and the opponent's neck was also twisted aside.

However, the monster is very strong, and with the intent to kill with rage, he turned his arm around, and pierced Jamila's side and left arm with a sharp blade that braved the blue light.

While Jamila used the broad sword to block, the other hand slammed out, punched the enemy's throat with an iron fist, and inserted a grenade in the meantime.

The broadsword was blown away, and Yamila stopped flying. She felt that her bones were broken again, but her goal had been achieved.


The monster's throat shattered under the explosion, its head suddenly burst, blood flowed from the broken neck, and its huge body slowly fell down.

But the next second, another monster came up, it was bigger than the previous one.

Jamila turned around to grab her sword, but the thing stomped on her knees and she couldn't reach it.

It opened its jaws unbelievably large, and leaped toward her. She could imagine herself being swallowed by that thing.


Suddenly, a blue shock knocked it away, and black liquid splashed on the ground nearby, including Jamila's face.

The thing was badly injured, a big smoking hole penetrated through its chest, and it was crawling on the ground.

A warrior with a black carapace stood in front of Jamila. He was Dawn Johnson. His armor was heavily scarred. His helmet was painted red with blood. He held an electromagnetic sword and an electromagnetic sword in both hands. Throw the energy axe.

"Go to hell!"

He yelled at the thing, it was screaming and rolling back and forth, the blue-gray body twisted and changed, as if reality was trying to heal itself.

Johnson raised the axe in his hand, and the buzzing blade of the axe could reach the molecular level. The extremely sharp tomahawk was originally a tool of the lumberjack, but it could cut that thing easily.

The corrupt blood spilt all around, and the ugly head rolled aside.

Just in case, the sergeant stabbed again with a long sword, and the thing quickly rotted after it died, leaving only a puddle-like stain.

Johnson turned around, but did not look at Yamila.

"go ahead!"

He shouted that a small group appeared and hurried over through the fog. Among them were a few soldiers from the Hunter Squad, as well as a large number of Imperial Army soldiers, Priest Kaimon, and at least one judge.

"Go ahead! Clear this area!"

With this sound, a strong wind rolled up in the sky, blowing away the mist of the sky.

A formation of hundreds of gyroplanes is sweeping across the sky mightily. The large-caliber cannons hung under them licked the ground with tongues of flame, smashing the rebels and monsters into a **** mist, and heading farther away. Large areas of rockets and incendiary bombs were projected from the city.

The city that was already burning was caught in a more violent storm.

On the remote coast, a huge steel fleet is slowly approaching. They are composed of multiple countries. They are currently under the command of the Citizen Temple. The flagship is the military-class submarine under the sea, the Abyss.

"Brother Corso, the flamethrower is ahead! Medical soldiers, come here! Right now!"

A medical soldier dressed in white quickly ran over, squatted down beside Yamila, and placed the medicine box beside the opponent.

After she got closer, Jamila could see the mark on the back of her uniform, belonging to the Kaimon Church.

"Not a big problem?"

Yamila asked, her voice becoming hoarse and dry.

"Fortunately, you will be fine."

The young medical soldier looked a few years younger than her, a young girl full of energy.

"your name?"

"Sevier, sir, the third medical team."

"I am not a sir."

"A lot happened today, sir."


Jamila looked at the burning city. She had heard more than once how old people in her hometown admire and love this queen of ten thousand cities. This is the jewel of mankind, the pride of the empire, and the crystallization of the long river of human civilization. Now he was thrown into the mud, crumpled and crushed.

What kind of terrible enemy would commit such atrocities?

In Jamila's memory, there is no longer such a destructive thing except Ouke.

"What happened, sir?"

The medic asked, and she took a step forward and began to treat Jamila's wound.

"Something hit us and some of us escaped. As for others, I'm not good."

"Who died?"

Siville asked subconsciously, but soon she knew she was rude.

"Sorry, I am not..."

"Sheila, Ben Carru, Deripage..."

Jamila said a string of names in a narrative tone. She was calm and realistic. She was fearless, because she knew she had to face it.

"...Most of the company."

"Horrible loss."

Sivir was silent for a while and silently treated Jamila's wound. Although she was very young, she had great skills. The wound quickly stopped bleeding and the toxins were resolved.

"Can you help me stand up, Sevier."

Feeling that the strength in her body has recovered a little, Jamila made her request, the other side nodded, and then greeted another medical soldier.

They helped her up, but Jamila was unstable, and Sevier began to bandage the wound on her thigh again.

"Sir, these demons are everywhere, your current physical condition..."

"Demon, Sevier? Do you believe in the existence of demons?"

"The teachings of the Holy Father have told us that demons exist, and they are in places where we can't see them, ready to invade our world at any time."

If she knew the so-called Holy Father, but a mortal, would she still believe in his statement so strongly?

Jamila thought about it in her heart. She suddenly realized that after today, the Kaimon Church will face a huge choice. The Citizen Temple organization has been forced to step onto the forefront, so if they face their own doctrines and believers What?

This is a very difficult knot to untie, maybe the nine top committee members have enough wisdom.

"Go on." Gage said.

"Arcaneist, these demons may be allied with them, or they have manipulated all arcanists. Such words can indeed explain why the same human beings are so thoroughly enemy of us."

This is a novel statement, because so far Jamila has not thought about it like this.

What makes arcanists so crazy? What made them brazenly raise the butcher knife against their own clan? What confuses or manipulates them? What exactly is it?

This problem made Jamila’s brain hurt, the painkillers started to work, and her consciousness was becoming blurred.

"Sir, it's time to retreat."

When she fell, a stretcher supported her, and at the same time a speedboat rushed to the beach. Through the blurred vision, Jamila saw Alexei who was rushing eagerly...

The third is complete! Tomorrow or three shifts! If you think it's okay, please vote for it!

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