Orc Tyrant

Chapter 248: .Brother 248

"Get close and shoot!"

Xerath issued instructions to the warriors guarding the gates and walls. His intention was to try to make these refuges from the imperial army resist these attacks, because the wizards needed to save their energy on the arcanists.

The soldiers of the imperial army did not complain. Many people borrowed surplus cloth guns and other weapons to join the front, while others unsheathed their swords and waited for the opponent to arrive at the gate.

Only Xerath's chief disciple Desaikra appeared absent-minded, his sword in his hand, he wanted to act, wanted to fight.

He was angry and frustrated, which further contributed to his anxiety.

"Stay steady!"

Xerath warned him.

"Control your power, don't let Hanan's Tide affect you, we will need you when the Arcanist appears."

Desaikla answered like a roar.

"Then they better come quickly!"

Xerath ignored him, and the traitors attacked again.

The outer wall of Wuqiu was riddled with holes, some of the retaining walls collapsed, and the figures in Tsing Yi were endless. They kept rushing to the stairs, piled with corpses.

The rocket screamed and leaped towards the high wall. Spatz's artillery tried to fire back.

Xerath became more worried about ammunition supplies.

"Any outside news?"

He found Jacqueline, who was sitting cross-legged in the meditation room, but she did not do it for ease, but had another more difficult task.

"I'm sorry, no."

Jacqueline opened her eyes, looking very tired.

"They blocked Hanan's passage by some means."

"Where is the Scarab Guard? Any news?"


The mortar muffled outside the door. It was a weapon brought by the collapse of the Empire, but Xerath could also hear more shells roaring towards the wall.

"Can your people pinpoint the source of those shells? You have to get rid of them before those guys blow the walls down."

Jacqueline nodded.

"How did they destroy the secret seal outside so quickly?"


Xerath made the most malicious guess, but in the current situation, he didn't think this guess was excessive.


"That's bad luck for us."

Xerath sighed helplessly, turned and walked out of the door of the meditation room.

"...Although it is not the first time today."

17 10th 6:57:30

"Let me go back!"

Ren struggled and shouted.

"Let me **** go back!"

Little Kafka punched him in the stomach, making him breathless, just to make him shut his mouth.

"Sorry, Ren, sorry, I can't let you go."

Ren bent down and gasped.

"I didn't shoot your wife just now."

Little Kafka was breathing, and it was not easy to drag a young man away, especially when he was still in the process of mania.

"I didn't do that. I fired on something, but it's definitely not your wife, it's definitely not."

"That's Irene, she's calling me!"

"Ryan, shut up! Shut up and thank me, okay? You have shown me a picture of your wife, she is very beautiful, and the thing that calls you...it's not beautiful."

Crank sighed and slumped down beside Rennes.

"That's not your wife, boy, even if you haven't shown me her picture, I know...your wife, she has eyes, right? And her head is not covered with blue glass, I don't know it is What, Ren, but that's not a good thing."

The yin wind blows thick fog, surging through the devastated streets.

A residential building in the distance burst into a fireball. The loud noise of its rumbling collapse lasted for three or four minutes. There was also the roar of artillery. I don't know which unit was fighting.

Rehn muttered the name of his new wife, tears bursting.

Suddenly, little Kafka heard the sound of running.

"Get up, get up!"

He said, grabbing Ren's sleeve and pushing him behind a bunker.

Two imperial army soldiers ran along the street, passing them, and then came a third one. They were ragged and running wildly. One of them was crying like a child.

They are running for their lives, probably so.

Little Kafka pushed Ren against the wall, and the trackers of those people appeared in the field of vision.

They are also the imperial army, but they are not the same. They are worn out and dressed in blue clothes, just like the group of people who slaughtered their troops. There are two in total.

One of them laughed and raised his gun, and sent a bullet into the back of the man behind.

The remaining two escaped people suddenly stopped, and two more followers appeared in front of them.

The two survivors retreated slowly, the rebels paced from the thick fog, and the two who had just started the hunt also slowed down.


Little Kafka heard the wailing of one of them.


His sincere plea resulted in a headshot, and he fell down like a puppet.

Another tried to escape, but the rebels caught him. They surrounded him, grabbed his hair, and slashed the exposed throat with a rusty dagger.

A lot of blood spilled from his neck like a broken water pipe, and quickly gathered under him into a dark red mirror.

Ren made a sound and couldn't help sobbing.

The rebels suddenly turned their heads, and their deep eye sockets were like shadows. In the dim light, their faces were like dead bodies.

"Damn it!"

Kafka hurriedly raised his gun.

He had no time to take aim, one of the rebels saw him and immediately opened fire.

The bullet screamed and hit the ground beside them, splashing a piece of mud and filth. Kafka fired back, but his accuracy was too bad, and he shot a long way away.

The rebels rushed over howling.

Kafka's second shot at close range hit a man's chest and knocked him down.

Immediately after a gun **** was placed on his face, his nose and mouth fell bleeding, and the other two rebels twisted Ren's arm. One of them grabbed Ren's hair and pulled his head back.

"This one comes first!"

Said the man who brought Kafka down.

He bent down and drew the dagger towards his victim. Kafka groaned while clutching his nose. The man held his chin, twisted his face, and aimed the dagger at Kafka's open left eye.

"Go away!"

Renn suddenly became violent. He lifted his foot and kicked a rebel in the lower body, broke free, and punched the other person in the throat.

As the two staggered back, Ren rushed to the **** with the knife and knocked him away from Kafka.

They fell to the ground, tumbling and fighting.

Renn was not strong enough. He was like a child. The rebel was tall and strong. He had longer arms and was as tenacious as a beast.

The other two cursed and came to help. Kafka reached out to reach for his gun, but was immediately kicked down. One of them pulled out a pistol and put it on his head.


The gunfire sounded.

It is strange that Kafka didn't feel much pain, considering that his head should have been shot through.

The blood ran down his face, hot blood, but it didn't hurt, and there was no shock at all.

The man with the pistol fell down, and Kafka's blood was smeared on little Kafka's face. Half of that guy's head was gone, only the broken bones and brains attached to his neck.

Another person was standing on the street with an old rifle gun in his hand.

He fired again, knocking down the second rebel, headshot, a very clean headshot, completely at the level of a sharpshooter.

Little Kafka blinked, wondering where this guy came from?

He should belong to the imperial army. Krank couldn't recognize which unit it was. The shooter ran from the street.

Ren and the other rebel stopped fighting. Ren pushed the dead **** away from him. The tall and arm-length freak was stabbed through the heart by a dagger. Somehow, Ren actually used the **** in the melee. His own knife stabbed him to death.

"What an accident!"

Rehn talked and sat up, telling what Kafka was thinking.

They looked up at the archer.

"Thank you."

They spoke very tacitly at the same time.

"You need help."

The man nodded. He was a veteran with many wrinkles on his face, his military uniform was dim and faded, and even his hair was gray.

"We all need help today, friend."

"That's right."

The man stretched out his hand and pulled Kafka and Renn up.

"I'm Kafka, that kid is Rennes, and we are in the 61st company."

"Shuaike, veteran."

The person's self-introduction is very simple.

"I'm trying to make a way out of this ghost place, do you two want to come together?"

The two nodded at the same time.

"We must tide over the difficulties together."

"Or go to Huangquan together."

Shuike's answer was cold and humorous.

"But I can accept either, take your guns."

He noticed that Renn looked very depressed.

"Are you okay, boy?"

"It's fine."

"He took a hit."

Little Kafka stood up to explain.

"He thought he saw his wife, his new wife, but that's not her, that's not a person."

"I saw her!"

Renn was very persistent.

"Everything is an illusion today."

Shuike's eyes flashed, as if he was reminiscing.

"You can't believe your eyes, it curses us all."


"Your friend is right, that is not your wife."

Shuike was hesitant to say what he saw, things that might be called dead but did not completely die.

"How do you know so much?"

Ren was curious.

"I saw it, nothing more."

"What do you see?

"You will know later."

Shuike leaned down and drew the short blade from the **** chest of the rebels.

The translucent cyan crystal had a handle that was hand-wrapped with metal wire, much like a ceremonial dagger. It reminded Orshuic of something, and then he threw the disgusting thing aside.

"Come and meet other people"

He turned and walked towards the street.

"other people?"

For the 3000-word chapter, all are a bit slower, forgive me, the third one is at 8 o’clock in the evening

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