Orc Tyrant

Chapter 262: Trust council

"...137 places in the power zone were damaged, the main anti-gravity ring failed, and the secondary anti-gravity ring was damaged in 9 places. Currently, the joint enterprise orbital station has lost the ability to lift off again."

A new indigo-blue robe Grinus stood in the grand circular hall, reporting loudly the words and numbers that jumped out of the data board. He should have been old, but now he has returned to his 30s. In his prime of life, the grayness of his head turned into flashing silver of oil, and ominous blue flames rose in his eyes, as if such a fire was burning in his body.

His voice was high and frustrated, and he did not see the appearance of aging in the past. This was the special reward given to him by his master, although it also fundamentally changed the essence of his life.

He is no longer a human being, and he is no longer a fragile body of flesh and blood. He has become a virtual spirit knight, and the virtual spirit nanoworm has given him a new life, so that he will no longer be tortured by aging and illness. This is the promise eternal.

And what gives him such strength and promises is what he is facing now.

Nineteen huge crystals that are two persons tall, and one hundred and thirty-one crystals that are one person tall.

They are not nothingness. In the mist filled with smoke, one can see a certain kind of humanoid existence floating in the crystal.

They are the dawn, they are the trusts, and they are the masters of all this.

"This time it's coming...it's still hasty."

One of the nineteen crystals made a sound similar to a sigh, and its sound was full of electromagnetic chaotic blasts, like a broken broadcasting machine.

"Who asked to vote for the launch of Yangzi Cannon last time? Then 80% of the spare energy of the entire orbital station can be used up."

A rebuttal voice floated from another crystal, and it was difficult for normal people to distinguish the difference in this messy popping sound. Only the arcanists and themselves knew who was talking.

"If you don't fight, let the high polymer energy body fully awaken, what are the consequences, don't need me to say, DuPont director."

"Director Rockefeller, I don't need to remind you again. I just state the fact that because of the sloppy shot of the Yangzi Cannon, we had to land the orbital station ahead of time without preparation."

"There is no point in accusing each other now. Two directors, we must first understand the specific damage to the orbital station."

Another voice appeared, it stopped the argument, and Greenus also reported the new data in a timely manner.

"1764 main structures were damaged, production areas and experimental areas were temporarily unavailable, 198 light radiation panels were damaged, the power dropped by 70%, 2931 auxiliary structures were damaged, nine of the 13 buffer arms were damaged, and the laser defense array was damaged. 121 locations, 89 plasma defense arrays were damaged, 213 missile defense arrays were damaged, 62 electromagnetic defense arrays were damaged, and 13 energy barrier generators were damaged. The overall defensive performance of the orbital station was reduced by 68%, and 162 predator attack aircraft were lost. , 9 war mastiff light anti-vehicle levitation vehicles were damaged, and 5 man-eating shark heavy land weapons carrying platforms were damaged. The losses of other weapons and materials are still being counted. It is conservatively estimated that the material reserves of the orbital station will drop by 41- 66%."

None of the numbers here are optimistic, so when Greenus finished the report, all members of the trust council were silent for a long time.

They estimated the cost, but they didn't estimate it would be so big.


Finally, he still stood up and spoke. Although Greenus no longer felt tired, the serious atmosphere still made him feel great pressure. After all, he was the commander-in-chief of the ground this time, and he was the first to ask. It is him who is accountable.

"...I finally came back, our world, our home, our property."

"How long have we been hiding in orbit?"

"Five thousand years, or six thousand years... I also forgot."

It was like opening the conversation box suddenly, and everyone who had been silent began to discuss each other.

Greenus heard it really, but these existences didn't mention a word about their past. He just knew that the trust council was once a human being, but they sublimated by some means, got rid of their flesh and blood, and became the one they are now. Called the "virtual spirit" state.

And all of this is due to the magical creation called "Voidling Nanoworm".

Greenus had no idea about the word nano. The only thing he knew was that it was a very, very small unit of measurement, and he didn't know how small it was.

He still needs to learn a lot.

But the magic of Ethereal Nanos does not stop there. They are usually stored in Ethereal Crystals. Once released, they will attach to the living body and draw their life energy, and finally manifest in the form of Ethereal Crystals. This is also the reason why crystals grow on those people.

Not only the living people, but even the dead flesh and blood can be attached to them, and then they will manipulate the dead body to attack other living creatures and continuously draw life energy. In the process, the attached body will continue to change. This is Ethereal energy is the characteristic of arcane power.

Regarding what life energy is, Greenus didn't get the answer, he was only vaguely told that this was the original force of life, and now he and all members of the Trust Council need this energy to maintain existence.

Occasionally, he also thinks of the "soul" that wizards often say, but the trust council prohibits any discussion and research of witchcraft. They condemned wizards and witchcraft as the curse and vowed to eradicate these things.

This is why they chose the Empire to attack. They hate witchcraft more than the Citizen Temple.

According to a director of the trust council, in the distant past, in the era called the long night, witchcraft almost destroyed the planet and all human beings.

The Council of Trust calls [Hanan] as [Wap], a place that can be explained by science and reason. It is not a sea of ​​souls surrounded by incense. Those are all superstitions and ignorant delusions.

Greenus thinks so too.

He also hates witchcraft, hates those shamans who manipulate weird powers. He has no ideals, no cognition, only endless thoughts.

"By the way, I didn't expect that those mud legs also made some famous people."

"I remember that Kaimon was not the leader of a small guild? That would still bring workers to march every day. My factory once went on strike three times because of him... How long did he live?"

"Holy Father, heh, how ridiculous, this is what comes out of the twelve-year federal standard system compulsory education."

"Don't talk about the bad guys, we have to discuss what to do next."

"What to do, take our property back, this planet was purchased by our Interstellar United Development Company from..., it is still valid now!"

"Wap's energy storm has subsided. Be careful with other star regions. By the way, I almost forgot what this planet is called..."

"If it weren't for Regina Ron, how could we...damn it!"

"By the way, is STC's master control still there?"

Greenus heard a lot of new terms again, but he couldn't participate in such discussions, not because he was not qualified, on the contrary, the trust council is not a place with heavy authority.

It's just that he doesn't know what to say at all, and his knowledge does not provide him with the opportunity to discuss.

"I propose to restore the production capacity of the orbital station first, and then move west. We need a lot of resources, and it is not the time to discuss other plans.

"Why West?"

"I bet there are hundreds of warships stuck in the Eastern Strait. It is different to the west. According to previous intelligence, the main industries of this empire are concentrated in the west. Although the primitive machinery cannot help us, it is still Some basic parts can be produced. We are now beggars and we need to spend every penny. Primitive accumulation is necessary."

"Sid, you are starting to recall your entrepreneurial experience again."

"Don't interrupt, do you agree to my plan!"

After a short silence, 90% of the crystals lit up.

The second is at 15 o'clock.

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