Orc Tyrant

Chapter 264: Newcomer (Part 1)

The entourage wizard Ered Carr followed Colonel Eusygin through the labyrinth of twists and turns to his personal headquarters.

The colonel's bad mood was clearly directed at him, and while they were walking, he also succeeded in frustrating all attempts by the regiment's witchcraft advisers to communicate, even though he repeatedly reminded himself not to complain so quickly, he almost couldn't hold back.

This first impression is really bad.

After walking south along the supply channel for a while, they reached a step that stretched out of the sand. Eusygin stepped up the step, pulled the wooden door hard, and walked in.

Ered didn't wait for the colonel to invite him, because it was so cold outside that he couldn't care about these details.

He walked in quickly behind Yushijin, and quickly closed the door behind him.

When Ered turned around, he found himself standing in a small dim room. The walls of the room were filthy, there were a few pieces of tattered furniture, and the low wooden beams on the ceiling were almost scraped off. His peaked cap.

The short and stout soldiers didn't run into this trouble.

When the colonel took off his pleated military cap, Ered discovered for the first time that Yuhijin was shorter than he expected, and his head had just reached Calif's shoulders.

The height of almost two meters makes Ered considered a big man most of the time, but compared to many Aksums he knows, the wizard knows that Yuhijin is lower than the average height of his subordinates. He should come from In a mountain province in the east of Cusconar, it is said that the mountain people there are relatively short.

It seems that this personal residence with low ceilings is completely ridiculously built according to his standards, without any military-style luxury.

Perhaps Yushkin's residence was too crude, but it was much more comfortable than the cold trenches outside. The four sets of radiators were evenly arranged in the four corners of the house to fight the chill in the air.

Both took off their cloaks and scarves, and hung them on hooks that were knocked into the dirty frozen wall.

The heavy pressure of removing the fur coat made Ered feel relieved, but it did give him enough warmth and protection outside. Since receiving the transfer order, I don't know how many times Ered has cursed the world and adjusted him. The human factor comes here.

Curse you, old man!

Thinking of the contented expression on the face of Penceles, the head of the wizard of Gramatia, when announcing his new appointment, Ered's teeth tickled.

The death of his son shouldn’t be blamed on him. Ered guessed that the director of witchcraft must have used a lot of contacts to send him here, but he still decided to be outstanding, even if he was trapped in this ghost place, It can also return with honor.

Yushkin walked through the room and threw himself onto a simple wooden bed leaning against the wall in the corner.

"If you want to sit, please do it yourself, sir."

He murmured as he unfastened the boots that had caused him to be a little bloody.

Ered pulled a wooden chair that was about to fall apart from the small table in the middle of the room, and sat down cautiously, for fear that the thing would suddenly collapse under his ass.

Until the chair fully accepted his weight, he took off his big brimmed hat and placed it on the dirty tabletop, and took out a shiny silver wooden comb from his pocket.

As he was accustomed to every time he took off his hat, he combed the oiled black hair with a wooden comb, combing it straight behind his ears every time.

When Yushkin saw this, he purred from his throat.

Ered smirked, not thinking that he admires vanity, he believes that maintaining a good personal image is a necessary condition for fulfilling his duties.

This is probably a kind of self-respect. Of course, it would be better if his appearance could occasionally attract the attention of a powerful lady.

Obviously, Colonel Yushkin would never encounter this kind of trouble, this guy is like a half beast.

And when Ered watched the colonel take off his army coat, he guessed that the opponent's physique was completely incompatible with the coat, especially the muscle lumps that were inconsistent with his limited height. He was painted green and thrown into the wild, maybe his men would mistake him for Ouke-a very small kind.

The colonel’s black beard is messy, obviously in need of waxing, and the hair is only slightly stronger than the harvested crop stubble. The leather-like tough face is split by a slanted scar that cuts across his forehead, left eye and chin. Line, always fixed one side of his mouth into a groaning look.

All in all, Ered concluded that if he took off his officer uniform, the commander of this division's First Infantry Regiment would look no different from a mobster.

This is a promoted officer on the battlefield.

Ered can't help thinking like this.

He is not a regular military academy graduate. Maybe he was born in a slum, but he can't make a conclusion. Maybe the other party has some qualities worthy of respect. It is said that all officers at the same level have a high opinion of him. Prove everything.

"Do you have anything to drink here, Colonel?"

Ered asked hopefully, the radiator in this room seems to be incompetent. Some alcoholic beverages may be able to drive away some chills. In the ghost place of Axum, day and night are completely the two extremes of the two seasons.

"Maybe red wine? If so, ale will do."

"Alcohol is there, redeem it yourself."

Yushkin said so, but he didn't get up, just lifted his chin toward a cupboard behind his witchcraft consultant.

"Maybe we can wait a little longer."

Ered hid his anger and said:

"First of all, I am very happy to come to this glorious group. This is the most exciting moment after my long journey."

"I also welcome you on behalf of our men, Ered Carl, although they don’t look so friendly, if they spit at you next time, just use your witchcraft to teach them directly. You don’t need to come. Ask me, they are a bunch of puppies who owe to smoking."

Yushkin smiled, if the barking from his mouth could really be called a ‘laugh’.

"Your reaction really surprised me, Colonel."

Of course, Ered felt that the other party didn't like him from the beginning. Since he became a wizard, he knew that such a situation would not be uncommon.

It’s just that Yushikin gave him a more special feeling. In the new Axum regiment, his regiment was the last to be assigned to a witchcraft advisor. The First Step Corps is known for being brave and fierce. Their commander is Colonel Yushkin especially emphasized the combat training of close hand-to-hand combat. He had heard of this before he came. The First Step Corps is the only regiment that has not lost in a large-scale group frame, and even the gendarmerie has to go around them. go.

Each of them is a thug, and everyone is as fierce as the gladiators in the ancient arena, but this is abnormal. In the age of firepower and discipline, this kind of training is obviously weird.

It seems that Yushkin is trying to build a "humanoid Ouke" force.

The new volume has started, uh... how to say it, I also want to briefly talk about the plot of the previous volume. To be honest, I have also thought about whether to skip the deadly morning light paragraph altogether, or to write interspersedly. , But I tried and tried again and found it difficult to do so, because there are a lot of foreshadowings and details that can’t be written using interspersed techniques. It may also be because of my lack of skill, but according to my outline, the plot is very It’s very important, and its importance is not less than that of the first chapter. I think twice and decide to write it in more detail. Of course, I can also foresee the consequences... But my idea is that it’s not as important as the readers' obscure. Watching the inexplicable battle plots time and time again, it is better to tell the story completely beforehand. I believe that when the book reaches 100W, everyone will understand my intention. I can also understand the readers who abandoned the book before, after all, it is me. I can’t give you the reading experience that everyone is looking forward to... But no matter how old Mo still wants to say a word, I want to write a complete story, not a two-hour B-level popcorn plasma film

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