Orc Tyrant

Chapter 272: Blood and Sand (6)

With the team reunited, Naman began to analyze the situation.

The Okks will certainly not reach Koski Gorge before dawn. The coming night will be the best cover his team can seek, and the Okks are likely to choose to camp in the dark.

He has seen motorcycles and cavalry in the distance twice. They are wandering in the plains, and they don't seem to be looking for Naman's team, but they must clearly know that there are human scouts in this area.

Naman wanted to move directly to the west and head straight to the Kesiqi Canyon, but the terrain along the way was too open. The southern stone field of Axum was like a bare patch, with no vegetation or other cover.

The rangers had to bypass the rocky plain and turn to the south, at least until they were out of the enemy’s search range before Naman could reconsider the plan.

When it was time to make a decision, Naman sent his order to the team members, and then they began to speed up, hoping to keep the distance between the orcs as far as possible while the moon was still in the sky.

A monotonous vigilance accompanies the marching process.

Run, stop, watch around, keep running.

For minutes and hours, kilometers and kilometers, the scouts continued to gallop.

After they ran for three hours, they hid in the folds of the rocks on the plain to avoid being spotted. From time to time, they concealed themselves and let themselves and their horses squat down in the long grass, just because one or more of the team members A team member discovered that the Oker vehicle was approaching.

Naman often heard the sound of engines coming from a distance, and he was almost no longer distracted. Only when he noticed a change in the number of vehicles approaching did he really start paying attention to these noises.

The current night turned into a cold late night, and the outline of the Kesiqi Canyon in the distance became more and more distinct against the moonlight.

The steep mountains seemed like a city wall stretching to the sky, but it was still too far away to make out any details of the image.

Naman prayed silently to Kaimon, hoping that his team would avoid Ok and warn everyone of a large-scale greenskin attack.

The large light source broke the darkness in the cold wind, allowing Naman to clearly grasp the positional relationship between the Ork troops and them. At a distance, there are other lights, mixed with flickering orange flames, like an angry giant beast leaping. Into the northern stone plains.

Looking at the light that illuminates the night sky, he realized how many green skins there are-thousands of them, most of them moving north.

But he remained cautious about turning to the north, which would put him and his team directly in front of the Occan army.

Going east is not a better choice, that direction is too far, and the scouts will have to go a few kilometers further, and even if they pass the obstacle, this route will take them to the coast instead of Harar.

For better or worse, the only option seems to be to continue heading west, hoping that the Okers behind will stop or change direction.

Naman secretly decided that if the enemy is within half a kilometer, they will dig a trench to hide. Not surprisingly, the Oukes should miss them in the dark. Even in the worst case, the Rangers can have one. Simple defensive position.

Two hours later, Naman felt that his decision was correct.

The Okers from the rear gradually moved closer to the north to join their army, passing the cordon more than a kilometer away from the rangers.

Although the lights were on and the smoke was rising in front of them, it seemed to Naman that they were rushing to the Kesiqi Canyon clearly. If they maintain their current speed, they will reach the canyon before dawn.

"Don't fall behind! Be careful to hide."

The grassland on the plain is getting thinner and thinner. Heathers and bushes grow obliquely between the rocks. The terrain begins to **** upwards. Naman concludes that they are no more than one kilometer away from the canyon.

The surroundings are still dark, and the moon is still hanging in the sky. It will not disappear until the east sky is illuminated by the dawn two hours later.

The air was cold but Naman didn't care, the same as the fatigue caused by continuous running.

No one spoke, everyone prepared weapons to guard the area they were responsible for, but there was nothing to report. It seemed that they had thrown off the enemy for one to two kilometers.

Naman was silent and restless.


The faint voice interrupted Naman's thoughts, and the ranger stopped behind the team.

"Squad, stop!"

Naman hissed and raised his arms, and all the rangers immediately controlled their horses.

"Stay alert and report your findings!"

"I think I heard the sound of the engine, Captain."

Naman walked back and stopped beside the scout who was crouching on the ground.

"Did you hear the engine sound, or did you not hear the engine sound?"

"I heard the engine sound, Captain!"

There was a little more confidence in that teammate's words.

"Behind us."

"Distance? Scale?"

"I don't know, Sergeant, I can probably see hot fog in that direction."

The team members pointed to a **** on the plain they passed a few minutes ago. As the opponent continued to describe with a tight tone, Naman removed his binoculars from his belt.

"I saw them, ten motorcycles! Without infantry, they are coming straight to us!"


He put down the multifunctional telescope in his hand, he had seen enough, the prey was here, and the hunt was about to begin before the sun rose.

His name is Bald, an Oak who was born to run fast, was born in a world with a wide sky and a vast desert.

The strong Ouke squinted his eyes and tried to focus his gaze. Bald didn't wear his helmet. He never wore a helmet when he was riding in his car.

He has a tanned face, the scalp around his head is as rough as weathered rock, a number of haircuts are woven into neat charcoal green braids on his back, and there are countless scars on his cheeks. That is a symbol of his strength.

Bald was straddling a heavy motorcycle, which was like a rough and strong beast.

When Chief Oak looked down at his prey from the edge of the gentle bush-covered slope, the gusts of wind roared, blowing the razor-like weathered rock, revealing a biting cold.

These prey thought they would be able to escape their hunt, but Bald never let his enemies escape from his offensive, not even once.

The shrimps drove their mounts from the beginning, they scattered and wanted to escape, they even gave up the trapped beasts that should be a prey, or were dying to struggle.

They are wrong.

They came to an open field, between the bald lu and the canyon.

When they realized that it was too late for their stupidity, the long distance eliminated the possibility of their retreat and escape, and their horsepower had been used to the limit.


Accompanied by the deafening roar, the motorcycle boys of the racing gang filed out from behind Tulu, they formed an arrow-like formation and charged, dusty, so magnificent and heroic!

They leaned over and sat on heavy motorcycles, their tomahawks and blades lifted up to the sky, shining with a little bit of cold light, they only came to kill.

The bald car's engine roared like a behemoth of Skug, as if welcoming the younger brothers.

With maximum horsepower and maximum speed, Bald did not have a trace of muddy water. He threw himself into the sky with a kick of the accelerator. The gangsters quickly swarmed the boss to the point of the arrow and let him lead the arrow of the storm.

This is the beginning of the hunt. With the charge, Bald laughed loudly in the wind, and his little brothers should also laugh with hearty and dripping laughter. In addition to this rough and heroic laughter Yes, there are also the screams of the prey being slaughtered and slaughtered.

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