Orc Tyrant

Chapter 276: Animal meal

Standing on the severely collapsed roof and looking down, Glak saw the fighting scattered throughout the city, and the broken corpse of the shrimp that had just been dropped fell under the eaves.

He saw the noisy smoke in the shiny room, but there was no oak.


Thinking this way, he jumped off the roof.

"Bloodfang Guard, come with me."

He gave orders with a growl.

"Other boys, kill all the dried shrimps here."

For a moment, the red butchers raised their heads from the killing, and thick blood poured down their weapons, arms and mouths.

The Bloodfangs got rid of their slaughter and ran towards their leader slowly, and the nerve boy followed them, panting heavily, carrying the **** stick.

Grak rushed to the wall of the Golden Palace and jumped directly onto the terrace with a stride, falling right in the middle of the crossfire line, and the pebbles under his feet were crushed by his weight.

While he was standing upright, the Bloodfang Guards also appeared around him one after another.


His roar was repeated by hundreds of blood-stained guard soldiers, and a breathtaking sound wave swept across the entire outer wall of the Golden Palace.

Grak took the ripper and started walking on the battlefield, cutting through the flesh at will or smashing his head with his fists. He didn't pay much attention to what he killed. Undoubtedly, the number is the same as a few minutes ago, but it doesn't matter. ——He has harvested enough "dye" today.

"Go! Go!"

Sitting on his golden recliner, the king of Zun Mengetus was swaying the whip in his hand to urge twenty slave laborers who carried the sedan chair. At this time, he no longer had the leisurely attitude of the day, only a full face. Panic and fear.

Every time he waved his arm, the layers of fat on his body would shake waves. He was covered with many gold ornaments, and even his front teeth were gold. A large group of female family members cried and followed behind the sedan chair, and there were many more behind him. The heavy boxes and thirty bullock carts blocked the entire road. People fleeing around could only watch the convoy moving slowly, with despair in their eyes.

The howl and the screams are close to my ears, Ouke has already begun to attack the Golden Palace, which means that they are less than 500 meters away from here.

"Don't worry about your treasures! Get on the train first!!"

Tamworth, who had been stunned by this idiot, rode his horse all the way from the station, and he was really about to lose control of his desire to shoot the pig.

All the fighters were destroyed by this stupid. There was a clear opportunity to withdraw before Ouke attacked. He had to hit the rocks with the pebbles, and then when the defense was organized in the city, he prepared to escape without saying a word, causing the people to panic and attack instead. The prepared barricade defense line was originally expected to support two hours of street fighting, but it did not withstand it for half an hour.

That’s not even counted. He clearly wants to retreat, and he is reluctant to part with the wealth and women that he has raided. As a result, this most important retreat channel has become a sewer. It doesn’t matter whether the civilians can evacuate or not. There are those imperial soldiers who are defending in the Golden Palace. They are now completely dragging their lives.

It's all because of this stupid pig!

"No! Horse, it will be ready soon!"

"Well, your mother ass!"

Tamworth finally couldn't help but explode. Mengtus was taken aback by him, but the arrogance of the past no longer existed, and he could only respond with the slight trembling of his hands.

He turned his head and glanced at the burning golden palace and the boxes full of jewels.

"no no……"

After hesitating for a minute, Mengtus gritted his teeth and waved his thick arm vigorously.

"Throw it away! Throw it all away!!"

For a time, all the bullock carts that were blocking the road were pushed aside, and the Zun soldiers guarding the treasure chest also stepped up to assist the slave laborers in carrying the king's sedan chair. The women stopped crying and accelerated their pace. There were dozens of them. The prince formed the vanguard in the front.

The road was clear, and people began to rush towards the station. At this time, the train was almost full by the imperial soldiers. Only a few places were left. Even if the refugees arrived at the station, they could only rush to the wilderness to ask for their blessings, but no People know this, and everyone instinctively ran to a relatively safe place.

"They are here!!"


"Help! Run!!!!"

"Ah! Hands! My"

Everything came so suddenly, just as the crowd was gradually restoring order with the assistance of the soldiers, a commotion suddenly came from the back of the team, and there were stumps of limbs and broken arms and turbulent waves of blood that could be seen flying into the air.

Like a shark rushing into a swimming pool, Glak in a scarlet suit plunged into the crowd with his murderous little brother, and began to enjoy the feast that belonged to them.

The crowd instantly lost control. Like a frightened sheep, they began to run forward desperately. Some people were hit, and then countless feet stepped on them and never got up again.

"Go away! Untouchables! Get out!"

Mengertus was also frightened by the turbulent crowd. His bearer began to swing from side to side because of the impact, and the soldiers were loosened and could no longer protect him.

At this moment, the halo of the ruler could no longer help him.


As a bearer was knocked down, the heavy golden sedan tilted due to imbalance, and eventually overturned to the ground with the Mengertus above.

The bearers also ran away, everyone bypassed the obstacle, and no one even glanced at it.

The chaos and screams rang out endlessly, and Mengertus shivered under the collapsed sedan chair, but did not dare to make a sound.

It wasn't until the last scream stopped abruptly that Mengertus opened his eyes cautiously.

He tried his best to curl up into a ball, like a hedgehog meeting an enemy, but he was just a ball of meat.

There was some sticky hands on the ground, and he looked down, but was so scared that he almost cried.

The originally dry yellow ground was soaked in blood, plasma and sand mixed together, sticking to his hands, knees and face.

The stench and **** smell filled the nasal cavity, and there were only heavy breathing and footsteps beside the ears.

He could feel something moving nearby, he covered his mouth, letting the slightly salty blood seep into his mouth.

He began to pray to his ancestors, to the gods, and to everything that could help him. He even prayed to Tamworth, praying that the other party would suddenly lead soldiers to come back and save himself.

The moment when thousands of thoughts flashed, the world suddenly became brighter.

Mengertus slowly raised his head, his body trembling more violently every second.

He saw a face that was extremely ugly and evil, with long fangs and huge mouth, just like the evil ghost in the story of ancestors.

At this moment, he finally couldn't control himself, and his lower body was vented.

"Fatty shrimps are fatter than Fatty Sgug!"

Grak threw the sedan chair in his hand, pinched the back of the opponent's neck, and directly lifted the fat shrimp.

"Oh, it's a bit heavy."

Mengertus yelled, especially when he saw the scene around him.

This is simply the purgatory that only appears in a nightmare, corpses, countless corpses fill the entire street, the walls on both sides are completely dyed red, arms, thighs, torso, head... countless human organs and tissues Just like this is glued to the bricks and stones, it can be seen how violent the force that photographed them on the wall was.

Butchers carrying sharp blades wandered around the streets, survivors who came out of the corpse from time to time or screamed or moaned, and then cruelly mutilated on the spot, while other green-skinned monsters laughed aside.

Hell is here.

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