Orc Tyrant

Chapter 282: Hurricane in Blood (3)

"Bounty increased?"

A man with a black hat approached, his face blurred by the dim light, but John Reid still recognized him.

[Razor] Joe Si, a well-known gunman in Essex.

Originally a dangerous person like this, John Reid didn't want to appear in the town under his jurisdiction, but the situation is different recently, and people have become nervous.


Putting down the cup in his hand, John nodded.

"It's 10 pounds of gold now."

After John Reid finished speaking, he took a folded piece of paper from his pocket, unfolded it, and threw it into the sky. At the same time, he quickly grabbed the dagger placed on the table and threw it at the paper.


The dagger passed over the screaming **** head and nailed the paper to the most conspicuous wooden board in the tavern.

"10 pounds of gold!"

A shocked cry took the lead to detonate the atmosphere in the tavern. Everyone quickly gathered in front of the wooden board like iron filings attracted by a magnet. On it was a reward order without an image, with only a few lines of simple text description, but this Neither is the key, the key is the exciting number in the last line.

"That killer again!"

"Buzz Butcher? What the **** is this name?"

"I heard that two foreign gangs came here also for it a few days ago. There is no news until now."

"Man! Let's vote together!"

The boiling crowd did not affect John Reid in the slightest. He was still sipping the glass, and Joe Si on the side seemed to be more interested in him than the reward.

"Sheriff, why don't you hunt it down? That monster."

"I'm very busy. If this place is gone, I have to become a garbage dump."

"Really? Isn't it because... afraid?"

John Reid stopped the wine glass, took off his hat and put it on the table, along with his pistol and police badge.

He was not going to refute the other party's words, but his thoughts were once again pulled back into the terrible memory.

That was a week ago.

The first to be discovered was the family of the farmer Duncan. The hunters found the burnt room, which contained some human residues after incineration. It was possible to piece together two large, two small and four corpses. John Reid arrived here first. A farm twenty miles away from the town and inspected the remains of the corpse. He found that the traces left on the charred bones seemed to be left by a saw or chain saw.

Initially this was determined to be another cult attack, but John Reid did not find any marks of the Wendigo Church here, and the mode of action was not like them.

The second victims were the lumberjacks Idira and Faspie. The logging yard they guarded was still burned, but their bodies were not caught in the fire this time, but were displayed in a more terrifying form—they His head, limbs, and heart were removed, and the injuries were terrible.

Then there is the farm of teacher Edison, where he and his wife were killed together, and the body was hung on a dead tree.

Most recently, he was an unnamed tramp. No one knew his name. His body was found by the stream. The bones of his whole body were shattered. It seemed that he was repeatedly crushed by something huge. People used a shovel. His body was disposed of.

This series of cases was determined to be the same killer, and such vicious cases have not occurred for some time.

There was a lot of discussion, and most of the spearheads were directed at the Wendigo Church. After all, such crazy and irrational behavior can be done by no one except those cultists.

But John Reid didn't agree so much. It didn't take him a day or two to deal with the cultists. Maybe they were evil, but the purpose of doing things was very strong, and these crimes seemed a little... random.

He has carefully studied the identities of these victims, and found nothing in common or doubts at all. There is no connection between the locations of the cases, and there is nothing special. The only thing worth noting is that the locations of the cases are getting away from the town. Nearly, the stream where the tramp died is only five miles away.

There were scattered farms near the place where the tramp died. According to the farmers, a buzzing sound like a fly could be heard from a distance that day. That's how the name Buzz Butcher came from.

After the second case occurred, the State Department of Public Security issued a reward, but the amount was not high at the time, and it did not attract people’s attention. Until the third case occurred, Edison was the nephew of a state legislator. Death made things serious at once, and the amount of rewards continued to stack, eventually reaching the horrendous figure of 10 pounds.

Know that a vicious death row prisoner generally does not offer more than 5 pounds as a reward.

The bounty hunters moved by the wind, but no one has found the killer so far, maybe someone has found it, but John Reid believes that they should have closed their mouths forever.

John Reid had the urge to go out and chase him for this out-and-out monster, just like when he was young, he used to stay awake for three days in a row, just to hunt down a felon.

But he was worried that once he left, the killer would come to town.

"Afraid... You are brave so you are?"

John Reid laughed and asked the boss to refill himself with wine glasses.

"I rushed here from a few hundred kilometers just for it. I have lost interest in those bank robbers. This is a good prey."

Qiao Si also buckled his pistol on the table. John Reid glanced at it. This is a handmade silver pistol. The workmanship is quite good and the maintenance is very good. There is also a Kaimon's holy emblem on the handle of the gun. .

An energetic young man, John Reid couldn’t help but think of his young past when he saw him, but he never left any religious signs on the gun, because people like them can’t get any blessings and can bless themselves. Only the bullet in the barrel.

"I hope you will be with me. I'm not familiar with this. After the event is completed, we will pay half the reward."

Joe Si's words made John Reid almost laugh. He was already the fifth bounty hunter to invite him in.

"You are so sure that I can find him?"

"I’ve heard that you once caught the'mad cow' alone. A hundred hunters chased him for half a year and didn’t catch him. It took you a month to catch him. I think it’s compared to your marksmanship and your tracking. Technology is more worth relying on."

John Reid shook his head.

"That was a long time ago, I am old."

"you are lying."

"Let's put it this way, boy."

Taking the bottle from the boss and filling the other party's glass, John Reid whispered:

"Do you know what to face?"

"tell me the story."

"A monster."

"Farmers' rumors are nothing but rumors."

"It's not a rumor, I have seen it with my own eyes."

"Have you seen him?"

"No, what I have seen is..."

Boom~~~! ! !

Suddenly, a weird roar came from a distance, and gradually turned into a metallic humming as it spread.

John Reid's face changed, he immediately grabbed the belt and hat on the table and ran to the door.

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