Orc Tyrant

Chapter 288: Arkham (Part 2)

Perhaps for a politically savvy, accepting a military threat to the city is almost as difficult as eating shit.

They have always emphasized that under the current situation where there are many other emergencies waiting to be dealt with, it seems a meaningless practice to waste a lot of energy, financial resources, and manpower on defending an army that has never appeared before.

Harden Freeman argued with them more than once. Oak is not a non-existent threat. Thinking this way is tantamount to suicide.

They are an unprecedented threat to the entire Republic and even the world, and burying their heads in the sand will not change this. Their actions will be as deadly as a spear pierced into the heart.

But they remained indifferent, and just sent a report to the capital in a perfunctory manner, requesting the Ministry of Defense to assess the current state of affairs.

Harden really wanted to put a fireball on each of them. God knows how many departments this report will take before it is sent to the Secretary of Defense. Also, it is the time when the president is changing. Those high-level figures may not be there. Mind to care about what is going to happen in this place.

Everything is going to the worst, but Harden can only sit and watch the city slide into the abyss like a capsized ship, taking everyone on it.

"Godfather, I'm back."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts, and Harden looked back and found a black shadow slowly emerging from the corner of the wall.

He wears a black mask, only revealing a square chin, and his eyes are as sharp as a falcon. A pure black cloak covers the part below his neck, like a bat with its wings folded.

Seeing him, Harden finally smiled.

"Wayne, no accident happened."

The other party just shook his head indifferently, and did not speak.

Harden sighed and sat back on the sofa. He had nothing to do with this disciple. After all, he was shaped by himself.

Wayne’s full name is Bruce Wayne. His father is the chairman and founder of Essex’s largest steel conglomerate. However, one day he and his wife were suddenly assassinated on the street. En is only five years old and he has witnessed all this with his own eyes.

Harden was a good friend of Wayne's father. Wayne had no relatives at the time, so he became the child's guardian as a godfather.

When Wayne was growing up, he became increasingly gloomy and deep. The death of his parents gave him an incomprehensible hatred for sin, and he yearned for a power to achieve his goals.

But he didn't have the gift of a wizard, and Harden couldn't help him, until Wayne found a ruin in Arkham's underground.

Yes, the rumors are not false. A mine underground in Arkham is indeed connected to an ancient ruin, but it was Wayne who found it.

Wayne had heard of the organization of the Citizen Temple before. He determined that the contents were some technology lost by mankind, and immediately invited Harden to tailor his "power" for himself.

The technological items in the ruins were too esoteric, and Harden could do nothing, but he contacted another person who knew how to use these things and how to modify them. He gave Harden a lot of suggestions, and the only price was Wayne's favor.

This was a good deal, Wayne gained the power he wanted, and Arkham also added a nocturnal "black knight".

In public places during the day, Wayne is an outstanding entrepreneur, a single aristocrat with a capital of hundreds of billions, and a highly learned gentleman, but at night, in the deepest dark corner of Arkham, he is sinful. Nemesis is a black knight who has come and gone without a trace, a person who is very interested and has a headache both official and unofficial.

But he also made an oath to never stain his hands with blood, so any criminals he caught were thrown in front of the police station or hung from electric lights.

It may seem a little silly, but Harden appreciates his traits very much. Once people have power, they tend to act arrogantly and stand on top of others. But this is often the beginning of the way of destruction. The bottom line is It is very important for people with power. No matter how ridiculous this line may seem, as long as it exists, it can prove that the original intention is not lost.

In the long years, he has seen countless young people who suddenly possess tremendous power go astray. They are manipulated by their own power, crossing the final bottom line again and again, and in the end either become a list of rewards or fall completely. Into the darkness-there is a serious cult threat as well in the New California Republic.

But the gloom that hung over Wayne didn't go away. He was still in perplexity. Harden couldn't solve his problem, he could only rely on his own thinking.

But now is not the time to consider personal issues. Oak’s threat is approaching, and Wayne has already learned that he rushed to the border as soon as possible, listened to the news, and used his personal resources to force the state to issue martial law. Otherwise, the few militia regiments are still empty.

"Is there any news from Oak?"

"As you said, Oak is approaching here, but the situation is more serious. They are destroying every village, every farm, and plundering people everywhere."

"Pillaging the people..."

Harden frowned.

"...I remember that there was no description of this in the previous reports about Ouke. They seem to have no idea of ​​spurring other races. They only use their derivatives, called... goblins? Or ass?"

"I saw it with my own eyes and saved a small group of people. They were **** by an Okek cavalry. They dared not resist like a sheep. I killed the Okk and they ran away. I also saw the Harpy. Demon."


Harden got up from the sofa, and the pipe he had just lit also fell to the floor.


"Yes, I'm sure, the Harpy is accompanying Ork's cavalry on a raid. I can't go deeper. There are a lot of them."

"This is troublesome."

Harden bent over to pick up the pipe, stuffed it in his mouth without wiping it, and puffed out the smoke bit by bit.

"Did they form an alliance? Or did they simply make some kind of transaction? Could it be said that Oak was looting the population because of the Harpy?"

"Next I will investigate, but time is running out."

"Wayne, you said..."

Harden thought for a while, then whispered:

"...Should it be better to evacuate people immediately?"

"That's what I mean. I'm not optimistic about the defense here. I haven't investigated the troops behind Okee in depth, but I personally evaluate their forward strength as the limit here."

"Well, I'll go to the mayor's office again, you should pay attention to yourself, don't be too reluctant, you will withdraw immediately when it is time to withdraw."

"Understood, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Wayne slowly dissipated like a shadow exposed to the sun.

Harden knew that this was the special ability of his metal belt, which allowed him to teleport short distances. Now others are probably already on his own floating motorcycle.

"I hope it's still too late..."

Picking up his hat, Harden sighed softly, and then left his study.

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