Orc Tyrant

Chapter 292: The green monster appears in Lena (Part 1)

The first thing Guk did after setting foot in the human realm was to kill.

This is of great significance to Guk, because until this day, he has not been stained with blood for a long time.

The instinctive violent impulse is both a blessing and a curse for Ouke. Only killings and scars can make them grow stronger.

The black war beast carrying Guk slammed into a flat concrete floor with a whistling, beside it stood an iron tower. This industrial area was attached to Arkham and was once part of the huge industrial chain.

After many factories were relocated to more favorable locations, it was planned and built into a garden city with a strong religious atmosphere. Between the magnificent glass spires and churches, there are large areas of elegant gardens and public green spaces. The smooth buildings are The surface is as dazzling as a mirror when reflecting the sunlight, and blending into the blue sky when reflecting on the sky.

At night, the stars are shining on the crystal dome of the cathedral. At the same time, there are also prosperous neighborhoods, shoulder-to-shoulder alleys and squares, exquisite markets and elegant public areas.

The Kaimon Church has invested a lot here, and the patriarch hopes to use this as a model to build a model city in the New California Republic, because their church has far less influence in this young country than in other regions, and this is for many missionaries. It is a kind of frustration, they need to express their demands in another way—the city of Lena comes from this

But this appeal does not help them resist the most primitive violence.

The location of Guk’s entry is not glamorous in this city, it is just an ordinary block, but even so, it is still gorgeous.

On weekdays, even the most basic daily tasks such as transportation, logistics, production and supply will wear neat and clean coats. In other cities, similar appearances must only belong to those with decent jobs.

But when Guk arrived, the appearance was roughly torn off.

The earth-shaking bombing and several rounds of shelling shattered the glass on most of the surrounding building surfaces, exposing the beams and supports underneath, some of which were burning.

The air was distorted by the billowing heat waves, and the open squares and streets were covered with scattered broken mirrors, like a beach made of shining glass, and each piece of debris was reflected with blazing firelight, which flickered like hundreds of billions of fireflies. Dancing.

The silver armored guards strode fiercely, creaking every step of their feet.

The penetrating warheads blasted huge pits on the concrete ground, and the network of sewers that usually didn't see the sun showed up in front of everyone.

The harpy queue whizzed overhead, and the creatures flying at ultra-low altitude seemed within reach.

Some of them landed nearby, but they dared not approach the ground. They had never seen such a war. Many banshees were panicked, fearing that such a disaster would one day befall them.

The light of the day gradually turned into a weird turbid color, the blue sky was glowing with a light green halo as if suffering from a disease, and the smoke and dust rolled with the wind, blocking the line of sight.

All Guk could smell was the scent of burning, and all he could hear was the howling-the howl of a cannonball tearing the air, the howling of the hellfire, and the howling of Ouke.

Gradually, besides the howling, he heard the muffled sound in the distance and the roar of gunshots nearby.

"Come with me!"

Guk took the lead in rushing into the church with the most fierce resistance. The glass surface of this high-rise building has been completely peeled off. The flames twisted on the top bell tower, and the bright orange flames set off the rib-like building brackets as black as charcoal.

On the ground floor of the building where Guk is located, there are frantic shadows cast by fire everywhere.

The guards didn't hesitate, they and Gu Ke headed straight up together, searching for prey, and searching the entire area separately.

Guk took the lead up the stairs to the main hall of the church, Mangul quickly followed him.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, the majestic roar of the rifle suddenly came from above, shocking many boys. The guards had already encountered the first batch of enemies.

"Xia Mi! I..."

Mangul yelled something, and then fired at the corridor on the higher level, and large-caliber bullets ripped pieces of colorful fragments from the murals and guardrails.

Guk saw the flames of human corpses falling one after another, and he suddenly realized that these humans did not intend to give up.

On the upper platform of the main hall, he saw the enemy wearing a scarlet coat and silver helmet.

Their coats are covered with gorgeous golden spikes, like a military parade under the scorching sun. Some of the soldiers held sabers in their hands, and they all fired with rifles.

The guards roared neatly and threw their battle axes high.

Guk saw a figure wearing a red coat being shot by Manggul, and it was suddenly torn apart.

The direction of the wind changed suddenly, and the thick smoke from the flames above suddenly swept down, completely covering his position.

As the black smoke receded rapidly, Guke felt two dull shocks coming from right in front of him. Some kind of bullet hit his armor, but was instantly dissipated into two **** of sparks. The enemy who fired was right in front of him. A few meters away, standing next to the corridor guardrail.

He is a handsome young man, looking noble and mighty in the scarlet coat and silver helmet covered with golden spikes. He pointed the laser gun in his hand at Guk and shouted loudly.

He fired again, still unable to penetrate Guk's armor.

The gun from the abandoned city was in the palm of his right hand. He didn't hesitate, and his response was pure instinct.

Guk fired back casually and killed him.

His first shot hit his chest, which was deadly enough.

But he was still attacking, even without armor he couldn't hurt Guk, but he was attacking while spraying blood.

So Guk did not release the trigger.

The small caliber but amazingly penetrating bullets hit his body three times in succession. The violent impact caused his upper body to curl down, causing the next two shots to penetrate his neck and head. He hit the guardrail and then paralyzed. Sit down, with limbs hanging down.

Guk originally thought he would completely tip over and lay his corpse on the ground, but he didn't.

He maintained the curled and twisted posture, leaning on the guardrail behind him.


Guk approached him a few steps. The previous shots were enough to kill him three or four times. The tearing wound on his corpse's torso gushed out of blood, through the broken floor and deep into the cement.

There was a huge scorched crater at the top of his bright silver helmet, as if a blacksmith had knocked a piece of scrap iron in, and a **** smoke floated out of his scorched brain.

Gu Keben thought there would be some expression on his face, such as anger, unwillingness, or hatred for him.

He felt that at least he should be able to see a little bit of pain and ferociousness, even sorrow and despair near death.

But there was nothing. His face was limp, and he could not distinguish any traces of vivid expressions. From then on, he suddenly understood that the faces of the deceased were often like this, and he could not find any information or last words from it.

The soldiers in red are Lena's guards. This disciplined and dedicated force is the defensive force of the city.

Although they are only a militia, they are well-trained and vigorous. They do not lose to any elite corps of the Republican Army. They have support from the Kaimon Church.

However, they appear to be too elegant and luxurious to withstand Oak's fierce offensive. It looks like a formal dress ceremony that has been disrupted and interrupted, and they seem to turn around and run for their lives.

But they did not run away.

Guk recognized their courage, and they faced the Guards under the royal court, the most efficient and ruthless killing machine in the Ouk Kingdom, but they did not back down.

The opponent in front of them was a savage and frantic behemoth, as if it were a wild variant of the materialization of the war, but they still held their ground, they were ordered to defend Lena, and never abandon this order from beginning to end.

So they went to death.

When power and power are tit-for-tat, there is only this kind of ending, and the complete destruction of one of them is inevitable.

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