Orc Tyrant

Chapter 295: Cannibal King marches towards Sess (Part 1)

The ground around Seth was plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and this scorched earth would soon be dead.

This city has high marble walls, many museums, libraries and silver towers. Its status is very important throughout Essex. Gein is located in this city, one of the only two wizarding colleges in the state. Sri Lanka College, even in a sense, it was this college that gave birth to this city.

But in the face of intensive and fierce bombing, all this is meaningless.

The hills adjacent to the city were burning, and those sky-shaking explosions changed the horizon forever.

Before the bombing had settled down, thousands of invaders had already appeared.

At first, the residents of Seth thought that the countless black spots were just some kind of unknown herd, but as they gradually approached, people discovered that they were a large number of raging infantry, monsters and cavalry, carrying heavy rockets and artillery. Machinery followed closely behind.

With the end of the long-distance shelling, a group of harpy witches took the lead to charge, carrying high-powered explosives towards the portal of Sesi.

No one has ever imagined that there will be an enemy army that can launch a raid from the sky, so there is no anti-aircraft weapon that can deal with intruders.

Amidst bursts of explosions, Sesi's door opened wide.

The first steel beast rushed into the open door. The front of the monster-looking savage and aggressive car was painted with a white Ouke emblem. It was riding a tall white-helmeted guard. It roared while using several Missiles and a burst of machine guns fired to clear the road to the city.

The motorcycle mounted by the guards is the latest product of the abandoned city. It is larger and faster, has thicker armor and powerful power, and carries more weapons. Such motorcycles only armed dozens of guards. They formed a group called "Guk's Scythe", symbolizing the merciless harvest of the enemy.

The moment it rushed into the gate, a figure crashed to the ground, and the wild behemoth jumped out.

Numerous heads of skulls hung on his armor, two large sharp teeth pricked out from the lower part of the helmet, and the smoking rocket behind him told how he got here quickly.


The Rocket Boy was the first intruder to set foot in the city of Thurs. He roared to the sky, and the destruction that fell from the sky made him happy.

More rocket boys appeared on the outskirts of the city. The storage silos and power plants exploded one after another, and the fire blazed into the sky. Hundreds of cavalry began to rush into the battlefield, like a howling tide rushing from the manor outside the city into the city.

The eastern part of Sess was the original territory of the city and the place where the academy was established. The other areas are said to be the earliest merchants and servants.

The street layout here is chaotic and tortuous. It is a popular walking place for wizards and apprentices. It is called Old Seth. It is located on a gentle **** that extends to the outskirts of the city. Parks, theaters, hidden markets and chic restaurants.

Dozens of giant beasts smashed the high marble wall and ran across the wide square, releasing hundreds of warriors armed with shining axes and wearing silver bone-shaped helmets. On the largest black beast, Standing tall as the true master of the power of destruction

But now, his focus is not on killing.

"You shouldn't come."

Guk said to Liya on his shoulders.

"I've heard of it, but I've never seen it."

Liya's voice was gentle, but a little gloomy, like an obituary to say goodbye to the dead.

It is not difficult for Guk to understand her current thoughts. Usually he would not bring these pets on the battlefield, because they are very fragile and easy to die.

But Liya insisted on coming this time, and Gu Ke did not refuse her either.


It was completely different from the imagined scenery. Looking at the devastation, Liya's heart was filled with thousands of unspeakable tastes.

"...Can't you stay?"

"Leave what?"

After saying this, Guk suddenly understood what his pet was trying to express, and this was exactly what he didn't understand.

"Your thoughts are very strange. Even if it is a stone, it will be broken one day. Do you think these things can exist forever? Even if we don't come, how long can they exist?"

After Guk finished speaking, he flicked his whip and drove Dahei Mountain into the bazaar made up of colorful tents, biting, destroying, and dropping many handicrafts to the ground, crushing them into mud.

In the center of the city, well-trained militiamen concentrated their firepower to bring down several invaders, but their weak weapons could never destroy enough enemies.

The howling boys walked through the burning ruins of the block, while the Skug behemoth and heavy vehicles crushed adjacent buildings and spit out deadly flames and metal.

The huge crawler machine-the green fortress, roared over the low-rise city, razed the house to the ground with giant artillery, and eliminated any stupid target that exposed its existence. Mogdrogen yelled from the turret shaped like an altar. Constantly vent the majestic Waaagh energy around.

Teams of transport vehicles wearing fart rockets roared and sat down in the ruins, aiming the red missile pod at Seth College.


In the gushing smoke and flames, one rocket after another soared into the sky, and more than a dozen missiles hit the top of the towering dome, causing the statue of the founder of the academy to disappear in a molten storm.

After the end of this iconic operation, the guided missile cars turned again, throwing devastating volleys at the center of Sess.

The raging hot air spread the fire everywhere, and the college city was burning.

As the Ork ground forces marched, the harpy screamed overhead and released a large number of grenades into the city. Their attack had no specific target, and the order they received was to fire at will.

Hundreds of civilians were killed in the first few minutes of the airstrike, and many more were hunted and killed by the Ouke kid who wandered through the streets.

The Ork army came fiercely, and the defenders of Seth launched a counterattack.

The militiamen rose to defend the city. They took up all the weapons at hand and set up firepower points on the roof and window sills.

No one is stupid enough to think that they can do more than annoy Ok, but it is unthinkable and unacceptable to allow intruders to step into Sess unimpeded.

The citizens were already on high alert after the destruction of Lena, but the chaotic instructions from Arkham deceived many people and prevented them from noticing Ok's rapid advance, and finally, when everything was preparing, it was already at the end. .

Under the command of the dean of the Seth Academy, the militia garrisoned the upper **** of Old Seth, and they deployed the defense line between the business district surrounded by flames and the towers of the college.

The wounded militia were placed in the front hall of the Chrissy Gallery, a treasure house of the oldest paintings and statues in Essex.

In the southwest of the city, all the people who had not evacuated were assembled, and most of their homes were swallowed by the bombing.

A small number of militiamen in the north occupies the high-rise rooftops in the library and business districts overlooking the city on the edge of the roaring outer wall.

However, Guk and his guards completely destroyed Old Seth's line in only two minutes.

As the gleam of the setting sun fell on the horizon, Sess had been completely plunged into a sea of ​​flames. Although Oak's **** offensive had an overwhelming effect, they had not yet encountered the true guardians of the city.

As the wizards stepped into the battlefield, the battle situation changed slightly.

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