Orc Tyrant

Chapter 304: Guk approaches Fort Gordon (Part 1)

Gogu was the first group of Ouke to rush into this silent town, but they did not start the feast of killing and the carnival of arson, this place is very wrong, even with their gross nerves can feel it everywhere The weird atmosphere.

Not only was it empty here, the air was also filled with the stench of carrion, and the dark rooms on both sides of the street had no light, just like cold tombs.

"What's going on, what's froze?"

Just as Gogu and the crowd of Ouke looked at the deadly streets and were a little at a loss, the boss’s familiar and delightful voice suddenly came from behind, and the galloping steel chariot he was driving was trembling. Stopped, the road was crushed to pieces by the forcibly braked wheels.

He stopped the car and leaned out to wave to them, and the boys quickly surrounded him.

"What's going on here? It's chilly."

The boss of the war gang, Yerif, inhales and growls at the same time. This icy cold that penetrates into the bones is completely different from the cold weather. It is like a cold hand touching his bones through flesh and blood. He subconsciously Pulling out their serrated machete, the fart spirits behind them turned on the heavy flamethrower to leave a focal circle around the car.

No "thing" has attacked them, but all Ouke is instinctively alert, and they do not relax their observation of the surrounding environment.

"Head, that's how it was when we came."

"I didn't see any shrimp."

"Head, I... seem to see something."

Hearing Gogu's voice, all Okee present turned their eyes to him.

But Gogu was sure he was right, and just a second ago he caught a glimpse of a staggering shadow rushing into a dim alley.

"Go, go and see."

Although the large army was still behind him at this time, as a war gang boss, Yerif had no reason to be afraid of a few shrimps. As for things that were not shrimps, there was no need to be afraid.

The alley was very narrow, and the Zhan Gang could only leave the motorcycles outside, and left three boys to watch the car. The others followed the boss's footsteps. Only Gogu walked along with him, because he discovered it first.

They are holding weapons and cautiously. In this atmosphere, Ok, who is usually carefree, is also rare to be cautious.

Slowly, Yerif first noticed that there was frozen blood under his feet. He tried to lick some, and found that it was abnormally stale and bitter. It was completely different from fresh human blood, and it tasted a bit like dried Skug. skin.

Walking a few steps further, they found the first corpse. His head hung down softly at the neck, and several ribs on his chest were torn off abruptly, revealing the underside. The internal organs, the wounds are as horrible as they used to do to humans before.

After looking at the corpse in front of him a few more times, Yerif found some unusual places. There were many uncommon marks around the exposed bone wounds.

"Are those bite marks?"

Yerif was a little unbelievable about this, but after the most cursory inspection, the answer to this question became very obvious. After all, this way of tearing the flesh is too unique.

"looks like."

Gogu nodded in agreement. As usual, he couldn't hear that the question actually didn't need to be answered.

This alley is full of corpses like this. They pile up like garbage randomly thrown away. Their pale skin exudes an aura of decadence. The face with solid expression is covered with dark blood stains, which should have been the part of the eyes. There was only a hollow coagulated blood.

They made Yerif and Gogu feel very uncomfortable, but they couldn't say why.

"Go, get Skug Oil and burn it. I don't like these dead shrimps."


While the kid was going to get the fuel-supporting material, Yerif continued to go deep into the alley, and when he climbed the corpse mountain, he noticed that the corpse under his feet had more abnormalities.

Their limbs are not stiff, but rather soft and collapsed. At the same time, the temperature is very low, giving him the feeling that what is stepping on his feet is not a corpse, but a piece of ice.

Some corpses burst open under the weight of Oak, spilling the dark and dirty organs around, but the Oaks didn't care and continued to go deep until they came to the end of the alley.

Here leads to a square, also lonely, only a few expressionless statues of philosophers exudes a cold light in the night, their colors are like corpses in the alley, and they are equally gray and lifeless.

On the square stands a church, a sanctuary of the Kaimon Church, but at this time it has no glory and holiness in the past, only the coldness of death, even the golden sacred emblem is bleak, and its open door is Like a hungry mouth, there is only endless darkness inside.

"Didn't you say there is something?"

"Yes! I must have read it right!"

Yerif thought for a while, and decided to take a look in this strange room. It was not far from here in the large army, and he was not afraid of any accidents.


The fearless Ouke war gang squad crossed the square and walked into the open door of the church.

The darkness did not affect Oak’s sight. They could see the cigarettes engulfing the towering vault in the nave, and the icons of Kaimon and the devout saints made every piece of space available. It's full of stuff.

There are a total of thirty-two beautiful wooden coffins under the icon. The Oukes don't know what they are, but they don't feel good to the boys.

"Head, what's in those boxes?"

"How do I know! Go and see!"

Knocked Gogu's head hard, Yerif drew out the pistol from his waist, gripped the serrated machete, and led the boys slowly closer to the wooden boxes.

The whole hall was terribly quiet. The sound of Ouke’s footsteps and heavy breathing did not break the silence, but added a trace of darkness and weirdness, as if some predatory beast lurked out of sight.

"Boss, I wonder..."

Ge Gu paused as soon as he opened his mouth, and a vague scratching sound made his ears itchy. He could barely hear this sound. Even so, it still made Ge Gu's hair stand upright.

Over the years, he has realized that he needs to suspect any abnormal sound, especially when he can't see what caused the phenomenon, he must be careful to deal with it. At this time, he is in an unknown realm. It also gave rise to the urge to use weapons directly.

"what's happenin?"

Yerif noticed Gogu's abnormality, but his eyes stared at the next moment.

He heard the scratching sound too, and it became louder and louder. The multiple impacts overlapped with each other and merged into a continuous drum beat, which sounded like a very panicking heartbeat.

"Grass! Dry them!!!"

When a **** boot smashed through the coffin closest to Yerif and appeared in their field of vision, Yerif roared and pulled the trigger.

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