Orc Tyrant

Chapter 313: Oak Engine (Part 2)

Thieves like to sneak in at night, and blue-faced thieves enjoy sneaking more than most.

After sunset, Harazi brought the blue-faced ghost to see the dizzy guy, and he rubbed his chin and looked mean, dirty, blue-faced boss, and scornful, blue-faced ghosts were all wicked, blue-faced ghosts in the abandoned city. It's even more sly, but this blue face is the most sly-eyed guy that Pioneer has ever seen, which means he has some tricks.

From the beginning of entering the workshop, this guy could not stand firmly, and moved from one foot to the other, his hands kept stretching in his pockets, his eyes seemed to be able to poke things, scoop them away and hide them in his mouth. .

In the first place, Pi Lao replaced the suspect of the wrench he had lost the previous two days with him.

"It's him, Inkak, the only Ok that can bring you good things."

Harazi said so, but the idea guy still had doubts.

"is it?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I am the best!"

The guy patted his chest confidently, but he didn't look at the little guy's eyes, there was a sense of irony in his tone, and his voice was very harsh.

"Well, you got a job."

He always hates sneaky blue-faced thieves, but they have some use tonight.

"You know what I want."

"Are you sure? That's a dangerous job. It would cost a lot of money to sneak into the **** of the bad eye and touch their things."

"How many?"

"Two hundred! The old rule is to pay one hundred first, and then pay one hundred afterwards!"

Dianzi Rolled his eyes, he was about to put a few hot briquettes into this guy's mouth at this time to let him know what the nonsense would end up.

"Are you crazy!? Two hundred to steal a tatter?"

"That's not tattered. I heard that it is an incredible treasure. There are other mechanics who let me steal it, but they are poor and can't afford the price. I heard Harazi say that you are a rich man and I came here."

Dianzig glanced at the guy with the missing arm, and the guy immediately avoided his sight and began to whistle.

"Are you sure you can steal it."

"Of course! If I can't, then waste the city, no! No one can steal the entire Ouke!"

"I hope your confidence is worth the price."

As one of Guke’s "Queen" skill tyrants, Dianziluo is indeed richer than the average kid and even the boss, because he obtained a lot of materials through some of the power of some foxes, including secretly when manufacturing equipment for Guke. The saved things gave him a wealth that ordinary boys would not dare to imagine, and this was one of the reasons why he dared to take over such a big project.

As he greeted, the deputy brought a big bag, and after the result of Inkak's result, he couldn't wait to open it, and it was full of fresh teeth.

"When is the fastest?"

"At the latest until the sun comes out tomorrow, I will definitely send it to you!"

Di Zi Lao waited for the whole night like this. He sat on the workbench, looking at the brightly-lit steel colossus in the distance, imagining what it looked like when it roared.

His eyelids were getting heavier, and in a vague way, he seemed to have reached a certain roar, coming from the depths of his soul.

I can't tell what it is, but the voice kept reverberating in his mind, and it kept repeating it until he subconsciously muttered it.


A big pushing hand pulled him out of the hazy dream. He turned his head and saw that it was his deputy. Looking in the direction of the opponent's fingers, Inkak was already standing in the workshop.

And the mysterious geometric metal.

After sending away the blue-faced thief with a hundred teeth, Dianzi laughed for a long time. He and other mechanics lay on the thing and understood its purpose within a few seconds.

The farts came to them endlessly, and all kinds of bits and pieces were piled between the workbenches.

The artisans began to work all night, their enthusiasm exceeded the temperature of the forest, and a certain mysterious call was growing stronger.

The other Okkers were fighting or drinking, the mechanics did not, none of the weird boys, the switches in the heads of all of them were turned on-doctors, breeders, mechanics and the rest, they were highly active.

The mechanics saw and knocked, welded and screwed.

Dianzi's thinking formed a big whirlpool, and he instinctively caught the bubbles that emerged from it, which was the sudden burst of inspiration.

He can’t clearly say what he knows, and he doesn’t really understand it. He just knows that his fingers work without thinking, combining machinery that he doesn’t fully understand. Like everyone else, the mechanics rarely communicate. Each of them worked happily in the same state, and all of them were moving in one direction.

The next day, Dianziluo installed his energy diverter, and he adjusted it slightly in the belly of the idol until the propelling rays crossed correctly and accurately.

The little sun was ignited in its reactor, and the sizzling steam of the triple magnetic power engine kept it stable. The **** looked nervous, but it persisted. There was no explosion or other more dangerous situations, which made the idea very interesting. Happy and help him forget his sore arm, he is busy hanging it up.

"Low-purity copper compounds should have stronger resistance..."

His deputy said this, in a way that he didn't understand, but Idea Guy sounded reasonable, so he reached for a better wire.

But soon he changed his mind and began to piece together a cooling system from pieces of shattered garbage for the main power line from the fusion equipment to the secondary system.

A mechanic was blowing his whistle while he was welding, skillfully pieced together useless large pieces of metal into intricate devices, and cleverly tapped a hammer a few times, so he had a gearbox.

In the middle of the night, the outer shell of the colossus was bathed in the light, and various machines made loud clicks and screams, and a large group of crazy boys gathered around the fence.

On other nights they were full of nonsense, either performing their own unique rituals, or swaying and mooing there, occupied by fanaticism, praying to the idol in their own crazy way.

But, tonight they are quiet, they can feel it coming, they can feel a certain spirit preparing to lodge in the metal shell of the idol.

The Oukes were shattered and driven crazy by inexplicable knowledge, their eyes were shining with inexplicable fanaticism.

When Dianzi climbed to the top deck on his head, the last welding continued.

The fur ball was there, directing the other dwarfs, and the adjutant lay lazily on the chair on the shoulder of the colossus, with the huge rocket launcher hanging beside him.

The perverted boy's cigarette holder is chattering on the seat that controls the giant gun. The idea guy is not very relieved to let the neuropathy take the gun, but they don't have time to find a suitable Ouke, so either he or the ass.

"It's all done?"

He yelled instead of speaking.

"Yes, boss,"

Mao Qiu responded that the other oilers were polishing, and smearing thick scrooge oil on everything.

"Well, now you go to the tower and watch out for those blue-faced ghosts!"


Mao Qiu made a proud little salute and hurriedly left.

"The engine is ready?"

The idea guy shouted down through the speech tube.

"Yes, the reactor is burning. The sun in the bottle below is the size of a big scooter. I can press the switch right away."

Two hundred teeth really hurt him, but when he looked around the finished top deck, he knew it was worth it. It was so beautiful.

"Alright alright."

He patted his hands together.

"Good boys, it's time to test drive this Mao brother King Kong!"

"That's the name?"

His adjutant looked a little confused.

The idea guy stopped and he started to think.

"Yes it is……"

He only thought for a few seconds, and then his enthusiasm rose.

"Why not? Mao Brother King Kong, it's not bad, I like it, it's concise."

Dianzi's thinking is undergoing a deeper change. Its mechanic thinking is quickly disappearing, being obscured by a green sun.

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