Orc Tyrant

Chapter 315: Sneak attack (below)

Finally, he approached the slope, and the first monster that was full of pipelines was severely injured on the head by him, and was smashed by a second blow before turning around and killed him.

Then, a monster next to him ran into it. In addition to its huge guns, it also had a rotating chain saw. But the boss shook his arms open with a single blow, and then slashed it. Opened his head.

The next enemy...

The boss of Oak desperately discovered that they had fallen into each other's trap. After the furious march, he realized that the Oaks, who had stepped forward faster than him, had already rushed to the street.

In contrast, the enemy is now using the cave network to obtain reinforcements from all directions.

Looking around the battlefield, more monsters are launching attacks from various tunnels. They retreat cleverly from the hidden exits left in advance, and appear on the weakest side of Oak’s defense in the next moment—in just a few minutes. , They have completely gained the upper hand.

Oak's team is now like a green island, surrounded by a cyan ocean.

With a huge number of advantages, sharp claws and sharp teeth became lethal, some boys were dragged to the ground by a dozen freaks, and countless barbaric attacks ensued.

Eye sockets, armor seams and wounds left by bullets are all targets. They seem to know that only by doing this can they really kill an Ouke. Although it will be very laborious, unfortunately the number of Oukes is too small.

A kid fell to the ground injured and a large group of monsters immediately hugged him. He barely blocked his minions, but a few pests had already screamed and crawled on him, and the loyal fart slammed a crawling one. The attacker ripped it to the ground with a knife, but another guy immediately climbed up to take the place of the same kind.

Boss Ok was fighting in the middle of the high ground, trying to completely stop the monsters that opened fire.

His weapon waved in an extremely wild posture, and more than once, he threw the corpse on it close, and several flesh and blood messengers were killed by him.

But not far away, Oak saw a chattering shrimp hiding behind his bodyguard. He was wearing cyan armor, carrying a translucent crystal sword, and there were many strange signs on one of his shoulders. .

"Damn shrimp!"

Boss Oak cursed angrily. He never thought that the chief envoy of all this was actually dried shrimp, a dried shrimp that he could squeeze to death with his fingers.

He turned his target to the commander, but now he had countless wounds on his body, and blood was flowing all over the armor.

Under the high platform, the kid trying to reinforce their boss is launching a charge against the artillery fire. At this critical moment, a team of enemy reinforcements suddenly appeared in a cave on the flanks.

A group of humans with crystal clusters rushed into the battlefield. They were surrounded by filthy flames, and they had strangely shaped spears, which also contained that kind of flame.

They fired an explosive volley towards Ouke's array, and saw the blue light flashing in the air, the armor of a boy's neck burst in a moment, and blood spurted out wildly.

The next moment, Boss Oak also felt a pain in his thigh, followed by a burning sensation like a soldering iron tearing his flesh. This feeling was not pure physical damage. Obviously, the bullet contained something more vicious, a pain that spread rapidly. It spread upward along his legs, making him almost unable to continue to raise the weapon in his hand.

But he still roared, roared, rushing towards the surging enemy group, and the knife in his hand fell again.

It was too embarrassing to speak out, and was overcast by shrimps-this was his last thought.

"Too many resources are wasted!"

As a commander who knows when to stop losses, Arcanist Siris cursed while ordering all deformities to stop fighting.

Beside him, the Son of Dawn just glanced at him without speaking.

"Obviously it was a secret operation, why do we have such a big fanfare!"

Hillis wiped his rejuvenated face with a handkerchief, muttering to express his dissatisfaction.

"Because Master Maud hopes to learn more about Oak's thinking and behavior patterns, which is good for our next actions."

Another voice interrupted his complaint. He turned around and found that it was his colleague, Yeklahid.

"I don't think so. It's obvious that we only need to go directly into the Ouke stronghold through the worm and grab the target. Why do these things happen? Putting such a trap? This will only increase the difficulty of our actions."

"Because no one told you that there are high-strength alloy barriers underground in Los Santos, and the worms can't dig so deep. We will fight Ouke after all."

The answer to him was a muffled sound with a metallic texture. After hearing this sound, the two turned around and lowered their heads at the same time.

"Master Maude."

In the dark passage, a body of steel strode out, the shiny alloy and mysterious crystal clusters were combined in an orderly manner, forming an armor-like shell, but through the crystal clusters, you can see the faint body in the alloy. shape.

This is the first time members of the trust council have walked on the ground.

"This is a valuable experience. Oak will be a trouble we need to face for a long time in the future. Of course, they will only be trouble after getting back the STC template.

However, at that moment, he found a pair of eyes staring at him stubbornly-it was a pair of eyes blinded by countless blood stains, but still showing a bitter cold light.

In the quagmire of flesh and blood, Boss Oak, who had lost a pair of legs and a hand, was still dead. He shook his head, loosened the freak that had just been bitten in his mouth, and fixed his eyes on the gathered dried shrimps.


An unrecognizable low roar echoed in the cave, not from the beast's throat, but from the deepest part of his soul.

The sound was creepy, like the most violent and ruthless thunderstorm.

"We... Revenge..."

Boss Oak stopped struggling, Maude stretched out his hand and sucked the opponent into his palm, put his other hand behind its neck, screwed off its head like angrily, and then threw the corpse into a short distance. In the queue, watching it disappear like a leaf falling into the rapids.

"I am surprised every time I encounter them."

Maude waved his hand, and the two arcanists and the Son of Dawn walked away with interest.

Then, another thinner figure emerged from the shadow cast by Maude.

"Yes, if it weren't for Guk who is leading Oak's main force in the New California Republic, it would not be easy to retrieve the STC template."

The same metal body, but the new one has four arms and two heads, and when he speaks, it resounds like a double accent.

"According to the results of the satellite scans, there are also an unknown number of Ouke gathered in that place. This is not easy."

"Easier than when Guk was there, and without the head, these green-skinned beasts are not difficult to deal with. We are not going to destroy them, but to regain the STC template."

"The intelligence also revealed that there was a huge metal object on the site of Los Santos."

"I looked at the satellite scan, it should be...their original idols."

"Really... By the way, why did Regina Ron suddenly betrayed and hid STC?"

"Uh, it seems... Do you remember his daughter, who suffered from a rare genetic disease, Regina Rong asked to sublimate her with Ethereal Nanoworms, but you know this is impossible. At that time, he was Rotator, STC is kept by Red Umbrella Biopharmaceutical Company, and on that day he activated the defense system of Los Santos."

"I know that, the question is... why is he?"

"The news I heard was that he wanted to use another method to cure his daughter, a biotechnology of unknown origin, through gene fusion to change his daughter's gene chain, thereby curing the disease."

"He is crazy."

"But I think he might have succeeded. Those harpies, as well as the legendary snake people, I suspect it is the result of gene fusion."

"Successful... what is his daughter's name?"

"Called...Elena, a little girl with red hair."

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