Orc Tyrant

Chapter 320: Mao Brother King Kong (Part 2)

The idea guy above didn't have time to take care of the engine room below, he was working hard against the invaders.

He put his eyes on the shock-absorbing rubber of the machine's telescope, looking for the target, and at the same time yanked the lever and depressed the pedal.

At this moment, all the sense of isolation between him and the machine is diminishing, and he feels as one with it, just like Mao’s King Kong’s arm is his arm, its iron foot is his foot, and its left eye is powerful. , The green energy is his scorching gaze.

It looked completely illogical, and the unspoken monster was jumping around like a hot iron splatter, trying to throw laser beams on his face. Mao's armor flashed a faint light as it absorbed and dissipated the energy.

There is also a small round thing, like the shields of the weird boys, buzzing around their deformed owners. They also have guns and cannons, but they are **** and can do nothing at all to the mighty Brother Mao.

"Boring! Stupid! You can't hurt Brother Mao!"

The idea guy yelled:

"Kill them, cigarette holder!"

The opponent made a messy answer, but when the nerve boy fired a shot at the enemy, his hand shook nervously. It slightly deviated from the intended target, but the result was a genius hemispherical explosion that swallowed almost all of the suspension except for one. tank.

While Brother Mao King Kong was staggering forward, the metal fragments and turf crackled down, and the Flesh Messenger buzzed around, as confused as the abandoned pet Skug.

A few sadly grabbed the ground and tried to stand up with their ruined legs, their torn throats moaning in despair.

Dianzi used the telescope to zoom in to the right, and smoke came out of their cuts, exposing the mechanism and many weird things.

After another three steps, Brother Mao reached above the remaining six-legged monsters. Before the huge iron feet came, they lifted up and waited for their arms and weapons, trying to block all of this.

The explosion melted the thick metal skin of the idol and dug away a large piece of shiny metal from the armor, but did not penetrate.


Brother Mao's feet finally landed on the heads of the monsters, and Dianziluo felt a soft thing stepped on his feet through the superstructure of the idol.


Dianzi yelled, and Mao yelled with him. The reactor buzzed as it delivered energy to the gravitational battery of the weapon. The concentrated firepower stroked the ground, pulling out several tons of soil with each sweep, and then Dianzi let Mao Mao. Brother winked at them.

After that, only a few things remained there.

The idea guy is fully absorbed, his cigarette holder grumbles, his deputy giggs, and the **** sprints around. At this moment, they are the living organs of Brother Mao.

But there is always someone who tries to kill Oaksing, and Xiami tries very hard.

In the shimmering air, a certain invisible creature approached quietly, with an illusion like a glimmer in the field of vision, so the mechanics did not see them.

A group of Dawn Sons sneaked under Mao's shell, avoiding the eyes and ears of many boys, and tied the high-explosive bombs to Mao's joints. The next step was the explosion. There were five of them tied together, one after another--

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

"What the hell!"

Dianzi roared, and Mao swayed to the left more than the right.

Flashing red, the alarm buzzing, the bell rang, and he wrestled with the controller when Brother Mao decided to lie down for a while.

"Foot! The ghosts made Brother Mao's foot!"

The deputy was even worse. He stood up from the ground on the reactor deck, and the big bell was ringing. This meant that something very bad was about to happen.

The smoke in Brother Mao's stomach was turbid, and the **** fragments were scattered like residues after a big meal. The shell plate was sunken inward due to the explosion, and it was uneven and hot.

Now King Mao’s walking posture is extremely irregular. Every time his left foot walks forward, the machine will give an alarm of overturning, and a terrible rubbing noise will follow.

The deputy pulled a rivet from the flesh of his left arm and threw it to the ground.

"Fart! Fart!"

"Yes, boss?"

A fearful voice came from the corner, and the fart fine hair ball came out of the hidden place.

"Sorry, boss, apologize for the other guys... died in the mission, slacker, we are not, boss, right guys?"

The farts nodded with forced enthusiasm.

"It doesn't matter! Give me a sledgehammer! Burn it! To fix it quickly! Quick! Quick!"


An **** pointed at the adjutant with a wagging finger.



The mechanic looked down, and a group of three red lasers shone on his chest.


He reacted immediately and rushed to the side of the road.

In the next second, the reactor compartment was full of messy shots, and the delicate shots were all "pup puff puff" instead of "puff puff puff" like normal guns, but there were a lot of them.

The bullet penetrated into the body, destroying many parts and wires, and the thick white steam snorted out of the cooling system of the main power supply.

More alarms, more ringtones, more questions.

The deputy stretched his head from behind the reactor cover, and he reached for his pistol, which was filled with explosive bullets he had invented.

A faint light, a smoking hole, there should be no movement of moving places.

The deputy frowned at it, but he was a mechanic, not a nervous boy, so he didn't get confused for long.

He fired into the smoking hole, and his pistol made the correct sound when it fired, and the bullet exploded from something solid.

Five, six, seven, he hit something, and then he could see what was attacking him.

When the camouflage of the stealth combat suit failed, the light was distorted. It was full of smoke, and a stubby egg-like object was exposed on its hands, a helmet with flashing goggles turned to the direction of the deputy. The weapon in his hand fired again.

"Oh no! You can't!"

The deputy yelled, he began to run around the reactor, the pale blue bullets chased him, bounced off the cover.

He walked around to the other side and ran across the room before Xiami, who was wearing strange armor, raised his gun again.

Then they burst out suddenly with the help of the smoke. His grappling made them fall together with a clatter. They slid to a wall and tried to stand up, but they tripped them again when King Mao took another unstable step.

Then Xiami wanted to raise his gun again, and his deputy slapped it off. He stabbed Xiami's face with the pistol and emptied the magazine at a zero distance.

The metal mask was knocked out of the crater, sparks and sizzling from the armor, but the shrimp did not die.

The deputy put his clever fingers into the gap, twisting the pieces of armor with the cunning of his craftsmanship and the strength of Ouke.

He was out of luck, so he resorted to slamming the opponent with the largest wrench that he could catch from his belt. Xiami's glass eyepieces were knocked in and he went blind.

It tried to smash him again and again, but the deputy overwhelmed it. He thrust the wrench to the chin of the helmet and pried it up vigorously. The shrimp inside was sluggish, and the skin was disgustingly blue-grey, and it was more than a fart. Still fragile.

The deputy squeezed the sides of its face with both hands, and snapped its neck with a click.


He snarled at the face of the dead shrimp.

"You should stop Waaagh and watch behind yourself."

Said another mechanic who broke out of the thick smoke.

"They have two more and want to come in."

He pointed at the crack with a burning nozzle, and his deputy pulled out a wealthy magazine at will, stuffed it into the gun, and walked towards the crack in the armor.

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