Orc Tyrant

Chapter 327: Fan Jili's Gunpowder (Part 1)

Finally, Guk and the blood worshiper agreed to trade after 20 days, but a new problem appeared.

Neither party has a port where it can be handed over.

However, this problem was solved after Guk glanced at the map. According to Oak’s simplest logic-grab it if you didn’t. Guk was determined to seize a port from the nearest distance. He set his sights on Essex. The second largest port city in the state-Van Geely.

Just at this time, Gu Ke was advancing with his army in the north, and Guk directly issued an order to him, asking him to occupy this coastal city as soon as possible.

Gu Ya was also very happy to do so. Under the guidance of the Harpy, he deviated from the originally planned path of destruction and ran towards Van Jili hundreds of kilometers away, which created a new path of destruction. .

In less than seven days, the army led by the buck tooth rushed to the outskirts of Fanjili City. There were few resistances along the way, because people either had already fled or they had to shrink at home and tremble and wait to die. The military forces of Sykes State are all shrunk in the defensive line on the west bank of the Venus River, unable to help everything on the east bank.

On this day, it was also the first time that Gu Ya saw the sea.

The air is dry and cold, slightly salty.

The Bay of Beauty below the rift valley is like a piece of glass falling in the gutter, and Fanjili City is located on the coast, looking like it is made of various colors of waste and shingles.

At the far end of the wide valley, across the sleeping earth, on the other side of the valley, the enemy's line of defense has been set up, showing a color like black velvet in the morning light.

The sky is purple, the stars are shining in the sky, and in the far north, the fiery red sun is rising.

In the east, the location of the port has been illuminated by firelight since midnight. It is a masterpiece of artillery.

It is early morning, and the buildings in the city are towering like tombstones, and the morning light has gilded these simple rectangular buildings made of yellow stone with a golden edge.

In some places, the buildings are connected by towering columns and porches, and the iron towers are as tall as green pine, and the roads are paved with etched stone slabs and polished to be as smooth as a mirror.

The air is filled with a dry, static electric charge, as if there is a huge electromagnetic machine running nearby.

Here, those boasting shrimp did not appear. The report that the harpy had sent back about the enemy's resolute resistance was short and sketchy.

However, a leader of Yaga’s commander was responsible for capturing a fortress to the west of the city. The shrimp guarding there boasted that they were Ouke killers, but Yaya determined that they were just weak chickens and used the method of calling themselves an elite force to bluff.

In short, he ordered them to be killed.

The main defensive force is composed of the Fanjili militia group wrapped in red uniforms. These soldiers are equipped with swords, axes and spears, rifles, machine guns and howitzers.

They chose to stay here, and used a large number of industrial facilities to build a complex and strong barricade. They rarely confronted Oak head-on, but resorted to small attacks, using street fighting to kill the patience of Oak's army.

The situation was infuriating. The militias hiding around the building did indeed withstand the attack of an Ork army, and they briefly held the line of defense in front of the buck-tooth.

Of course, there is also the factor that the several warships in the port area continue to provide fire support.

However, they are dried shrimps, mere dried shrimps!

Buck teeth felt angry. This was the anger caused by the environment. Human soldiers, no matter how good they were, should not be able to resist Ok.

He wanted to crush them and crush them into powder. He called for a long-range bombardment to disperse the human fleet in the port, and even hired a super-heavy motorcycle war gang from nearby.

However, any of these actions will destroy the port. In a sense, Xiami is being protected by the buildings they guard.

Yinya still has a choice. He really wants to prove that he doesn't need to do that. Guk hopes to get a relatively complete port area to operate everything behind. It is not the purpose of this attack to create a pile of ruins.

But less than 30 minutes after the launch of the total offensive, the city's surprise attack had become a suffocating battle.

Ouke and their auxiliary banshee have lost their momentum, their offense has fallen into a short pause, and their advantage is offset by the tough counterattack of well-equipped and well-equipped soldiers.

Gu Ya looked up at the sky above the ocean. The sky was still filled with the dark blue of the night, but the pale edges were expanding.


He yelled, buckled his binoculars on his belt, and then drew out his tomahawk-double-sided bladed, engine driven, made of scrap steel, and patterns etched along the blood trough. He called it a cracked skull. .

At the same time, the modified big gun has also been hung on the left arm.


The heavy armored old David team roared together, and Gu Ya determined to quickly change and end the farce. He had learned the location of Xiami's command post through the investigation of the fart, and he was going to destroy it himself.

The charge triggered by the boss was shocking, and even Xiami knew that this might be a final battle.

As the bucktooth rushed into the battlefield, all kinds of bullets continued to fire on the front of his armor and his helmet.

But he turned a deaf ear, rushing through the smoke and flames and leaping into the collapsed colonnade in two violent steps, with quick steps, lowering the center of gravity, and the axe up.

He saw the human soldiers, hiding behind the bunker, hiding among the ruins of the building, and shooting at him continuously.

He could see their faces, pale and frightened.

No humanoid creature can be so fast, so violent, and so powerful, especially when that thing is more than three meters high and is wearing armor that can only be lifted by six or seven ordinary humans.

It's one thing to see a war leader, but another thing entirely to an active war leader.

Psychologists call this fear. It can make a mortal feel overwhelmed, sit on the ground, blank his brain, and cause him to lose control of his bladder and intestines.

Something huge and militant will stop this symptom, something huge and militant, and as fast as a viper attacking.

Buck teeth saw the astonishment on the faces of those who were about to be sacked by him. He heard the scavengers following him, and he felt the joy of being Ok.

At this moment, he subtly felt that Glak was right.

Fighting with guns is time-consuming and laborious, and it is far less efficient than a hack.

"Die! Shrimp!"

The thin breastplate shattered, and in the sound of glass breaking, the metal became disintegrated, and the sharp shards would fly into the air after every heavy blow, and then disappear without a trace.

First the armor, then the body in the armor, first the metal, then the flesh and blood.

Blood spurted from the wound, or sprayed into the morning sky, or sprayed on the bucktooth body and the stones between the ruins.

Each swing will cause a visceral explosion, and a cloud of scarlet smoke will be sprayed into the air, as if a pack of blood was blown out.

No matter what advantages the Van Geli militia once had, they have lost these advantages. Less than five minutes after the bucktooth took the lead in the charge, his corps opened the entrance to the port area.

But Gu Ya did not stop, because he knew that there were still a lot of shrimps scattered in all corners of the city. They were connected by waterways and organized weak resistance. Only by pulling out the hidden command post, these resistance would dissipate.

And he is very close to there now.

Ask for a ticket! ! ! ! !

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