Orc Tyrant

Chapter 330: Refugee (Part 1)

Shaoya successfully captured Fan Jili, and there was no hindrance to the subsequent transaction. The only thing to do now is to "transport" everyone to Fan Jili.

This is not an easy task in Guk’s opinion, because if the boys are allowed to do it, then how much is left is unknown, so he chose to leave the implementation of this matter to the Harpy. And he himself took the guards as the escort.

A huge migration began, and the New California Republic began to pay attention to this, and a large number of investigation teams began to penetrate into the occupied area of ​​Ouke.

"There is no enemy situation for the time being."

Although I was worried that there would be hostilities around me, the day passed without incident.

Recruit Brandi often thinks that veteran Tuco’s concerns in this regard are unfounded, because any invisible stalker will not give a clear warning-the whistling of the wind that echoes across the plains makes them unable to hear anything. Other sounds.

The scenery on the way is not the same. You can occasionally see reddish-brown rocks exposed in the sand, like a coral reef in the sea, with dead trees intertwined.

The lichens on the rock surface are colorful, but this is only because the eyes are easier to find them under the contrast of the environment. Although there is no clear sign of animal activity, Tuco is sure that they are there, and life has incredible toughness and toughness. Tenacious, even in the most unfavorable environment, will try to find a way to survive.

Like those **** green skins.

As night fell, the sky turned purple, and the two decided to stop and camp.

They parked the horse on the leeward of a bare rock. When Brandi jumped off the horse happily, he almost tripped over the sand under his feet and had to sit down and stretch his paralyzed limbs.

"How far have we gone?"

Tuco asked, reaching for the cloth bag full of rations on the saddle and tossing it on the ground beside Brandy.

"About 30 kilometers."

Brandi shrugged and started setting up the stove.

"Just walked so far?"

Tuco raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Under these conditions, we are already moving very fast, and safety comes first."

He said that, Tuco did not want to continue arguing about this issue, so after he set up the tent, he wandered on the rocks next to him, watching the distance while looking at the map in his hand. The cool weather is where the animals thrive. Over time, many small shadows can be seen running on the horizon.

This was the second day they went deep behind enemy lines. Although they had not encountered the enemy and found no special circumstances, this calmness alone represented something.

Returning to the camp with a heavy heart, Tuco found that Brandi had been busy because of his absence.

Darkness arrived as promised, bringing the cold of the night. After dinner, Brandi retreated to his survival tent and got into his sleeping bag.

In the first half of the night, he guarded, and in the second half of the night, Brandi crawled out of the tent on time and replaced him, even though his sleepiness was not so intense.

When Tuco woke up, he found that Brandi was already busy outside the tent. He was stirring some gray lumps in the pot above the stove. Although they didn't look very good, they smelled quite delicious.

When he carefully walked past the sleeping bag Brandy had placed outside the tent, the other party raised his head and handed him a cup of hot drink.

"The meal will be ready soon."

He said casually, turned around and continued to take care of his porridge.

After breakfast, Tuco took the telescope back to the top of the climbing rock last night and scanned the horizon, hoping to find some clues that would help travel.

Condescendingly, through the clear morning air, he could see many unexpected things.

In the end, his attention was focused on a blurry spot on the horizon, which aroused his interest, and Tuco twisted the telescope's focus to zoom in on the image in his eyes to find more details.

"I see a small town ahead!"

After confirming the information, he notified Brandi loudly. Through the faint gasp and the sound of pulling heavy objects behind him, Tuco knew that he was busy carrying things on his horse as usual.

Tuco wants to make his sight clearer, but the distance is too far. It is difficult for him to see other things except for the blurred walls and the outline of the building. Maybe he should get to know the situation of the residents there, if they still If you are alive.

"That might be where we are going."

"It's a good direction."

The recruit agreed that he had already installed everything quickly.

"Greenskin will destroy all the towns you pass by."

He paused, then said worriedly.

"Sir, if there are only civilians, I think..."

"I know."

After careful consideration, Tuco put down the binoculars. He would not rashly break into the ruins where there are green skins and unattractive.

But now, he seems to have no choice but to go there to take a risk. They can't wander aimlessly in the plains of Essex until they consume all the supplies. They are responsible for this place. The situation is clear.

"Hidden action, don't attract the enemy's attention."

In view of this, the two of them approached the town much slower than before, and prepared to retreat at any time along the way, because now everyone knows that Ouke has a fast two-wheel machine, also called it. For motorcycles, getting entangled in that thing often results in bad results.

In the end, they walked on a highway, the smooth road pointed straight to the town where the Holy Father knew where it was, and went around the city.

Wanting to enter the town secretly from here without attracting anyone's attention is wishful thinking. Tuco feels that the most desirable option is to seize the time to enter the suburban buildings and hide his body there.

Tuco quickly glanced at the road, and immediately understood that the possibility of encountering an ambush was very small. Judging from the thin layer of sand covered on the road, nothing had been moved on the gray ground for a long time. The green Pi is unlikely to set an ambush here.

"I have an ominous hunch about this place."

Tuco told Brandi that he scanned the walls on the edge of the town with a binoculars. Traces of the battle were everywhere. No undamaged building was found. Part of the building had completely collapsed, and the street in front of it was filled with scattered debris. The wreckage was on the ground, but he didn't find any roadblocks or firepower points in it.

"It's a mess."

Brandi slowed down and bypassed some of the burnt-out vehicle wrecks. They looked like four-wheeled carriages. The thin metal plates on them were torn apart like ration bags. The two tried not to Go and check the tragedy in the car carefully.

No matter who stayed in these cars, their burnt bones fell down and became entangled together after death. It is estimated that a senior coroner would be required to distinguish which body they originally came from, but there is probably only the holy place in this place. The father knew who they were, and maybe only his old man would care about such things.

"I guess, those are refugees."

"You are right."

Tuco agreed, but didn't take it to heart.

No one knows whether their other companions or relatives are safe, whether they are united to survive the disaster, or whether they are just rushing for their lives in the wilderness.

The only certainty is that Greenskins did come here, but Tuco didn’t know if they were still tarnishing and destroying nearby. The only prudent thing to do was to assume they were still entrenched here, so he told Brandi to Be careful.

"Find a hidden place to stop the horse, we walk forward, I want to know where we arrived."

At this time, his palms began to hurt. He believed that his subconscious could predict the existence of danger, and it seemed that the situation was not good now.

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