Orc Tyrant

Chapter 357: Blood Flag (18)

Becoming the master of his body again made Yushijin gasp, his muscles spasm, and his nerves were electrocuted, but he still endured the **** pain and stood up, trying his best to make himself look like he was not affected by the shock. Trembling.

He looked at the battlefield where he had fought before. At this time, it had become a huge deep pit. The bodies of humans and Ouke were scattered where they died, and the armor and bodies were torn to shreds and torn by huge energy.

"We failed."

The mysterious man put on the robes of condensed shadows again, and a tired voice came from the scorpion-shaped helmet. Yushijin looked at him, and he felt that the voice was familiar.

"who are you?"

"We have seen it."

Behind the dark eyepieces, a sly look made Yushijin suddenly aware of something.

"Are you...Dia brother?"

"Long time no see, Colonel Yushkin."

The remaining night blades gradually gathered around the two of them. Of the thirty people before the departure, there are now only six people, including Nutans. Everyone has different degrees of scars. One of them lost his left arm. , But no one spoke, and no one called for the ambulance. They just stood like this, as if the lack of limbs was just a trivial matter.

"Good job."

The admiration of the other party did not make Yushijin happy, he glanced at the chain sword in his hand, and then sent it to the other party.

But to his surprise, Diego shook his head and refused.

"You deserve it, Colonel."

"It... it can't exert its full power in my hands, I'm just a mortal."


Diego's gaze swept across the battlefield. The surviving soldiers were carrying the wounded and the dead, as well as the identity badges left behind. Their faces were mixed with tears and blood, but no one made a sound.

"...With the body of a mortal, no one is more suitable than you to create a great cause."

Then he glanced at Yushijin’s cracked tiger’s mouth and smiled:

"But you have to prepare a pair of thick gloves."

Yuhijin wanted to laugh too, but he couldn't laugh at all.

"Go to your victory, Colonel Yushkin, I think you know better than me what to do."

Abandoning this sentence, Diego took the remaining night blade and floated away.

Yuhijin remained silent for a moment, then raised his head and shouted:


No one responded to him.


There was still silence, but the nearby soldiers heard his shout. One of the soldiers with gauze on his head limped over and said:

"Sir, I saw the captain take someone to prevent Greenskin from taking our regimental flag..."

Yushijin's heart jumped and hurried to the command post. He carefully looked at each corpse along the way, confirming that there was no his deputy inside.

Then, he stopped in front of the falling regiment flag.

He stretched out his trembling hand and slowly lifted the corner of the regimental flag.

When the familiar face appeared in front of him, Yushikin's body shook, and finally he did not fall down until he supported the ground with a chain sword.

He died, his eyes widened and he died with unwillingness and anger. A fist-sized hole was opened in his chest, and his right hand was holding a corner of the regimental flag to death.

Yushkin squatted down, holding his best friend's hand, his chest was like a huge boulder, eager to vent.

Under his grip, Phillips loosened his hand little by little, and Yushkin took a deep breath, closed the opponent's eyes, and picked up the regimental flag together with the broken flagpole.

At this time, the original blue flag has been completely dyed mottled red, and many cracks and burnt holes have been added, which does not look better than the rag in the kitchen.

But Yushkin held it high and asked the soldiers to find the helmet that Shabal had dropped before, find another Ok’s head, buckle the helmet to that head, and then stuff their filthy battle flag into Ok’s. Mouth, finally picked it on the flagpole.

"A group! Gather!"

Within ten seconds of issuing the password, all the surviving soldiers quickly assembled in front of Yushkin, and he glanced at it. There were a total of 139 soldiers.

Handing the regimental flag to a soldier next to him, Yushikin drew the chain sword inserted on the ground and said loudly:

"Today, I am proud of you! But now it's a little closer to the end, we still need to fight, a regiment! Tell me! Can you still fight?"


No matter how exhausted and painful, everyone tried their best to make the loudest sound they could make, and some even spewed blood when they roared.

"Well, my brothers, our comrades! The defensive time has passed, now it's our turn!"

In accordance with the method that Diego had taught before leaving, Yuhijin brushed his thumb over the rune on the hilt, and the weapon immediately groaned with hunger and thirst.

"A group! Listen to my orders! Attack!!"

On the position of the first battalion four company of Axum, Ouke has crossed several fronts, and now the remaining more than 30 people of the four company are defending the last line of defense.

"Fuck! What are you guys!? An imperial soldier or a little girl at a dirty ball!?"

The fourth company commander Ivanov was standing at the forefront of the defense line with a sword in his hand. One of his arms had been lost, and blood was dripping from the bandaged gauze, but this did not affect his loud voice in the slightest.

"Didn't your mother teach your mother how to shoot!?"

The beard on his chin was shaking with anger, and as he walked through the trenches, the soldiers shot harder.

"Sir, I..."

"Don't answer me! Should this be a line of defense? If so, shoot me! Kant! Aim and shoot!"

He walked past a certain soldier and kicked him in the ass.

"Not aiming all the time! Pointing and aiming! Let your **** rotten gun fire!"


"Bilbo! Don't change bullets like a twitching octopus! Big bird man! Father's ass, can't you throw a grenade further than you pee!? Or I will give you a spoon. Go and fight Greenskin! Or two, you **** idiot!"

A green-skinned howling jumped into the trenches. Before he could stand still, Ivanov lifted the knife and cut off the opponent's arm and head. His strength was not inferior to the monster he killed. .

"Levin! Brighten your **** eyes to me, and then put the green skin in, I will put a grenade into your **** and let you explode!"


A soldier yelled suddenly, and Ivanov turned around impatiently.

"Holy Father! What's wrong? Do you want me to do anything?"

"No, look!"

Looking in the direction of the soldier’s fingers, Ivanov was stunned. He saw that his regimental commander was leading people rushing here. There was a blood-colored flag flying around him with an Ouke’s flag hanging on it. What's still stuffed in my head and mouth.

He was stunned, and Oke was equally stunned.

"Yes, it's the boss!"

"The boss is dead!?"

"The boss is dried to death by dried shrimps!"

Shabal's helmet was so conspicuous that no kid had admitted his mistakes, and the army that had been fighting spirits was suddenly defeated.

"Ivanov! Come with me! Get rid of this **** bastard!!!"

When Yushkin passed through the trenches of the fourth company, he waved to the commander of the fourth company, and the opponent immediately jumped out of the trenches.

"I've been waiting for a long time! The puppies! Run!"

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared. The original turbulent army slid down the hill like a low tide. The few human soldiers followed closely behind, chasing down the retreating enemies, and it was theirs who rushed forward. Head Yushikin.

A certain green skin tripped over because he didn't pay attention to his feet. When he just got up, a roaring chain sword chopped off his head from behind.

"The time for revenge has arrived!"

Yushkin turned around and watched a group of remaining soldiers jump out of the lines of defense. They were in twos and threes, none of them were wounded, but they still maintained a strong fighting spirit.

He raised the weapon in his hand and waved forward.

"A ball! Charge!!!"


More than two hundred soldiers gathered around him, forming a raging wave that knocked far more enemies down the hillside.

Further afield, the front line maintained by the Axum Army's main force is already in jeopardy.

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