Orc Tyrant

Chapter 359: Blood Flag (20)

"Hey! Jackson! Tell me did you pee your pants!?"

A familiar voice made him suddenly raise his head, and at this moment he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Yushkin...Yushkin! You are still alive!"

A cheer was replacing the rumble of cannons, and above the trenches, a blood-stained Yushkin was holding up the chain sword in his hand.

"Ok can't kill me yet."

Jackson stood up, and there were many soldiers like him. At this time they noticed that Oak's firepower had suddenly weakened a lot, and at the same time there was an increasingly louder screaming for killing--human voice.

Yushijin turned the weapon in his hand and said loudly:

"I'm here!! Not dead!! Who will come with me!!!"

Jackson noticed that beside him, a blood-colored battle flag was fluttering in the gunpowder smoke, and the huge head on it was so conspicuous that Ok, hundreds of meters away, could see clearly.

Yuhijin raised his pistol and lightly ejected a brass shell in a burst of noise. Then the soldiers of the Aksum Army swarmed out of the shelter. They began to gather towards Yuhijin in shouts and cheers. regardless of costs.

"go ahead!!"

Yuhijin was the first to charge Oak's front, and Jackson was the second. He was even faster than Yuhijin's standard-bearer.

He began to sprint with all his strength, and from every dark aperture he could see the flash from the muzzle.

"Axum! Run to death for me!!"

He shouted to his people, using all the power available on his legs to take out the fastest speed, his muscles became hot, and the wind poured into his lungs, making them feel like they were burning.

But he didn't care about it, a powerful force made him follow Yushijin's footsteps.

The bullet fell around him, but it didn't hit anything, there was no pain, and there was no strong impact.

Someone on the left yelled, but he turned his head to look, he would definitely die if he stopped at this time.

"Keep on running!"

He roared, and from his side he saw many soldiers advancing, advancing with all their strength, gathering under the banner.

"Zun's warrior! How do you hope to see yourself tomorrow!"

The black Zun officer also jumped out of the trench. He raised the wooden spear in his hand and put his hat on it.

"For the homeland! For the ancestors!!"

More than a dozen Zun soldiers roared and joined the charge with numerous wounds. They are now the only remaining Zun regiment. In the previous defense, their regiment suffered almost fatal casualties, and their anger towards the enemy became more and more intense. Profound.

Oak’s guns continued to spray torrents, and the rain of bullets stirred the earth, some embedded under the rocks, some bitten into the living flesh.

But everyone was still moving forward. After seeing the banner, those Oks who were shooting seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing. For the first time, panic and fear appeared on their faces.

"The boss is dead!!!"

"Dried shrimps, boss!!!"

This news spread like a plague in the queue of the Black Fire Legion. All the charging boys stopped, some stood blankly on the spot, some began to retreat, and even the Black Fire generals began to retreat. They have already begun to consider subsequent "succession" issues.

The mechanics ran the fastest, even when they retreated, they didn't forget to steal something from other mechanics.

The Skug Cavalry took the lead in evacuating the battlefield, and the running Skug beasts stepped out of the Okdule. The casualties they caused were even more terrifying than the casualties caused by humans.

As a result, the retreat became a retreat, and the retreat became a retreat.

The big crash began.

The Axum Legion, which had been crushed before, gathered under a banner and formed a wave of anger, pushing all the greens back to the direction they came from, driving them like ducks. monster.

Furious Yushkin held up his chain sword and pistol, and rushed to the forefront of the team. All Ouke who faced him just ran away.

The blood-colored battle flag stood beside him, and the flag bearer changed one after another, but no one would let it fall.

Seeing this scene, Prokhov was in tears with excitement. He took off his hat and shouted into the distance:

"This is our courage! This is our courage!!"

Reynard, a war correspondent for the Empire Morning Post, recorded this moment in his notebook with a trembling hand.

"... I stand on a high place, looking south, bursts of thunder tearing through the sky, continuous rumbling, rumbling, and a short five-kilometer front line of bullets, cannonballs, and rockets. Intertwined and dancing in the air, the screaming of artillery shells, the muffled explosions from grenades, blasting jane, and dynamite bags, echoed endlessly in the canyon, and the fierce fighting between the enemy and the enemy along the front line has never seen me in decades The majestic and magnificent scenes I've visited! The enemy's abandoned cannons, machinery, weapons, and vehicles of all sizes stretched and stretched out of sight, and there were scattered wreckage, armor, flags, and other military materials..."

On a high cliff, Diego took off his helmet and used his fingers to draw the long hair on his forehead to behind the pointed ears. The slender almond eyes looked at the beaconing battlefield in the distance, but a little gloomy.

"Too fast, they evolve too fast..."

In the dim hole**, a group of farts were busy putting various parts in suitable or inappropriate places. After a sudden flash of light passed, two things fell from mid-air.

Suddenly the farts were scared and yelled, running away or hiding behind something.

It took a while before they emerged cautiously. At this time, the mechanics also discovered the abnormality and surrounded them one after another.


Shabal screamed and pushed away from his body while pressing the tyrant, but when he looked around, he was stunned.

"Where is this?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's my workshop!"

Okimid stood up, and he looked around, until he saw something, he showed a relieved expression.

"It's over..."

As soon as he heard this, Shabal's face collapsed and he collapsed on the ground, but Okimid patted the ashes on his body, walked to his baby machine and looked at it, and then turned around after confirming that there was no problem. He said to the warlord:

"I heard that the overlord is here, you can find a place to hide."


Shabal jumped up immediately, regardless of his broken arm, took a few steps irritably before saying:

"That, that doesn't all depend on me, look at the two of Glak and Beruf, I'm still going to serve shrimp according to the boss's will."

"Have you won?"

"Ahem! I haven't lost yet! Wait until I gather the boys together, then go..."

Before he finished speaking, Shabal saw several huge figures appearing at the far entrance. Above this was the Blackstone Fort. It was no longer necessary to guess who came.

"Shabal, the overlord has already heard of it."

The guards came to him, their hands carrying huge shackles, which were specially built for Ouke, and were strong enough to deal with a giant Skugger.

"He asked you to wait before he comes."

Shabal glanced at Okimid for help, but dealt with a shrug, turned and continued to play with his machine.

Taking a look at his broken wrist, Shabal had no choice but to let the guards put the shackles of humiliation on him. He could only pray for Guk to "understand" a little bit.

But if he could feel the anger of the other party at this time, he would definitely not report such extravagant hopes...

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