Orc Tyrant

Chapter 363: Change (below)

"At first I thought we might catch a serial killer in the middle."

As Akins said, he rubbed his hands a little uneasy.

"But in my opinion, this pattern of severance seems to be more extreme. This is not a brutal murder or the madness of mental illness after the murder. It is a specific and purposeful ritual."

"Why do you think so?"

The question was about Beth, the attendant of Temives, who used to be a policeman in the Kingdom of Mettenheim and had extensive experience in murder cases.

In fact, he is well versed in case handling procedures and familiar with various operating methods, which is why Temivis recruited him as a member of the trial team.

Of course, there is another reason for his ferocity in the battle. This is a cunning and brave fighter.

Atkins looked at him with his head sideways, as if he was questioning the opponent's abilities.

"Because of the nature of dismemberment, there are still corpses abandoned."

He ignored the skeptical gaze, and turned to look at Termivis.

"In my experience, the judge, every serial killer hopes that he can be discovered and he wants to be famous. He will show his killing in a presumptuous and public manner and declare that his power surpasses the public. He will make it because of his own production. Fear and fear and excitement... But these corpses have taken a lot of effort to hide, which makes me think that the killer is more interested in death itself rather than the impact of death."

"Yes, Director."

Termivis nodded. This is also his view. Cult murders are usually hidden, so the cultists can continue their work without being discovered.

"There should be other victims who haven't been found..."

While cleaning his pistol, the attendant Godwin said casually that this was a prophecy that made everyone present creepy.

"Cult murder?"

There was some vibrato in Atkins's words.

"I came to see you with this because I was also worried, but you really think..."

"In many cases, the blood worshippers cut off the victim's hands and tongue, because these are the organs for communication."

Termivis spoke, he rarely said this to ordinary people, because it would have a great impact on their spiritual world.

"The brain was dug out because the cultists want to ingest the mental material of their prey--or, as you might say, the soul... In some other countries and regions, there are also cultists who goug the victim's eyes...for example Ancient Spiritualism, Hespala Society, Nightcrawlers, etc."

Suddenly, he moved his face forward, pressed his right eyelid with his index finger, and stared at Aikins on the opposite side.

"... You see, the eyes are the window to the soul. In fact, heretics often cut off the hands of their ritual victims, and then write down their last words. The source of the ink used is..."

"The information is detailed enough, sir."

Atkins stopped the other party quickly, his face was already pale.

"These are obviously cult murders, Chief."

Termivis smiled and leaned back on the sofa.

"There is a heretical harmful cell in your city. I will help you find it."

After a short investigation, Temives immediately grasped a detail-he would never ignore the details.

The house where the female textile worker's body was found has not been inhabited for a long time, and no one has even been in or out. It was only when the worker who laid the heating pipe broke the wall that she found her body. It is easy to draw a conclusion ——The person who owns the key to the house must be related to this matter.

A few days later, Temives found the owner of the house-an old man with dementia who was dying in a nursing home.

The clue seems to be interrupted, but Temivis is a person who pays attention to details. When he discovered that the nursing home volunteers who took care of the old people's remains disappeared a few days later, he thought he had found a new clue.

He immediately led the team to the slum area, and the dead were also residents of that area.

The slum is actually Bilvia, the old town of Cardillon. This is a neglected, melancholic, bleak and poor place. Dirty pollution covers every surface, acid rain keeps falling, and various pipes all the time. No longer making noises, dim light crawling on the street, every stone in the building here seems to be decayed.


The voice from the corner of the street received a quick response. The silhouettes of the inquisitor's attendants dressed in black coats walked out of the dark narrow alley. Impress leveled the shotgun in his hand and fired at the heavy iron lock of the rusty gate.


The deafening gunfire echoed in the alley, punching a fist-sized hole in the metal.

Termivis kicked open the door hard and rushed in, followed by the others.

Behind the door is a corridor littered with waste. A few dirty oil lamps provide dim lighting. A sitting man has his feet on a simple wooden table, his eyes widened, and psychedelic smoke hangs weakly. On his lips.

Then, the second shot of the shotgun knocked him down, the man's blood spilled out, and the whole person fell to the wall.

All men half bent over and walked toward the corridor, swiftly walking through the twisted metal and broken stones that were piled up in all directions.

"Smells like a **** of a septic tank."

Godwin muttered in a low voice, and Temywes had to agree. When he approached a closed door, he suddenly pointed a finger. The two attendants behind him quickly positioned on the left and right sides of the door, and one of them kicked the door open. The two rushed in at the same time, raising the shotgun in their hands.

In the alley, the beam of light cut through the darkness that could not be illuminated. Some rodents hurriedly evaded the illumination, and the stench index had broken.

Temives glanced at it, another empty alley, another door in front, and an oil lamp above his head faintly glowing with cold light.

"In the name of the Father, who would want to hide in such a place?"

Beth commented, adding a variety of curses.

"Of course those who don't want to be disturbed,"

Termivis replied sharply, and then interrupted the conversation.

"Beth, I have heard enough of your complaints."

The attendant murmured a few more words, and Temivis could only try to restrain his urge to squeeze the big man.

Concentrate, he told himself, continue to move towards that door, and then heard some vague voices, shouts, he cursed.

Temiwes lifted his heavy boots and kicked vigorously. The chain of the door had been rusted for many years, and the whole door fell inward at the sound.


This is a huge square space, sofas and chairs have been lit, a low table is filled with paper documents, beds and desks are displayed on the wall, and a temporary kitchen is built in the east corner.

A man in the far distance of the room did not seem to notice the sudden intruder, and continued to pour the liquid in the tin can onto the tabletop.

The other two men were lifting the window from the wall, and one of them was suddenly full of fear, and quickly jumped into the shadow outside the window.

The other person raised a pistol, his entire face distorted by hostility.

"Stooges! Go to death!"

The gun flame spewed out from the end of the short-barreled weapon, and the bullet was avoided by Temives. He took the silver pistol from his arms and fired, blasting the opponent's head into a pool of blood. .

"Catch him, don't use a gun."

He lipped to Bass, the attendant nodded, and he quickly approached the man.

It was too late when the other party noticed the strangeness behind him. When he turned around, Impury’s thick arms were wrapped around his neck and held firmly in place. The man was dragged across the room, and then he fell heavily on the ground with his hands in pain. Fixed behind you.

The man tried in vain to resist, so Beth pressed his knee to the man's back and forced him to stick to the ground.

Temivis ran across the room and picked up a soaked sheet of paper from the grease-soaked table. It was a detailed military deployment map and data sheet. When he saw what was recorded on it, he couldn't help cursing. .

"Quickly put out these **** fires! This place may be burnt down at any time!"

After greeting the attendants to put out the fire, Temives walked to the captive who had been suppressed to the ground and twisted his face to him. The man's face was deformed by hatred and pain.

"What are you planning here?"

He said softly, but the captive spit, eyes burning with anger.

"Inquisitor? What sign is this, I have never seen it before."

Godwin spoke suddenly. He stared at the captive's head swinging movement. The dark brown overalls on the opponent's left shoulder were a bit torn, revealing a rough tattoo.

"this is……"

Termivis tore the man's heavy clothing and stared at the tattoo design: a demon head with antlers, screaming, surrounded by corrupt bones and dead branches.

"...Wendigo Church!?"

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