Orc Tyrant

Chapter 373: Crazy Mountains (6)

"That thing is too slippery, let it slip away every time!"

Guke said bitterly, he rudely twisted the head of the fragrant sea fish off, chewing on the fresh and undercooked fish.

The Ouke boss and the warlords sitting nearby also sighed. They also hid with the demons underground for a long time, but these ghosts couldn't be killed.

At this very moment, there are tens of thousands of Ouke kids entangled with demons in the complex underground network. Life is dying at every moment. Although the big guys don’t care about this, the road is real. Was blocked.

"Are all demons so courageous?"

Guk made a vague voice and turned his eyes to Liya on his shoulders.

The other party then gently raised his slender eyebrows and smiled:

"Most demons are very cunning, and some are very cowardly, but I think it is probably only your master that you can make them scurry."

"But it keeps running like this, can't you keep playing with it!?"

Guk is really annoyed. He has been chasing that thing for five days, and he has touched it seven or eight times in the meantime. Each time he opened his head with violence, and the other party's escape ended, even with Waaagh energy. Live it.

Along the way, Guk himself couldn’t remember how many low-level demons with little eyes were trampled to death, but just as the bosses complained, these things seemed endless. One batch was killed, and there was always another batch. Mushrooms grown by farts can grow.

"Your Majesty, my concubine is suspicious..."

Another banshee came over, holding an ancient scroll in her hand.

As the scroll slowly unfolded in front of him, Gu Ke saw many fine texts and coincidences, as well as vague pictures. The above depicts a living sacrifice and an open door, and countless evil spirits are struggling through the door. Prolapse.


"The concubine boldly guessed that someone used the ritual to tore a Hanan fissure somewhere, and continued to use flesh and blood to reinforce the fissure so that it would not close."

"and then?"

"One of the reasons why demons cannot stay in this world for a long time is that their power comes from Hanan. Once they lose their connection with Hanan for a long time, unless they rely on a certain thing by special means, or they are particularly powerful. Devil, otherwise most of them will become weaker and weaker until they disappear."

"You mean, there is a door under the ground, so how come these ghosts can't finish it?"

"Exactly, but..."

Evely landed gently on Guk's shoulder armor, sat next to his head, and said in confusion with her chin supported:

"...Who would do such a thing? Once the rift is out of control, the whole world may fall into chaos, and this kind of ritual has long been lost, even if it is fanatical like blood worship, they don't seem to have such a technique, who is it? ? Or, what is it?"

"No matter who it is!"

Throwing the leftover fish bones into the fire, Guk stood up.

"Is it over if you open that door?"

"This...the concubine body can't guarantee that the master of the strangulation is not an ordinary demon. I dare not make any judgments about whether the existence of the rift will affect it, but at least it will be much weaker."

"It's so annoying! I'm going now."

Although it was late at night, the undulating mountains were still burning.

The large-scale bombing ignited the mountainous area of ​​Bill End, turning the air into incineration clouds, and spiraling dust and ashes gathered into several tornadoes. The terrifying beam of energy scorched the vegetation and animals, causing the few streams to evaporate into a thick, hot mist.

Cannonballs and bombs were scattered all over the sky like severe winter hail, and new blazing dense forests were cultivated on the ground. Those soaring canopies composed of liquid hellfire took root and sprouted in an instant, flourished, and then withered and died. All this happened. Within minutes.

The red rockets flashed past, like schools of fish that had escaped from the fishing nets. The warheads they carried sent destruction into the ground, turning the air into a dense poisonous cloud.

Even Brother Mao King Kong also joined the action of burning the magic vine, and the rockets and lasers like the celestial hammer even completely changed the landscape.

The mountains collapsed, the hills cracked, and unfamiliar hills made up of dirt and gravel emerged in the canyons, and the crust on the surface of the mountainous areas had been cracked in all directions.

Along the way, Guk witnessed a series of fatal wounds pulsating with light gradually emerging. Those brand-new molten rifts split the entire mountainous area into several sections. This is the alchemy room of war.

Light and heat, energy and fission turn the river into steam, turn rocks into dust, and melt sand into glass, allowing everything to sublimate without a trace. Clouds of swirling mushrooms pierced the sky, as tall as a towering war machine. .

But Guk knew that it didn't make much sense, but was able to vent their pure anger. To cross this mountain range, it would take a fatal assault.

To this end, he once again stepped into the deep underground maze.

Not long after he left, he found the body again without surprise.

This cave is full of the remains of the brat and the **** servants, but they are all weirdly and silently floating in the void.

Each corpse tells an evil way of death, the body is shredded or divided into two.

The first corpse of concern fell against a wall. A steel-covered hand was pressed against the abdomen, which was also covered by armor. This was a guard who was too late to stuff his intestines back into his stomach. And die.

He walked to the corpse and put his hand on his helmet, the soldier's head hung down and looked at his body.

The air became dry and hot, accompanied by static explosions.

Guk's eyes changed from bright red to deep green like a deep pool. He saw through a mist and came to another vision.

In the same location, the living kid and the **** are walking. They are noisy and yelling, not like looking for the enemy, but like going on an outing.

In the next moment, the light figure began to shuttle between them, slashing with their filthy serrated blade...

The mist became denser, and when the mist dissipated again, he saw what the soldier saw last. A broken green skin had blood vessels swollen as if it melted away, and it pierced the tentacles." Drool splattered on my abdomen.

In the process, Guk heard nothing and felt nothing, but the last scene remained.

He then removed his hand from the helmet.

This was a new ability he had only acquired not long ago. He didn't know how to call it, and he hadn't told any Ouke. It was with this power that he could keep clinging to the devil's trajectory, and this time was no exception.

"It's been here..."

Guk looked around. Except for the slaughtered corpses, there did not seem to be fortified here, and the entrances of the various passages were open like empty stomachs.

It's dark here, the only light source comes from his weapon. The claws of Guk flash with low-power energy positions. The demon killer sends out an electric spark from time to time and leaves a trace on the wall. Its flashing shadow makes those icy cold. The broken face turned into a trembling mural.

The pace of hunting suddenly accelerated, but the entire underground maze was rebelling against him.

Guk could feel the traces of corruption in its bones, the filthy and sour rocks refused his touch, cave after cave, and he pursued his prey.

As he passed by, ripples appeared on the rock wall. Although its structure has never changed, they cringed on a spiritual level, as if by instinct.

Occasionally, Guk will meet a living kid, they often fight very hard, Guk will help them, but refuse their companions, this hunt belongs to him alone.

As for more corpses, he could feel them. The embers of their spiritual fire were still lingering nearby. Every time he walked past a corpse, he could hear a few words on his deathbed, or see a glimpse of a blade and a sharp tooth. collision.

Following these signs, he once again approached his goal.

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