Orc Tyrant

Chapter 376: Crazy Mountains (9)

In an instant, the energy released by the Guk spirit produced a violent crackling sound, and at the same time the entire cave shattered in front of his eyes, as if the scenery had been stripped from the surface of the eyeball and left his sight.

He lifted his leg and rushed out thirty steps, but not by running.

Just like a certain freeze-frame picture in slow motion, distance and direction are actually not important to Guk at this time. A situation like this, even if it is described in the most vague terms, is like a by-product of being misinterpreted.

Normal creatures need to sort out their five senses to tell the brain what they have seen and heard, but Guk has entered a certain detached state at this time, a violent posture that is difficult to be restrained by flesh and blood.

In the distant distance in other sights, Guk only spanned one breathing time, and twisted around him in this world, folding into a channel.

He looked towards a scorching ocean, which was composed of certain non-existent colors, forming countless faces calling his name.

The waves screamed and brought their voices into Guk's mind, crying about their lies, their weaknesses, and their pain.

Liya often said that it was the gift of Mao that made Oke immune to corruption. Guke was suspicious of this. It may also be that his secretary just needed a simple explanation about Oke’s mysterious resistance to calm her heart. doubt.

When he fell into the blurred ocean, Guk began to move, traversing the screaming waves, focusing on the last scene he saw-a huge vortex.

This point, he has always kept it firmly in his heart.

Ignoring the pressure of the **** waves on the armor, Guk projected himself forward, and walked thirty steps without moving any of his muscles.

Corruption touched him like quick fingers, and the thinking tentacles tucked on his armor like searching, trying to get into his mind, even moving forward without gravity, like trekking in asphalt.

At that last step, Guk used all his strength and ran out of the storm.


Reality reappeared with a burst of sound. Guk hadn't stood still and his arms waved like fan leaves. The moment a horned demon turned his head towards him, the shining mechanical claws had already hit it. On the temple.

In an instant, it rolled to the side and the spine made a crisp sound that Guk couldn't hear. Such a powerful blow was enough to knock off the head of a behemoth Skug.

But it was not a creature, and it did not die. On the broken neck, it began to move its tilted face.

Guk’s second blow ended it in the only effective way. The iron boots smashed the moist eye sockets where the four were located, and the bloodshot eyes shattered in an abnormal way-it felt like stepping on a cobblestone instead of breaking it. It was like rotten jelly as Guk expected.

This is a howling space, as Gu Ke saw, huge vortexes, a lot of ritual remnants, doors floating in the air, and countless demons.

Before Guk could take a closer look, the spinning demon killer slammed into the fastest demon, pierced his throat and crushed the **** eyes.

Every time the magic blade is withdrawn, it will make a hissing sound, and the profane rune engraved on the surface emits red steam with every blow.

In the **** battle that followed, Guk's senses forgot about time.

Even an unusually clear mind can't process thousands of actions intuitively when the perception can't keep up with the rhythm, but Ouke has a stronger instinct that allows them to handle the most intense and responsible situations in battle.

He wielded his weapon to smash and stab, and every time it was a one-shot kill, it was as deadly as any slashing or hammering.

But they were also tearing at him, holding on to him, trying to overwhelm him with absolute numbers.

One of them clamped Guk's throat from behind, and its desperate fingers loosened a circle of steel bars around Guk's neck.


A hammer blow smashed the devil's head, and Guk ripped it from behind with mechanical claws, slammed it to the ground, and smashed seven or eight demon rushing up.

But there is more.

Guk's claw continued to shine, and every blow it blocked turned into scattered kinetic sparks, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

A fist, a big mouth in a blood basin, a violently flapping wings-they burst out with dim radiance when they hit the energy stand.

In the same way, the explosion from every blow of Guk hit the enemy illuminates the entire room, and the flaky lightning intermittently turns the night into day, and there is a sharp sound of tearing the air.

The demon's corpses began to pile up at his feet, getting higher and higher...

A heavy blow will knock off a monster's head, and then tear off a pile of frozen pieces of meat, and a large area of ​​bright and transparent skin.

The skinned head was facing Guk's line of sight, and a rune was engraved on his forehead.

Guk stabbed the demon killer into the guy's face with the second blow, and the crystallized black dirt scattered from the broken chin into the air. In order to prevent it from rushing for the third time, Guk shouted Drinking ignited the flesh and blood of that monster.

It backed away, screaming in the green flames that didn't need air to help it burn.

Will is the source of fire.

But the rainy tentacles came again, there were too many of them.


Guk threw a large group of demons out with an invisible shock wave, gaining a few seconds of breathing time to face the next wave of attacks.

He turned his head and looked at the towering gate, suddenly surprised.

That door was actually made of countless flesh and blood. On the bright red door frame, there were countless squirming limbs, heads, arms, thighs, torso, spine... everything seemed to have life.

Four huge pillars of bones protrude from the whirlpool to support the four corners of the door. On those pillars are countless human forms that are bound. They are stripped of their skin, and they keep crying in pain, waving their arms helplessly, but Their lower body was merged into this filthy pillar.

With just one glance, endless anger, darkness, despair, and cold rushed into Gu Ke's heart like a flood of a bank, making him have to spend some time to disperse and concentrate his efforts to disperse them.

If you change to an ordinary person, you may have gone crazy at this sight.

The structure of this gate is a vortex facing the deep pit below. Guk can see something constantly falling from the gate, and then various twisted demons crawl out of the vortex.

Normally demons don't have a shape, and Guk still understands this, so this means that the vortex is an existence that can transform the shape of the demons.


Just when Guk was thinking about it, a face twisted in silence hit his shoulder armor, and his soft tongue entangled his frost-stained armor.

The increasing force caused his arm to ache, and Guk returned to his senses and stared at the thing.

With that free hand, he clamped the devil's face, and his fingers plunged deeply into that strange style of flesh and blood.

"Bug! Can't you wink like a fart."

As Guk slowly applied force, its skull made a crisp sound, and screamed straight into the soul, then cracked, and finally completely shattered into several pieces.

The tissue fluid flowed out of the pile of minced meat, forming a perfect flowing ball.

Suddenly, a chill came from behind, and Guk grabbed a silver tentacled from behind with his backhand, and pulled it off his body.

"What are you?"

Guk stared at it and pulled its head back, exposing Guanghua's neck.

Its mouthparts once sucked on its armor, leaving a faded scratch on the cold steel, and responded to Guk with a certain deep and vicious look.

The pale tyrant laughed, and the demon killer cut its throat and plunged it deeply, then pulled it back and forth like a bone saw.

It began to scream and tremble, and the demons around were stunned by the sound, and they retreated one after another.

Guk threw the opponent to the ground, the iron boots stepped on his slender head, eyes that almost rose up with flames looking around the group of demons.

"Who else."

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