Orc Tyrant

Chapter 379: Crazy Mountains (12)

At that moment, a strong shock wave hit the bone pillar, and the entire space was trembling under an invisible big hand.

All the demons were lying on the ground to fight the storm.

Guk is also resisting the storm, not only from physical space, but also from the uncharted territory that is collapsing.

He couldn't separate those voices from his mind. Thousands of howling and screaming voices cried out their requests and pain. No matter what terrible things were on the other side of the crack, its power must be very powerful.

The remaining two pillars also began to collapse, and the door made of flesh and blood was burning and shrinking, but it also released a more powerful force before it was about to die.

The storm turned suddenly, the first demon was sucked into the dissolving door, then the second, the third...

It is transforming from a storm eye to the center of a whirlpool, sucking in the liquid in the deep pit below.

Guk nailed his legs to the ground to prevent him from being sucked in, but this force was too strong, he still moved in the direction of the whirlpool uncontrollably, and the iron boots made deep marks on the ground.


Grak's voice suddenly came from behind, and then his hands grabbed Guk's shoulder armor, pulled him back together, and left the edge of the storm.

Guk's iris display was still blurred, full of chaotic figures and symbols, but the huge shadow of the demon was clearly visible, more terrifying than endless darkness.

It came toward them normally, approaching from above, and the disintegration of the gate didn't seem to affect it.

"Be careful!"

Because the noise was too loud, Guk used a psychic impulse to alert Grak, strong enough to make ripples on the floor.

Grak dragged him a step further, still clutching Guk's shoulder armor, but the moment he turned around, the black claws pierced his chest.

There are three claws. Like the pointed head of a trident, the nails are as thick as a human arm.

Then Guk heard the most terrifying sound in his life, and the sound of Grak vomiting blood in his helmet, reached his ear canal with abominable clarity.

He stretched out one hand to Guk, and with the other hand, he kept groping for the weapon he hadn't been holding for a long time, muttering vaguely, hoping that he could help him escape from the monster claws.


Anger broke out in Guk's mind. The strong current pushed the howling wind away from his body. He lifted the demon killer and hit the hateful arm with a stab.

In an instant, the blood crystal floated in the air with a certain strange beauty, sprayed out of the broken limbs, and the devil screamed and shrank back.

"Damn it! You bastard, open my eyes!"

Looking at his nearly fainted man, Guke threw away the opponent's helmet and slapped his hand, but he still didn't wake up, more blood was pouring from his body.

He could feel that Grak's consciousness was drifting away, and subconsciously he tried to grab the opponent, as if he could bring him back to his side.

For a moment, he followed Grack's consciousness that was fading in the wind, frantically doing useless work to regroup the fragments of his consciousness.

Guk felt the severe pain he endured, so strong that he almost divided himself into two, and he also felt his regret, ashamed that he had not died before he became a teacher.

And finally, incredibly, his fear.

A creature that will eventually die is afraid of death before dying. Guk will never despise him because of this. No creature can shake the meaning of the word "alive", and the heaviness that must be surrendered at the last moment. sense.

"Get me back!"

Guk is not a pain kid. He has no ability to save a dying life. The only thing he can do is to inject his mental power into the opponent's brain, in the hope that this can create miracles.

Then, everything disappeared, the scene, and the soul that supported it, disappeared, as if a hole had been opened in the mind.

The hot flames roared in, and all of Guk's senses trembled like crazy, looking for something that could calm them down, anything.

After a trembling, Grak opened his eyes, it turned out that they had been closed, and then drew out the demon killer behind Guk's waist like a lightning.


He pushed Guk away and jumped up from the ground, splitting the howling evil wind with a lingering green electric arc, facing the demon who was about to succeed in a sneak attack with his blade.

The knife was so sudden that the devil stared in astonishment at the enemy he had killed, without any response at all.


With the sword's strength gone, a huge gap spread from the demon's shoulders to his waist.

It staggered back, and the two arms that fell first, followed by a large amount of blood and organs, the withered vine frantically wanted to suture the wound from behind, but the gap was still getting bigger and bigger.


Muddy eyes stared at Guk, and after the demon made the last murmur, he couldn't hold it anymore and was swept into the center of the whirlpool by the wind.


Guke stepped forward and patted Grak's shoulder.

With a bang, the Demon Slayer fell to the ground, and Grak fell to the ground.

Guk immediately reached out and touched his neck, still breathing, so he carried him on his shoulders, turned and ran out.

The space turbulence is getting more and more serious, everything is collapsing, Guk almost fumbled forward, and finally he found the position he wanted.


He touched the cold rock wall, first hammered the hammer lightly with his fist, and then took a deep breath.


This punch was as powerful as a bombardment. With just one blow, it blasted a big hole in the rock wall. Guk bent over and carried Grak into it and came into a passage.

At this time, the devil's breath has gone, and they have lost their source of power. They have only one way to dissipate, but it is not the time to be happy, because the outside is also beginning to shake, obviously something terrible will happen.

"It's really uneasy..."

Lifting his shoulders, Guk strode out of the passage. No matter what was going to happen, the first thing he had to do was to save his number one thug.

But the boys outside saw something completely different, a more terrifying thing was sprouting...

"Come on, come on, come on..."

A scavenger is looking for useful garbage among the vine fragments all over the floor. There has just been a big battle here, and there may be something left.


Suddenly, another scavenger leaned in.

"What are you doing?"

"Borrow 50 teeth."


Kicked the opponent away with one foot. As soon as he raised his head, the garbage bag in his hand slipped to the ground involuntarily.

"Fuck up, this..."

Not only him, but all the boys who were still fighting in the mountains were stunned. They opened their mouths and stared in the same direction blankly.

That is the place called Dagger Peak. Towering into the clouds, it is the highest point in this mountainous area, but the smooth and smooth outlines of the mountains in the past are no longer pure.

Its color used to be like bones dried by the sun, but now it is wrapped with a filthy web of black-green poison ivy. This rotting poison gushes out from the cave, covering it like a thick, greasy, sick rope. The entire mountain peak.

From a distance, it looks like a mass of tumbling, rotting plant tissues that are constantly growing, and the mountain covered with pitch-black thin lines transmits some kind of nameless corruption and filth. That kind of substance absorbs all the light it comes into contact with.

Mogdrogen walked out of the tent quickly. He felt the waves of the vast ocean hit the barriers of the world without stopping. This was a force rising from a certain deep place.

However, what he perceives is only a drop in the energy, just a stream that is about to become turbulent, a dam burst, and the relentless pressure will soon open its doors.

"what happened?"

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