Orc Tyrant

Chapter 382: Heavy thunderstorm (medium)

An hour after arriving in Cardillon, Marin Craig held his war meeting at the command post near the cathedral.

At this time, it is entering the rainy season, and the rain drops on the huge windows, falling from the eaves that extend from the ceiling.

A filthy mist drifted high above the city, and a sour smell lingered in the air.

When Louis Mountbatten, Leslie McNair and other senior officers gathered, the theater chief of staff Thomas Handy and the deputy commander Leslie McNair also attended.

Most of the troops have been assembled, only the Seventh Army is still on the way due to its late formation.


Marin Craig started today’s meeting with a brief remark. He is an old man over sixty years old, with neat hair and curvy beard. The neat black military uniform makes him look very energetic, yellow. The two rows of medals with densely arranged copper buttons are a direct proof of his life's military exploits.

"Three months have passed. Our compatriots have suffered from the hands of alien invaders. Now that must end. We will defeat them in the name of the Holy Father and ensure that every trace of their filth is cleansed from this world! "

Several army commanders slapped their breastplates with their fists in salute, while Mountbatten uttered a roaring roar.

"Good, good."

"We are with you, Admiral."

Craig pressed his hands and motioned for Mountbatten to be quieter.

"Nature gives us insight deeper than the enemy's thinking."

The commander of the western theater continued his talk.

"They worship violence and gain strength from their unclean beliefs. I believe that their success is only based on our temporary intentions. When people come back, these beasts will have nothing but muscles."

"No offense, sir."

Simon Buckner, the commander of the First Independent Division, said in a low voice:

"Since the first day I received my appointment, I have been wondering about the same thing... The enemy commander does not seem to be simply reckless. All the troops in the enemy-occupied area have tried their best to resist, and even set it up. A Yuhikin-style trap, but they still failed."

Simon Buckner is a native of Essex, and all his soldiers are from Essex. Ouke brings them not only pain, but also more shame.

"Major General Buckner, I understand your feelings, but they have an overwhelming number-for a despicable raid, such a number can achieve any purpose they want to achieve. I did not fight against those bravely It means that men and women are disrespectful."

"To some extent, the enemy's success is entirely due to our own paralysis."

Walter Kruger, commander of the Second Army, took over.

"We are all too addicted to the illusion of peace, completely ignoring the reality that the world is being surrounded by monsters, lunatics and careerists."

As he said, he held the pipe in his mouth.

"It doesn't matter if the green skin comes, before we completely fell asleep in our dreams, a slap slapped us all up."

He is the only person who dared to smoke at the meeting, not only because of his unruly character, but also because his family is one of the top political powers in the Republic.


Craig nodded, then turned to pull the curtain open.

"Okay, now it's time for business."

For a moment, everyone on both sides of the table straightened up and stared at the huge military map intently.

"Gentlemen, the President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army have coordinated with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to formulate the highest guidance plan for this campaign."

With the long whip in his hand, he made a circle along the center of the map.

"The core purpose of this battle is to retake Klein City, Vader City, Citrus Town and Crow Ridge, advance the defense line in depth to the east bank of the Duron River, and look for opportunities to regain Arkham City."

The Dulong River is a tributary of the Skason River, the largest river in the Essex Plain. It is divided into the Upper Dulong River and the Lower Dulong River. It flows from the southwest to the east through Silver Mist Lake. It is the only natural danger in Cardillon.

Also relying on this river and the relatively powerful inland fleet, the New California Republic was able to stabilize the last position on the Essex Great Plains, but all the towns on the east coast were completely occupied, many of which were not because of Oak’s The offense is just the people spontaneously fleeing their homes.

This was a bold plan. Everyone held their breath. Craig picked up a few small flags and pinned them to the map one by one.

"The battle will be launched in a week. At that time, the First, Third, Fifth, and Sixth Army will go out of Banshee Mountain, cross the Lower Duron River, and take the Klein City, then the Fifth and Sixth Army will take the southern orange town, and the Third Army. Going north to occupy Redwood Town, the Second and Fourth Army quickly crossed over the railway bridge in Nizhen. The Second Army entered and occupied Vader City, and the Fourth Army controlled the area of ​​Crow Ridge. After the 7th Army was completed, the next stage of operations could be carried out. It is expected to be in two weeks."

Having said this, Craig turned around, looked at the silent generals, and suddenly smiled on his face.

"Don't be so nervous, everyone can say what you have thoughts and opinions, and speak freely."

But everyone still looks solemn, and most of them have their own thoughts. After all, this is the first time the Republic has organized such a large-scale battle. There is no sense of trust and coordination between each other, but the commanders of the army occasionally glance left and right. Take a look at the expressions of people around you.

"Frankly speaking, this meeting is just a head-to-head meeting, a briefing meeting to convey the instructions of the President and the Department of Defense. You don't need to have any worries, just be casual, casual."

As a veteran, Craig has a unique experience in interpersonal processing. With just a few words, everyone's expressions are slightly slowed down.

In the end, it was Lieutenant General Ben Lier of the Sixth Army who spoke first. He once served under Marin Craig for a period of time and is currently the only commander in the seven armies.

"Commander, it is impossible for Oak to watch us come to regain lost ground. The counterattack may be fierce, and we are fighting with our backs against the river..."

"I'll talk a little bit."

Louis Mountbatten also spoke, but he was not so polite.

"Sir, let me say frankly. I don't know whether this plan was designed by the Army General Staff or the Joint Chiefs of Staff. However, I would like to ask, the six armies have a long snake along the river bank. Put it aside, isn't it a bit too much? Have we underestimated Oak's IQ too much?"

His words made the scene alive, and the army commanders whispered to discuss this plan, but he himself did not stop.

"In my opinion, as far as the current troop strength and weapon configuration are concerned, it is far from being able to counterattack, and it can rely on the Duron River defense line to support it."

"Why does Master Mountbatten have such a negative view?"

The commander of the First Army, Mirand Harmon, stood up. He was a radical representative in the Republic’s military and an expansionist.

The first time I tried to write about large corps operations...it's a bit false

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