Orc Tyrant

Chapter 386: Coping (on)

"Huh? I heard you right? Xiami wants to take the initiative to pick things up?"

Gu Ya rushed to the city hall in a hurry, and immediately heard such a burst of news, and even for a while, his brain could not process such information.

The other two warlords also had big eyes and small eyes, but they got the news earlier, so they were more acceptable than Buck Teeth.

"It should be true."

"Where did you hear it? Or did you see it?"

Facing Bucktooth's question, Barr only shook his head and twisted his waist to point behind him.

"He said."

Bucktooth stretched his head to look, and found a small figure standing in the shadow of the lights.


The figure coughed a few times, then slowly walked out, and uncovered the hood of the dark brown robe, revealing a pale and thin face-he is a human, a male in his thirties.


"Boss, my fellow David Koresh, come here on the order of Bishop Hannibal."

Occitan is extremely difficult for humans to master, not only because of vocabulary, but also because it is difficult for normal people to make that sound through the vocal cords, but this man speaks very smoothly.


Gu Ya thought for a while, and after making sure that he had the name in his mind, he snorted.

"...It's just a shrimp."

David Koresh smiled, and did not answer the other's words. Instead, he conjured a long roll of maps from his sleeves and unfolded them on the table between the three warlords.

They looked down and found that it was a military map with many numbers and patterns clearly marked on it, as well as rivers, mountains, hills, towns, etc., which were very detailed and accurate.

The average kid, looking at such a map, most likely will only get dizzy, but the three of them often follow Guk. They have seen a lot of such maps, so they won’t be completely incomprehensible, but the numbers above represent It means they don't understand.

"What do you mean?"

Naz knocked on the edge of the table and asked loudly.

"Speak clearly! Shrimp!"

David Koresh nodded and responded:

"Based on the information collected, we have confirmed that the Western Theater of the New California Republic will launch a large-scale offensive campaign in three days, code-named'Heavy Thunderstorm', with approximately seven armies and 30 divisions, totaling more than 500,000. people!"

Upon hearing this, the three warlords glanced at each other.

"Why should we believe you."

In this way, Bal Zhijin said that he was the first to get the news because this person had directly approached him, but this did not mean that he had any sense of trust in humans.

It seemed that such a situation had been anticipated, David Koresh smiled slightly, took a pocket watch from his arms, and glanced at it.

"It will be here soon."

"What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, an Ouke strode in. He was a leader under Naz.

He looked quite embarrassed, not to mention his whole body was wounded, and one of his eyes was blind, and blood pouring from his eye sockets from time to time when he moved.

"what's happenin?"

Naz looked at him in surprise.

"Boss, Xiami suddenly touched the river in the morning. They were too crowded, but we were few, and they didn't hold on."

The area where the bosses were active was in the Durron River area, and they often took the kid to cross the river in the middle of the night to harass humans. Upon hearing his description, the three warlords knew that the humans were right.

"Go down first, I'll clean up you after I'm done."

After driving away the defeated boss, Naz turned his gaze back to David Koresh.

"It seems that your news is late."

"Boss Naz doesn't know anything. This is just a small-scale armed reconnaissance, and a large-scale operation has not yet begun."

Having said this, David Koresh picked up a thin wooden stick from the table, pointed to the corresponding number on the map and said:

"According to the information we have obtained, after the operation is launched, the first, third, fifth, and sixth enemy armies will take the Banshee Mountain and start from the Yanan Ferry crossing the Lower Duron River to attack Klein City, and then the Sixth Army will head south. Taking Citrus Town, the First and Third Army Corps will go north to occupy the area of ​​Redwood Town, while the Second and Fourth Army will cross the river through the railway bridge in the north of Nizhen, and occupy the areas of Vader City and Yaling."

The three warlords stared at the map, and they finally realized that the numbers represented the various units of mankind.

"How many people are there in Xiami's army?"

The question was Buck Teeth, and he didn't fight against humans too often.

"The standard for an enemy's army is three infantry divisions, one cavalry division, and directly under the artillery brigade, engineering battalion, etc. The number is between 60,000 and 70,000."

"Not much."

"So, I take the liberty to ask, sir, do you know how many soldiers you have under your hand?"

These words choked the buck teeth. He thought about it carefully, but found that he hadn't really counted the number of boys under his hands. That number was a kind of murder to his brain cells.

Seeing the other's expression gradually turned from embarrassment to irritation, David Koresh immediately changed the subject.

"I have probably calculated that the number of direct soldiers that your boss can command is between 100,000 and 150,000."

After hearing this, the three warlords didn't feel much, because the numbers were too big and they surpassed their imagination.

"After three days, we all hurry up!"

Barr just fists, as if he's going to do a big fight.

"Yes, pull the boys over first, do it!"

Naz also looked eager to move, but Buck Teeth noticed that the human expression was a little strange.

"What do you want to say?"

"Three bosses, haven't you thought about why the New California Republic suddenly attacked at this time?"

"What does Xiami want to do?"

David Koresh shook his head, quite a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

"They wanted to replicate the victory of Bill Tevere once. Where did the Benedict Empire defeated the Shabar warlord by terrain, and the New California Republic hoped to replicate such a victory by defensive instead of attack.

Shabal’s defeat was spread by neuroboys. Basically no one in Arkham knew about it. The three warlords naturally knew.

"I'm not that idiot!"

Buck teeth slapped the table hard, and even the ground trembled. If the marble table top was not strong enough, he would have slapped it to pieces at this time.

"I didn't mean to accuse the three of you, just...change your mind. If the three soldiers are pressing down on the situation, will the enemy change its plan or even shrink its defenses? Then the last three can only be empty. After all, there are gunboats in the Duron River. After patrolling day and night, hundreds of thousands of hedgehogs gathered in Cardillon and couldn't speak."

"what do you mean……"

Barr only heard some overtones.

"I think this is a great opportunity. Properly used, it can even allow the army to directly cross the Duro River defense line, break Cadillon in one fell swoop, drive all the enemies to the west bank of the Skasen River, and even... completely wipe out the 500,000 clusters in the Western Theater. !"

With a slap, the wooden stick slapped heavily on the map, pointing straight at Caddy Lun.

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