Orc Tyrant

Chapter 392: Bloody Battle in Grey Mountain (1)

Kim Aisha soars in the trade wind, and it is the first time that she has left the team to perform the task alone.

Flying high in the trade winds of the Flame Plateau, passing the parishes and gardens is certainly a pleasing thing to watch, but at this time there is something else that makes her particularly nervous, that is war.

There is no mercy in the sky here, a regular gust of wind may make her rise slowly, but then a wall of air suddenly crosses in front of her, and the explosive impact will make her fall straight for several yards while trying to regain control. In the process, another gust of wind would make her spin.

Everything seemed irregular at the beginning, but as she flew, Asia slowly found a way to accompany the uninhibited wilderness here.

Even in the most disorderly madness, nature will leave you with some signals you can feel.

She relaxes her body, controls her direction at a minimum in the wind, and adjusts her posture only in extremely dangerous moments.

She is a nobleman, Jin is her last name, and Aisha is her first name. The unique naming method of the Harpy Kingdom has always been surname first and last name, and only nobles have surnames.

Although she has an extraordinary bloodline, her family has long since fallen, and her noble bloodline has become thinner. The gray feathers are only better than the pure gray untouchables, and even in the eyes of some nobles, she is already regarded as an untouchable.

In order to revive the family, she resolutely joined Earl Morana's expeditionary army.

At first everyone thought this was a tragic and terrible job. After all, this is to assist a bunch of brutal beasts, not brave, strong, and upright warriors. Although the Harpy Kingdom has been isolated from the civilized world, even They are enemies, but their culture is still more influenced by humans.

But Aisha didn't care. After the family mansion was mortgaged and sold on the street with her sisters, she understood what the real "beauty" is—power.

In the months that followed, she always felt fortunate for her decision. Ouke is really a kind of "cute" creature. They have no power but lack some wisdom.

Aisha's first pot of gold was a full ten pounds of gold in exchange for a bag of broken glass from a certain ass!

Their knowledge of wealth is weird and terrible. Aisha still does not understand how their custom of using teeth as currency was formed, but this does not prevent her from buying these "currencies" because she can exchange them for more. s things.

Of course, trading with Ouke also requires skill. They are not a group of businessmen with a spirit of contract. They prefer to plunder compared to exchange. Many unsuspecting harpies rush to find the bosses of Ouke and often end up. It became the meat on their grills—Morana wouldn't care about these **** ghosts.

Aisha is very smart, and her client base has always been a marginal existence that has been overlooked by everyone-assholes.

On the one hand, they are very weak and very safe. On the other hand, they are often the main force in cleaning the battlefield. The wealth they accumulate is far beyond everyone's imagination.

The only drawback is that she can't get involved in the most profitable slave trade. Cutie knows that this kind of business is not something she can do. Only those nobles who provide huge amounts of tribute to the Ork warlords every day are eligible to participate in the distribution of this cake.

Those small caravans of slaves who do not know what they can do often have various "accidents".

As for her, she only needs to maintain the relationship between a few fart bosses. Their demand is very low, and the return they bring is a hundredfold, but the premise is that she can continue to stay here and have the status of a volunteer. As a lean.

Due to the huge profits of the Ouke Trade, many nobles have begun to replace the earliest militias with their own private soldiers. Morana can't manage this kind of thing, and doesn't want to take care of it.

Aisha has heard the news that their company will probably be sent back to China and replaced by another newly formed unit. In order to be able to reflect the value she has left behind, she voluntarily asked to participate in this more dangerous mission.

Looking back, Asia turned her attention to the plain below.

It was early in the morning, and the sun had just awakened the sleeping earth, and the team that had been wild was running across the boundless wilderness.

This team is made up of thousands of tall and savage creatures. They are dressed in rugged and heavy armor, shouting vague battle roars, loosely lined up in three rows, and rushing forward.

"It's terrible..."

Aisha groaned, and had to pay her admiration for the horrible endurance of these creatures.

This is a vanguard force, starting from Arkham, the target is Ash Mountain, two hundred and fifty kilometers apart.

They ran endlessly all night, Aisha looked at her pocket watch, and for 12 hours, these Oukes actually marched 106 kilometers forcibly! They really kept running and never stopped for a moment.

Aisha occasionally thought that with such terrible endurance, if they had some kind of normal male ability, they would be crazy for their compatriots.

Closer to home, this light attack can also be said to be the first shot before the war, but the Oukes don't know the way and need a guide, and the guide has to be able to keep up with them.

Aisha took over the task, and she also accompanied these Oukes for one night. With the help of some kind of medicine, she could stay awake for three days and three nights. Of course, the price was that she would need to sleep for three days and three nights later, but this was not serious. the result of.

At present, they are not too far away from Grey Mountain. In addition to leading the way, Aisha also needs to do a good job of detection to prevent this assault force from colliding with human scouts.

Suddenly, her vision swept into something. On the distant horizon, although she was not a wizard or priest, as a harpy, her eyesight was definitely first-rate, and there was indeed something. .

Aisha flapped her wings and flew in that direction.

"Is that a harpy?"

Hidden behind a rock, the scout Yabo held his binoculars and stared at the approaching black spot in the sky, while the other man was lying on the ground with his ears against the ground.

"A lot of things are running, the big one is like a herd of animals."

After a while, the man lying on the ground made such a sound.

"Will it be Ok?"

"It is very likely that we need to report to the company commander and leave a person to keep an eye on them to see where they are heading."

The two were talking, but didn't notice the third scout, looked at them blankly, and moved their hands to the waist a little bit.

"Catron, or you go and spread the word, the two of us"

The scout with the telescope just turned his head and saw the gloomy face of the opponent and the black hole of the muzzle.

"I'm not Catron."

After speaking, he coldly squeezed the trigger, punching bullet holes in the back of his comrades until they fell forward.

Accompanied by a flash of sneer, the scout jumped over the two corpses, carved a mark on the wall, then took out a gray-brown cloak, put it on, and disappeared in place.


Aisha, who landed on the huge rock, looked at the two corpses on the ground, very puzzled.

She came to the ground, touched the corpse, and found that it was still warm, and the blood hadn't solidified yet. It was obvious that they had just died, and the gunshot wounds they received were all behind the back, which was even more intriguing.

"this is……"

When she raised her head, she saw the mark painted with blood on the rock. She knew the mark and knew what it represented.

"...Wendigo Church."

Aisha thought for a moment, then fluttered her wings back to the sky and flew all the way to the lead Ouke.

"Boss Buzz, the front is safe. The Wendigo Church has cleaned the road."

The reloaded boss with yellow and black stripes on his face snorted, then turned his head and shouted:

"Boys! Give me a faster speed! I'll take up that mountain immediately!"


The Oukes suddenly agreed, and the speed of the entire team suddenly increased and went straight to Ash Mountain.

Everyone, don’t begrudge the tickets you have...

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