Orc Tyrant

Chapter 401: Break the Army (4)

Kaka Kaka~~~!

The billowing black smoke from the engine obscured the sky above the garbage truck, and as Stoka landed heavily, the glass-like rock under his feet was burned to the ground, and it suddenly broke apart.

His yellow-green armor was covered with steam and dust, which looked like random patches.

The garbage truck stopped in front of the trench, and Stoka used his eyes to measure the length, then turned his head and greeted the boys who were getting off the truck:

"Quick! Take the bridge!!! And get some ladders over!!!"

Hearing his words, the boys immediately skillfully removed pieces of modified heavy steel plates from the garbage truck, spliced ​​them and laid them on top of the trenches, and threw the iron ladders into the ditch at the same time.

"Trash! Don't hurry up!!!"

With the ladder, the boys can finally climb to the ground smoothly. At the same time, the garbage truck started again, and the eight wheels slowly rolled over the paved steel plate and marched toward the human position.


Suddenly, the explosion from the distance caused the body of the garbage truck to tilt abruptly, and then the steel plate broke in the overwhelmed creak, and the whole machine suddenly overturned in the trench, and many boys were crushed to death.

When the human defenders saw these large machines, they naturally understood that they should not be allowed to approach, so the heavy artillery cluster that had been silent for a period of time once again issued their earth-shaking roar.

The loose structure of garbage trucks is not enough for them to withstand such shelling. Some war gangs who are distressed about their property have also retreated, but the tools that the garbage trucks transport to the front line have given the boys enough ability to cross the deep. Trenches and even some overturned garbage trucks have directly become bridges.

The front line that had fallen apart, after climbing over three parapets in a row, finally advanced to the front of the human defenders.

Just as the boys were killing towards the bunker, preparing to smear the weapons in their hands with blood, the department store, which had been very quiet, suddenly erected its spines like a hedgehog that was awakened.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da~~~~!

The scene of dozens of machine guns firing at the same time is magnificent. Every window is like a flashing neon light. The orange gun flame represents the determination of human beings to resist to the end.


The condescending firepower hit the boys by surprise. They were swept down in piles without any bunkers and shelters, and at the same time a round of cannonballs fell between their queues like raindrops. That was an erection. The rapid-fire field guns at the top of the department store are showing off.

For a while, the war was in anxiety, but the plains of several kilometers were already densely covered with green corpses...

Castor took the lead to break into the defense of the human defenders with the boys. He has already lost money and wants to get it back anyway. The best way is to kill the dried shrimps and grab the contents!

He crossed a barricade made of rubble and fired a bullet at a shrimp who was raising his gun in a panic, and suddenly red and white mucus gushed out from the back of the opponent's head.


He strode forward, lowered his shoulders, and met another shrimp rushing up.

The bayonet swept past, making a notch on his breastplate, and then he drew an arc diagonally upward, and the roaring jagged teeth of the battle axe cut the man in two.

The remaining fifteen soldiers of the Castor battle gang scattered, and coordinated with the other boys to shoot and move.

Each round of volley can result in many shrimps hiding behind the bunker. They have neither heavy armor nor keen senses, so they can only shoot with all their strength and Ouke.

But no matter how much Castor and the others eliminated, there will always be more.

The reinforcements of Ouke in the rear had been blocked by artillery fire and machine guns, and only when they turned around did they find that they were alone.

Hundreds of soldiers surrounded them, just like white blood cells trying to eliminate the trace viruses that invaded the body. The numbers of enemies and friends are very different, but this kind of adversity will not affect the battle.

They are Ouke, they are fearless, they fought to the death.

Paola was guarded on Castor's right side and raised his big toss gun, the extra-large version of the usual side weapon.

He pulled the trigger, his dazzling tone even covered the barrel of the gun.

A dozen dried shrimps disappeared in the rain of rapid-fire bullets, and the high-explosive munitions instantly destroyed them, tearing them apart from the inside.

Oak manipulated his weapon to shoot back and forth, causing a strange blood mist to float in the air.

"A bunch of scum!"

He stood on a high place and shouted like this, and he didn't mean to dodge bullets at all.

"Quickly roll down!!"

Castor yelled and cursed, avoiding the two bayonets that stabbed him in the crotch, and thrust the battle axe into the neck of a shrimp.

"Want to eat bombs!?"

"The shell that can kill me hasn't been made yet"

Before the words were finished, a series of explosions submerged it, and at least ten speed guns were aimed at him.


Casto snorted secretly, knowing that he had to change the situation immediately and look for a breakthrough, otherwise he really had to confess to it.

But knowing is one thing, understanding in action is another.

The human defenders have made up their minds to eliminate this group of invaders. They have concentrated several reserve teams behind the line of defense and used concentrated grenade bombing to destroy the Ouke, which is difficult to eliminate with light weapons.

Castor looked up and saw that the firepower of a turret had increased. The high wall there had been partially destroyed, and a heavy machine gun was being deployed.

"Obi! Burst it!!!"

The heavy gunner carried the small rocket launcher, and even in the screaming of the machine gun, Casto could hear the buzzing of the rocket nozzle.


After a while, a shining spark hit the turret, and the bunkers and sandbags on its right side exploded intermittently and disappeared.

A soldier with a machine gun knelt down on one knee. His back was torn and the biological structure was horribly exposed, but he used his body to protect the heavy machine gun at the last minute so that it was not destroyed in the explosion.

The machine gunner with his head crawling let out a scream of pain and anger, straightened up and pressed the back of the machine gun, and pulled the trigger.

"He is eyeing you!"

Castor yelled at the heavy gunner, but the bullet from the machine gun had hit his body, penetrated into the skin from a position without armor protection, and destroyed the muscles.

He trembled for a while, trying to raise the gun in his hand to fight back, but he fell down in an unwilling roar.

"Go on! Go on!!!!"

At the last moment, Castor sang the tune of the war and rushed into the crowd.

Castor used his gun and battle axe to make a **** path. He stepped on Xiami's corpse step by step. The facts in front of him could be called crazy. He was heading towards the hinterland behind the enemy.

The shrimps in front of him trampled on each other, rushing toward him, and the bullets kept tearing them apart, but the soldiers were still gradually approaching, and now they were getting closer.

"Come on! Come on!"

The boys have all been killed. He is fighting alone now. He never thought that he would be as brave as a war boss. If he survives this war, maybe he will find his own new value instead of being satisfied with being one. Scavengers.

Castor glanced at a strange kind of shrimp from the corner of his eye, behind them was a long cloak, his feet suspended on the ground, and the pulsating blue flames gathered at their fingertips.

Feeling bad in his heart, he shot them again and again, but the bullet was blown away by some mysterious force.

"Get out!!!"

A strange shrimp yelled, and the soldiers besieging Castor suddenly left, as if they were moving away from something terrible.

He himself knew that the danger was imminent, but the pistol bullet had been empty, he could only hold the battle axe tightly, and let out the strongest roar.


Castorsa opened his legs and rushed towards the strange shrimp, but a sudden flash made him turn his head.

In the next second, violent flames rose from under his feet, turning him into a burning pillar, and he moved his legs towards him, but he couldn't exert any strength.

At the last moment when his consciousness dissipated, he threw his battle axe vigorously.

"Horrible... beast."

Staring at the battle axe, which was deeply embedded in the ground, only a few centimeters away from his boots, the battalion commander of the Wizarding Camp couldn't help but twitch.

Outside the city, the roar of battle gradually dissipated, and the two warlords ordered the withdrawal of all the offensive troops, and the mankind got a short respite, but everyone knew that this was just the beginning...

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