Orc Tyrant

Chapter 403: Breaking the Army (6)

When the first ray of sunlight pierced the morning mist, the defenders of Vader City discovered a surprising phenomenon-there were many more trenches on the flat wilderness.

These trenches extend all the way to the small city from afar, just like winding snakes chasing unrecoverable prey. The observation post at a high place can see the truth clearly. In the trenches In the middle are countless sturdy green arms and constantly flying digging tools.

The Okers are digging and advancing!

Walter Kruger was called out of the camp bed for the first time. He only slept for four hours, but when he rushed to the commanding heights of the department store, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Overnight, the wilderness outside the city turned into a net, and trenches cut the ground to pieces. The Second Army was like a dying insect falling into the net, waiting for the final harvest of the cunning hunter.

"What are they doing!?"

Walter Kruger has never seen such a scene. He knows the trench battle, but this is generally a tactic that is only used when the two sides are deadlocked or when defending.

The trenches that Ouke dug seemed irregular, and they continued to extend to Vader City, which was really weird.

"Could it be that they want to besiege us for a long time?"

The chief of staff put forward his views, but Lieutenant General Walter did not agree.

"Isn't Green Leather afraid of being flanked back and forth? No matter how slow the reinforcements are, they will arrive in a few days."

"Maybe... they really don't know?"

Walter thought for a while, but still couldn't convince himself to believe the chief of staff's opinion. He instinctively felt that things were not that simple.

"General, I have an opinion."

The deputy commander put down the telescope in his hand, pointed at the trenches and said:

"Does Greenskin intend to approach our phalanx with earthwork, so as to avoid direct fire from us? Shorten the charge distance to their acceptable range."

This shocked Walter, and he finally understood where his anxiety came from.

Oak never intended to defend. They wanted to attack, attacking in a very cunning way.

"Order the heavy artillery regiment, give me two rounds in this direction first!"

He was referring to the densest area of ​​trenches in the north.

Ten minutes after the order was given, a dull loud noise came from the center of the city, and then everyone heard the sound of shells breaking through the air as they passed overhead.

Boom boom boom~~~~!

In the blink of an eye, the wasteland was shrouded in the rolling clouds. The soft soil was sent tens of meters high in the huge kinetic energy. Every heavy artillery shell was a terrible disaster. Yesterday’s defensive battle Among them, one-third of the Oak boys fell under the bombardment of heavy artillery.

Walter raised the telescope and stared at the bombarded area, waiting for the moment to test the results of the battle.

In early summer, the breeze continued on the plains, but it took a few minutes for gunpowder smoke to gradually dissipate.

Walter stared at the ground, and he saw that the area that was originally full of trenches had been messed up at this time. The huge crater replaced the previous deep trenches, and at the same time there was a little green mixed in the mud.

"A ditch alone cannot offset the firepower of heavy artillery."

Rarely, there was a smile at the corner of Walter's mouth, proud of Oak's stupidity as well as the artillery.

No one knows the power of a large-caliber heavy artillery shell better than him. He first served in the artillery unit. The trench seems to be able to protect soldiers from shrapnel, but the human body is so fragile. With a few layers of soil, people's internal organs can be shattered alive.

Only a specially built anti-blast hole can truly protect soldiers from shelling, and this is not absolute.

But the next moment, his smile solidified.

I saw the trenches that had not been deposited for a long time, and the dust began to rise again. Those sturdy green arms, like weeds on the plain, were so tenacious and so obtrusive.

"Why! They!"

Halfway through speaking, Walter realized what the problem was.

Oak is not a human being.

Their body structure is completely different from that of human beings. Their tight muscle tissue and solid internal organs can offset the kinetic energy shock waves generated by the explosion to the greatest extent. Unless it is a direct hit, the heavy artillery may really have nothing to do with them.

"This time it's bad..."

Seeing that the most effective shelling effect was greatly reduced, Walter couldn't help panic. At this time, Carson, the commander of the Wizarding Camp, also came to the department store.

"Sir, we have a way to stop Oak's tunneling operations."

As soon as his words were spoken, Walter immediately took his hands.

"Great! Great!"

"However, we can't hold on for long. The key is that reinforcements must come quickly."

"I'm going to send a telegram!"

Carson nodded, and then sent a psychic signal to the wizards who had assembled in the city, and soon the blurred light rose from an unspoiled private garden.

"Hey! Hey!"

A certain kid was yelling, and while vigorously waving the shovel on his hand, the boss spoke. Whoever digs the head first will be rewarded with a big car. This prize is not unreasonable. Many boys have been working on it since last night. Alive.

At his feet, there are **** who don't stop using the basket to transport dirt, and they are also sweating profusely.

But in order to be able to show off in the boss's cart in the future, this hard work is still worthwhile, of course, some pre-expansion mushrooms are also essential.


Suddenly, the kid felt wet under his feet. He looked down and found that the original pale yellow soil was darkening.

"Water, water! Boss!"

The farts also screamed.

"Damn! Who jumped to the river!"

Gradually, more and more water overflowed from the deep trench, and the boy cursed secretly and could only crawl out quickly.

When he came up, he found that the other Okko boys floated out of the ditch just like him, screaming at each other in mud.

"Boss! I don't know what's going on, the ditch is full of water!"


Hearing the news, Gu Ya immediately rushed to the front line. As a result, what he saw was no longer the previous trenches, but countless water ditches. At this moment, he seemed to be in the swamp with dense water nets in the rain forest.

"What's going on! Has anyone dug into the river!"

"Boss, I checked, no! There is no river near here!"

"It's not raining again. Could it be that you peeed!"


The boss thought for a while, and then came up with a somewhat weird solution.

"Head, do you want Scrooge to drink all the water?"

"You stupid..."

With the last word, Gu Yasheng suffocated, because he also thinks that this plan is feasible. You must know that Skugger, especially the giant beasts, have a surprising amount of food. Although they don’t need a lot of drinking water, they definitely don’t want to drink it. vague.

There used to be an example of a breeding kid who asked dozens of Skug beasts to drank a small lake forcibly in order to create a breeding quagmire.

"Go and do it right away! By the way, look at the other side, as they are also the same, just tell Bal Jijin this way."


Soon, the huge beast came to the edge of the trench, moved its head in, and began to **** the sewage inside with an efficiency comparable to that of a water pump.

An invisible wrestling was pulled apart.

Thank you for your reward!

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