Orc Tyrant

Chapter 407: Break the Army (ten)

When one hundred and eighty soldiers of the Second Company of the 91st Infantry Regiment passed through the smoke, hundreds of roaring monsters that opened fire randomly and brandished machetes jumped out.

As the first group of the people wave offensive, they should have set foot on a position that had been repeatedly ravaged by heavy artillery, surpassing the broken corpses of the enemy, and destroying the remaining things.

The plan was originally seamless, until the moment when the metal storm swept through, they realized that the enemy had not lost the ability to resist, and then hundreds of fangs green-skinned barbarians roared out of the trenches where they turned into mounds, and dig out. Out of their various primitive weapons, they started shooting wildly.

After all, it's never their style to constrict and fire underground.

The battlefield was suddenly caught in a fierce fire. The swirling rockets exploded between the queues, and the grenade filled with crude gunpowder detonators were also thrown into the charging crowd.

The casualties of the 91st Regiment began to increase sharply, and they had never seen the appearance of the green skin full of fire.

"Those guys who say greenskins are primitive obviously haven't beaten them."

The second company's deputy commander, Geuska yelled, and at the same time another flame exploded nearby, and twisted metal bars splashed in the air.

The company commander Solomon, who had never dealt with the savage greenskin a few times, had to admit this. Before coming, he thought these creatures were just a low-level intelligent race that would use stone cobs, and at most would use some weapons abandoned by humans.

"Everyone! Don't stop! Keep going!!!"

He shouted that this was an order from a higher level. Once the wave of people's offensive stopped, the follow-up troops would fall into chaos, and they had to go up anyway.

Suddenly, Solomon lowered himself, a rocket grazed over his head, and then made a loud noise, bounced straight up, exploded into a ball of flames and thick smoke, and the burning metal fragments crackled down and swept. More than ten soldiers fell.

"Don't worry everyone!"

Solomon shouted to the hesitant soldiers:

"Ok has this skill! The sir will not let us die."

They had better not—when he gloomily considered the possibility of being overwhelmed, the idea was irresistible.

With Greenskin's unexpected counterattack, he and his soldiers were blocked from the enemy's position unless they could squeeze a **** path from these hundreds of clamoring enemies.

If the opponent is another enemy, Solomon won’t bother to think about it, but greenskins are a terrifying beast. Their power is almost equal to that of a badger wizard strengthened by witchcraft, and their central nervous system is so simple. , So that after suffering a huge amount of damage, he fell to the ground and stopped fighting.

A green-skinned warrior cannot match the badger wizard anyway, but they have enough brutal combat to make up for this, and they also have a quantitative advantage.

Solomon took a few steps to make a quick observation, because he heard a sharp roar from behind the green skin that was shooting on the opposite side.

He didn't understand the language of Greenskins, or whether they possessed what could be called language, but his warrior instinct recognized the taste of pre-war speeches from the savage rhythm of the voice.

No matter what the leader of the greenskins is saying, it is clear that their warriors are preparing to launch an attack, with wild worship and glyphs, and a pole with terrible loot swaying behind that trench. Solomon understands to fight for survival. The time has come.

"Come on, **** it."

He whispered, returning to the queue where Xu Jin was shooting. They had not received the order to charge, so they could only move forward with the enemy's firepower.

This looks so stupid, Solomon lamented inwardly that their company had already paid 30 lives in order to take 20 steps. At this time, they should charge decisively instead of advancing like a walk.

Their generals were too old-fashioned and didn't notice that the mode of war was changing. This is no longer the gentleman's war of the musket era.

"Is there a situation?"

"Yes, and it's not so good."

As soon as Solomon finished answering his deputy commander, the humming sound of the green leather in front suddenly increased, followed by the sound of metal shattering and iron boots treading on the ground.

Geuska and Solomon understood at the same time, and they immediately drew the command sword from their waist.


Solomon shouted.

"Erlian, fire!"

waaaaaaaaaagh! ! ! !

In response to him, in addition to the low drink of the soldiers, there was Ok's loud battle cry.

The green skin that had been shot on the spot before, burst out like a flood, and at the same time the soldiers raised their rifles in unison.

Boom boom boom boom~!

A whirlwind of bullets shot towards the greenskin group, and their front row stopped in a series of sparks.

The enemies charged by Erlian fired rounds of ammunition, and sharp gunshots echoed between the battlefields, but not many green skins fell. The gunshot wounds they received would only make them more enthusiastic.

These monsters surge like a tide of green muscles, rusty armor and worn-out leather clothes. Their red eyes are like coals burning in a stove, shining with savage wisdom, roaring like a group of wild beasts about their wild wars. Roar.

They either fired with noisy and flaming weapons, or wielded large saw blades with smoke from motors, some green leathers were wearing armors fastened together with straps, or they simply nailed their thick armors. On the animal skins, the others wore large helmets with long horns surrounded by fur.

The one who led the charge was a big head, wearing a tightly shielded armor. The bullet hit only sparks on the thick steel plate, and then it was bounced off.

The green skins were also shooting. Although their heads were not accurate enough, their counter-attack firepower still caused terrible damage in the second company. The sticky red blood column shot out from the huge wound, and one flew out of the exploded blood mist. Root stumps and broken arms.

"Get on the bayonet!"

Although I felt something was not good, I could only bite the bullet and push it up. At this time, the first green skin broke through the shining gun forest directly and came straight to Solomon.

"It's a bitch!"

Solomon shook his body and flashed a blow that was enough to split him in half, and then swung the sword in both hands towards the opponent's neck.

Blood splattered, and the sword cut into the green-skinned neck as deep as half a palm, but instead of falling to death, it roared and knocked Solomon to the ground indiscriminately.

Solomon rolled on the spot, avoided a foot that was about to smash his head and slammed his sword again.

This time, his sharp blade broke under the beast's ankle, and then his whole body fell to the ground due to the impact.

He stood up with difficulty and saw two fighters being kicked to the ground by a howling greenskin, a roaring battle axe chopped them into a pile of pieces, and another ridiculously large machine gun was at close range. Fired, almost smashing a soldier into three parts, and the green skin carrying the gun didn't seem to care about its weight, as if it was just a pistol.

As he watched the tragedies unfold, a rusty machete hit him in the chest, causing him to fly back.

The ribs shattered under the heavy blow, and he vomited blood, but when he looked up, he saw the roaring green-skin leader's fangs big mouth...

The third one is 8 o'clock in the evening! ! Remember to vote after reading it

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