Orc Tyrant

Chapter 409: Break the Army (12)

"Ghost, what kind of shrimp stuff is that?"

Buzz’s adjutant leaned back with his huge square head, his eyes turned around with the flying objects in the sky, and two fart spirits also climbed on his shoulders, doing the same movement.

"The mechanic only knows, how do I know."

Baz was also looking at the sky, but his focus was not on those flying machines, but the dispelled harpy.

These birds are so casual, they start to mess up after a few deaths. It doesn't matter if they die, but he can use his **** to know that those weird things like Xiami will definitely be used to deal with them next.


Suddenly, something fell in front of him, and Baz looked intently and found that it was a wounded harpy.

One of her wings broke in the middle, and her pale bones were exposed. The blood not only stained her light blue silk clothes, but also had many red spots on her white face. She seemed to have injured her legs when she fell. I couldn't stand up, I could only struggle weakly on the rock, flapping the only remaining wings.


After seeing Baz, she immediately stretched out her slender left arm, but the next moment, the big rough hand savagely strangled her soft neck and lifted her from the rock.

"no, do not want."

She wanted to struggle, but she couldn't take any strength all over, tears poured into her eyes, dripping on the green skin, but she couldn't get a trace of pity.


With a click, Buzz broke her neck directly, and then threw the body aside like trash.

Walking to the hillside flattened by artillery shells, Baz looked down at the battlefield. The human forces had approached the trench defense line dug, and the leaders of the various war gangs were fighting back.

The only thing that surprised him was that the aircraft that dispersed the birds did not attack the Oukes as he expected, but hovered for a few minutes after they succeeded, and finally flew to the west, which is them. The direction of coming.

Overall, the situation is not so bad.

"You took the boys and beat them hard! I took a few people down."

Grabbing his own big toss gun, Baz and the adjutant confessed a few words, and then took the Bailai boy to the trench below. He planned to fight face to face with Xiami, and if he had the opportunity, he could launch a few countermeasures. charge.

In short, Xiami wants to pass, no way!

"Sir, how long will the reinforcements arrive? We are afraid, cough cough..."

In the command post, the battalion commander of the Wizarding Camp was lying on a chair with a bloodless face, coughing while talking. Many blood spots could be seen on the handkerchief covering his mouth.

This is the price.

In order to prevent Ok's excavation offensive, he led the wizards to use rituals to press an underground river below the city to the surface, making the excavation impossible.

But this ritual is so complicated and huge, they have spent more than 20 lives in order to be able to maintain it, and they have to continue, but everyone is almost reaching the limit.

More importantly, Ouke outside the city is wrestling with their beasts and wizards. Those huge monsters will **** up a huge amount of water every minute and every second, which forces the wizards to squeeze their last bit of strength.

Many wizards have smelled the danger, and they have begun to have reservations. If the battle really takes an irreversible step, they must leave a way for themselves.

Soldiers may be doomed to escape, but there are many ways for wizards to escape.

"Soon, already very soon, the Third Army and the Fifth Army can reach the Grey Mountain line, maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow."

If someone you know is on the scene, you won't recognize that the person who is talking is Walter Kruger.

He used to be a person who paid great attention to appearance, but now his hair is messed up like a bird's nest, his chin has grown messy stubble, his eyes are dark, his face is haggard, and his clothes are a bit sloppy.

No one knows how much pressure he has been under during this period of time, and he even suffered from insomnia for several days. It is all because of the hundreds of thousands of Ouke army outside the city. They are like a hungry beast, staring at the cage. The food is hovering incessantly, and the cage is getting weaker and weaker.

The soldiers are also in very bad condition. Drinking and fighting is commonplace, and even more terrifying is suicide.

The panic caused by this death is more serious than that of a bomb, because it shows an inner meaning that everyone wants to avoid.


It is like a poisonous snake, gnawing everyone's hearts.

"...General, listen to me, let's go."

The wizard who had run out of oil took up the opponent's hand and gasped hard:

"My subordinates will... take you out."

"I can't leave my soldiers behind."

He shook his head and refused.

At this time, a wizard with the army suddenly ran in and leaned in the ear of the wizard battalion commander and said a few words. After listening, the other party only let out a sigh.

"What happened?"

"A few societies’ wizards have escaped, and the ceremony can no longer continue."


Walter's eyes widened, and his body shook for a while. It wasn't his deputy who supported him. Maybe he had fallen.

"Sir! Oak is digging trenches again!"

The bad news came one after another, and before Walter could catch his breath, the deputy commander hurried in.

But Walt didn't reply, but slowly turned around, supporting the edge of the table with both hands, and wandering across the map with scattered eyes.

"Defense, defense, defense..."

After talking about it a dozen times, he turned around and looked at the worried officers.

"Tell everyone, if you don't want to die, then stick to the end. Soldiers are all gone, officers are gone, officers are gone, we go, this place will either become a cage for us to break free, or become our tomb, go."


After the officers saluted, they left the command post. All of a sudden, there was only a dazed general and an angry wizard.

"How far is Grey Mountain from here, they should have climbed there too..."

Looking at the general who was muttering to the window, the wizard opened his mouth to say something, but after all, he didn't hold on to it.

After a few slight gasps, the ups and downs in his chest gradually calmed down, and the brilliance in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The moment he closed his eyes, his outstretched hand finally fell weakly.

"Boss! No water!!"

As soon as the nursery boy wailed his throat, a hard iron boot kissed his **** heavily, kicked him close to the deep trench, and drowned him in the half-human mud.

"I saw it!"

Bucktooth glared at the guy, and then roared at all the onlookers:

"Look at a fart! Give me all to dig in! If you can't dig today, I will shoot you on a rocket!!!"

Suddenly, with a clatter, thousands of Ooke boys jumped into the mud ditch, and began to use their hands and feet to clean the trenches that had been soaked in a mess.

Nothing can stop them this time. Seeing the deep trenches constantly approaching the line of defense, all the defenders were struck by the spirit of twelve points, and everyone realized that the moment of life and death was about to come.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! ! ! Use a ticket to encourage Lao Mo who has no moon cake time! ps~Thank you [Holy Light is Dead] for your reward!

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