Orc Tyrant

Chapter 411: The Great Crash (1)

Where are the reinforcements?

Buzz doesn't want to think about this issue. If an Oke wants to let other boys to save himself, it is undoubtedly a failure.

But in the current situation, if there are no reinforcements, the consequences will also be very bad.

Standing on the pile of gravel, Baz tried to observe the situation below. Originally, there should be a complete rock under his feet, but under the repeated bombardment of shrimp, it is difficult to find a complete stone in the entire Grey Mountain, even Baz felt Even the mountain is a little shorter, and I don't know if it was an illusion caused by the aftershocks of the shelling.

This is already the night of the second day of Xiami’s attack. Although they look down on them, Baz also has to admit that they are at least very patient. After every failed attack, there will be a next wave soon. It seems that they It's not the same as in a hurry.

Although it seems that the enemy's offensive is so weak, a blunt knife is also a knife, and it can cut meat as well.

The Ouke in the lower position has basically been consumed by the onslaught of humans for several days. Originally, they hadn't suffered such a large casualty by squatting in the ditch. Unfortunately, Ouke's nature determined that they had an almost fanatical preference for offensive.

As a result, precious troops are wasted in countercharges, even if they can kill enemies several times their own, but they themselves will also suffer considerable losses.

Buzz has talked with the bosses, hoping that they can understand their responsibilities, but it is a pity that his words, or his fists, are not convincing enough.

Simply put, no one listens to him, and he is just a boss of the war gang, not qualified to direct other bosses what to do.

But it doesn't matter if they die, but Baz must be trapped in Gushan. Now humans have pushed the offensive position hundreds of meters away from Ash Mountain, and the machine gun can directly sweep to the top of the mountain, saving even shelling.


Not long after Buzz showed his head, a cannonball hit his side, and the flying debris hit his broken armor to make a sound like a marble.

After a few seconds, he stood up and shook his head to get rid of the scum in his ears. Now he is able to support himself, and he fell down as soon as he heard the sound of the cannon. This is why he can live forever. Good reason.

But a few days of fierce battle left many unerasable marks on his body. One of his left eyes was destroyed by stray bullets, three fingers on his left hand were missing, and the thumb of his right foot was gone, but on the whole it was not bad. Completeness, this is something he has always been proud of.

"Boss! Is the shrimp coming up?"

When he returned to the cave where he was hiding, the adjutant leaned in immediately, his face was covered with a cloth, because his nose was cut off by shrapnel, and he thought it was too ugly to have no nose.

"No, Xiami won't fight at night, they can't see anything."

"Then I just heard the sound of a cannon."


Pushing the opponent irritably, Buzz sat on his own stone, leaning on the cold rock wall with his back, and reached out to grab the water bag beside him.

As a result, he opened his mouth and trembled, but he didn't even have a drop of wine. He roared in annoyance, and smashed the water bag into the face of a certain ass.

Looking around, there are probably less than one hundred kids hiding here. There were more than two hundred kids here when they came last time. The other caves are not much better, although some of the kids below have joined the Grey Mountain defenders. But the number of them was only two to three hundred, and most of the others died in the trenches, or on the way to recoil.

However, despite such adversity, the morale of the boys is not bad. They should be gambled, those who should be fighting continue to fight, and some are silently preparing weapons.

"Boss, if the buck-tooth boss doesn't send any boys tomorrow, I guess..."

"Close your stinky mouth!"

Baz knocked the adjutant who came up again with a punch to the ground, then grabbed the opponent again, grabbed him in front of him, and snarled viciously:

"I won't die in this ghost place! I have to go to many places and kill a lot of shrimps! I have to be a guard!! Remember!"

The adjutant nodded vigorously, and Buzz released him.

"Instead of wasting time here, you might as well collect the ammunition for me and see how much there is!"


After the adjutant ran away, Buzz glanced at his big **** gun, and without bullets, it was now scrap metal.

All night, Buzz was very restless.

First, the adjutant reported that there were almost no bullets, there were only two cases of grenades left, and most of the other weapons were exhausted.

Then in the middle of the night, the shrimps started firing wildly again. They seemed to have eaten the only remaining Ouke on Grey Mountain and had no room to resist, and wanted to destroy their spirit in this way.

Of course, this is definitely impossible, but it also successfully aroused Baz's anger, making him very manic, and wanted to carry the knife and rush down to fight the shrimp.

In the end, they were deserters.

Fear of death is a complicated philosophical question for Oak. No kid will admit that he is afraid of death, so in most cases they will choose to fight to the end.

However, Oak also has its own unique philosophy of war. Carrying the dead is not the creed of all Oak boys. Escape is not equal to failure. It is the most appropriate explanation of this mentality. When victory cannot be held in the palm of the hand, it is so short-lived. After retiring, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback is also an acceptable choice.

Buzz couldn't stop all of this. When he found out that the number was wrong, hundreds of kids had disappeared into the night.

He had also thought about giving up this **** mountain, but when he recalled the silver helmet, he immediately gave up the idea.

The coward is not worthy to be the overlord guard, this is what he firmly believes.

When the first ray of morning light shone on a messy gray mountain, Buzz and the remaining five hundred boys were ready to go, ready to face the first battle of the third day, and probably the last battle in their lives.


Boom boom boom~~~~!

Human shelling came as scheduled. This time it was more violent than ever, covering almost every inch of the entire Grey Mountain. No place has ever been bombarded with such a high density.

Baz sat quietly in the cave with his hands on his knees. The roar of the explosion seemed to be in sync with his heart rhythm. Every breath he took was accompanied by a strong tremor conducted in the air, and his ears entered because of the loud noise. He was half-deaf, and the shattered gravel kept beating on his skull and shoulders. The cracks in the rock wall indicated that even this place was about to reach its limit.

The shelling lasted for ten minutes, and when he felt that there had been no new explosions for ten seconds, Baz waved his hand.

Without words, the other boys followed him out of the cave and came to the outside of the mountain that had been bombed beyond recognition.

The air was strong enough to suffocate the gunpowder smoke, and the gravel under my feet was still hot. Looking around, a little green was occasionally visible in the pile of stones, but it was impossible to reassemble them into a complete appearance.

"Ok will definitely be over this time!"

Looking at the low hills with the secret of gunpowder through the binoculars, Jacopo Devers shook his fist in excitement, but John De Witt did not have his optimism.

They were actually blocked here for three days! Three whole days!

In the past three days, they launched more than a dozen rounds of offensive, but the green skin was as stubborn as the moss on the slate.

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