Orc Tyrant

Chapter 428: The blood is burning (4)

Relying on fearless courage and full of blood, the officers and soldiers of the Only Division blocked the iron current of Ouke for a whole day on the terrain that was almost suicidal.

Relying on the three lines of defense, they continue to retreat, assemble, counterattack, retreat, regroup, and counterattack. They are like a stretched spring that tightly entangles Oak’s forces on the ground, even if they are satisfied. I sent a cavalry unit under him, but failed to break through these three lines of defense.

No way, the two warlords could only continue to increase their weight, and finally shot one-third of the troops up, still failing to break the human defense line before nightfall.

The price paid for this is that the entire single division, below the regiment, almost no longer exists, and the death rate of officers exceeds 70%. Even the person who appeared three minutes ago was the company commander, and after three minutes he had become the regiment commander. example.

The casualty rate of front-line combat troops is even more alarming, and some companies have already hit single digits.

But the most tragic loss came from the rear. A **** rocket hit the command post of the sole division, and more than a dozen senior officers, including division commander Simon Buckner, were martyred.

After nightfall, Oak retreated briefly and Mountbatten withdrew his sole division from the battlefield. After a simple reorganization, the entire division was reduced to more than 20,000 people, and they were reduced to two regiments. The rest were all covered in blood. On the ground.

The sacrifice of the sole division was exchanged for more than two hundred strongholds with complete fortifications. Each stronghold was built into a ring shape, which could ensure that all firepower could be concentrated in any direction in a short time.

Oak retreated temporarily, but Mountbatten knew that the opponent did not choose to repair because of casualties, but simply to gather the scattered small troops. This night may be the real challenge.

He learned from the survivors of the Seventh Army that the **** rainy night, the enemy in the dark is more terrifying than the day, this is the iron law he has remembered in his heart from that moment, and this law makes him sit and lie down even more. disturbed.

The instinct of the soldiers told him that the enemy would definitely carry out a night attack. Can the soldiers be able to sustain it after a day of fatigue?

With such doubts in mind, he sat in the dimly-lit command post, holding a water glass and staring at the map.

On a map composed of a large number of contour lines, more than two hundred strongholds are identified one by one, of which more than 20 are the most important. They are marked as 107 highlands, 112 highlands, 117 highlands, etc. according to their heights, without exception. They are all close to the commanding heights of one hundred meters.

In the assumption of the formation of defense lines, they are "stakes", and other strongholds are "nails."

The nails are for people to pull out, and the purpose of the piles is to stabilize the entire structure so that the whole will not collapse due to the lack of a few nails.

So on each pile, he deployed the most capable force, but even so, his heart was still anxious, because this completely deviated from his education, he broke up the troops and turned them into dots. Instead of a line.

Will the soldiers fail? Will there be any problems with morale? What if Ouke did not obey their nature, but rushed forward?

These questions entangled his thinking like a ghost, making him uneasy.

But the results of the Unique Division today also proved one thing. If they continue to fight in the past, even if they have such a terrain advantage, they will only last for one more day, and they are still far from the goal.

Forced by the situation, we can only work around.

While the top commander of the Second Division was extremely distressed, Private Rahn was also wiping tears in the trenches.

He was really scared.

The sound of cannons, gunshots, Oak's roar, these sounds tortured him all day.

When the wounded soldiers were transported down in the evening, he watched them walk in embarrassment from below, as if he had lost his soul.

He never realized that the war turned out to be so terrible.

Most of those wounds are lacerations or burns, and broken arms are not the most terrifying. Some people lose half of their body or lower body directly, and some are lying on a stretcher, but they are actually out of breath. They are just comrades-in-arms. Unwilling to give up, or believe.

Death is like a sharp blade hanging above the head, which may fall at any time.

"Hey whats up?"

The kind-hearted Sergeant Vermeer came to him and handed him a cup of hot drink, although there were only a few plant leaves floating in it.

"there is nothing…"

Rahn grabbed the hat from the side, wiped it on his face, and put it back on his head.

"Oh, everyone had a pretty good life, let these green skins stir."

While sighing, Vermeer took out a cigarette and a match from his pocket, Lahn looked at him, the faint light of the fire illuminating his face.

"My child is still studying medicine. He is a person who doesn't like talking, but he likes riding horses."

The medical soldier breathed out a burst of smoke, and suddenly smiled and asked:

"Rahn, do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Two older sisters, one younger sister, and... a younger brother."

"It's really a big family, it's not easy to feed a family."

Larn nodded insignificantly. Since his childhood, his memory has been full of endless farm work. He is very familiar with every ditch in the farmland and every livestock in the pasture. This is the farm child. Childhood.

"Do you want to see these green-skinned monsters appear on your own farm?"

Vermeer suddenly asked a question that surprised Rahn. He thought about it, and then shook his head vigorously.

"I don't want it either. My clinic is full of people injured by wild animals, so I'm here, and you're here."

"All alert! All alert!"

Suddenly, the company commander bent over along the trench and ran over, Vermeer hurriedly put out the cigarette in hand, and Lahn also held the rifle on the side in his hand.

The light on the ground was very dim, with only a few oil lamps shining, and the company commander called everyone up. Everyone was lying on the bunker at the edge of the trench, with the muzzle facing the surging shadow below.

Judging by the sound, the enemy was only a few hundred meters away from them, and was moving to the right side of the position. The target seemed to be a stronghold next to them, where they were guarding another company that also belonged to their regiment.

"anything else?"

Rahn received a new task, which was to distribute grenades to various fighters.

So he ran back and forth in the trenches, distributing piles of grenades in the hands of every soldier. This time Mountbatten brought almost all the grenades he could take away from Cardillon, and he was dealing with Ok's At that time, the role of the rifle was far less reliable than these powerful explosives.

And in order to strengthen combat capability, these grenades are bundled in groups of three to become more powerful cluster grenades.

For this reason, Rahn's arm was almost broken, but fortunately he was a farmer, so despite his hard work, he quickly distributed hundreds of cluster grenades.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! !

Suddenly, with a roar, Rahn's hand shook, and he almost threw the grenade in the basket to the ground.


Oak's roar has not yet dissipated, a screaming sound, the flares rose slowly, followed by messy gunshots and explosions.

Rahn lifted his waist and looked down. Under the red light, the surging Ork infantry was rushing towards the stronghold where they were firing. There were so many of them that the formation was drawn to the flares. Outside of the range.


Before the frightened Rahn could catch his breath, the company commander not far away let out a loud roar, and then they started shooting loudly in their positions.

The sudden shooting shocked the green tide that was charging, and soon a group of people rushed towards the stronghold where Ran was located.

The brutal night battle kicked off.

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