Orc Tyrant

Chapter 435: The blood is burning (11)

The setting sun smudged the earth into a reddish tinge mixed with golden before sliding down from the horizon. The cold, dark night descended immediately, and the stars shone overhead, showing hundreds of millions of cold light spots.

The only thirty soldiers remaining on 104 Heights sat in front of the candlelight. The hard day's battle made everyone very exhausted. The entire front had been stretched to its limit. Facing the onslaught of Ouke, Mountbatten, as the commander, had been Trying to exhaust the last bit of force on hand.

Constantly downsizing and mobilizing, he tried to make the entire defense line a dynamic existence, like a swinging chain, because only in this way can he disperse Oak's offensive front line and prevent a single point from being broken.

But even so, after two days and nights of persistence, the Second Division reached its limit. A large number of strongholds were captured and some of the main strongholds were isolated. The situation has been unstoppable and is developing in the direction that everyone least wants to see.

For example, the position where Rahn is located has become an isolated island.

The strongholds around them have all fallen. Ouke changed his previous combat model of retreating after attacking. Once a stronghold was captured, he would dispatch troops to station, and the space for the Second Division’s activities was being stifled.

This night, it may be their last battle. In the evening, Okburn had the opportunity to destroy them all, but they suddenly retreated. Although the reason is unknown, this will not change much.

Maybe it only takes one charge and they can set foot on the last position of the stronghold.

Rahn and others have already exhausted their ammunition, and death is only a matter of time.

The voices of the crowd grew louder in the heated conversation, and Rahn listened carefully, hoping to understand the emotions of these people better.

He is now a platoon commander, and in the evening, his former company commander was killed in battle, and the bullet broke his spine.

Louis was among them. Perhaps they were a little indifferent to him during the initial period, but now these Marcels are unexpectedly cheerful and unsuspecting. This change may be attributed to him fighting side by side with them in the trenches.

"It's crazy!"

A loud voice roared:

"Let two divisions defend the entire front line!"

"That's not crazy."

The other person answered.

"Obviously, it's an old-fashioned betrayal! Some big people regard us as abandoned sons"

Others agreed, making more noises of anger and suspicion.

But then a new voice came in. A sonorous and rhythmic voice overwhelmed all the noise. Rahn and the others followed the prestige. It was Rahn’s fellow town, Ferome Teja, who had one. Scarface and gray hair, now deputy company commander

While talking, he tapped the wooden **** of his rifle against the ammunition box at his feet.

When he attracted everyone's attention, after everyone was silent, he looked into Louis's eyes and began to speak, his voice calm but with the controlling power to force people to listen.

"Everyone has thought about it. In order to defend this position, we fought for two full days and nights. Many good people sacrificed for it, but it is really difficult to watch our old opponent occupy it, right?"

Everyone nodded silently. At this time, the purpose was no longer important. They had sacrificed too much for this place. Regardless of whether it was worth it, the blood had been shed.

Ferome smiled at Louis and said:

"You see, this is the pride of the Marcel, it cost us more lives than the greenskin and the harpy combined."

Louis fixed his gaze on the rank of non-commissioned officer and nodded.

"I understand, sir."

Ferrom motioned to a young soldier opposite to give up his seat. He sat down, and the other soldiers remained silent as they listened.

"How long have you been in Arkham?"

He asked:

"Ten years? Twenty years?"

"From birth."

"What is your impression of that place?"

"It sucks."

Louis shook his head, and Ferome looked at him, not immediately questioning his comments.

"A place where you can never see the blue sky. Apart from steel, there is only steel. The ground is always wet, the air is pungent and all sour, but..."

Louis raised his head, wondering whether he was looking up at the starry sky or did not want the tears in his eyes to well.

"...The old lady Yong who sells fried dough at the door of Wesson Iron Factory has always done the best. The girl at Christine's flower shop keeps some food for the wild cats every day. The Black Knight always strives to make the city better. There is still a fragrance under the rust."

"The same is true of everything we are doing now."

The sergeant glanced at the audience in a row.

"People will not remember those dirty political conspiracies, and the bravery of soldiers will last forever."

Louis felt that he was getting close to this man quickly. The sergeant possessed all the excellent qualities that the Marcel people were known for, such as discipline, dedication, and honor.

"Well said, Sergeant."

He praised sincerely:

"It's a good point, and I'm very pleased to be able to verify that Marcel's enthusiasm is not a vain, rock-like discipline and immense courage."

"For the Republic and Marcel!"

One soldier shouted, and the rest immediately followed him and cheered.

When the cheers slowly subsided, Sergeant Ferrom suggested to a soldier sitting next to Larne:

"Let's go to the last paragraph, Culkin."

There is a smile on his face.

"Let's mix up this passion again."

Culkin rummaged in his backpack. After a while, Louis saw that he had pulled out a long black suitcase and took out an accordion from it.

The surrounding soldiers began to applaud and roar, and within a short while, the clear and high-pitched notes filled the air, overshadowing the hustle and bustle of Oak not far away.

Soon, all the Marcels sat together arm in arm, stomping their boots on the floor in accordance with the rhythm of the music.

The memory of hometown and blood evoked by the music made their initial anger disappear. Louis found himself infected by the fellowship they showed. Despite being alone, he followed their stomping rhythm with his feet and beat them. .

He was almost immersed in it, and then a noise in the distance disrupted his thoughts.

Let's go! Let's go! We go everywhere!

Let's go! Let's go! Let us go!


It was the Oukes who heard the human singing, and they also uttered their own singing. Although it sounds like the roar of a broken machine in Louis, they are particularly vigorous, and very strangely, they are connected to the human beat. together.

Do they understand music with difficulty?

Louis couldn't believe this kind of thing, it was harder than getting him to admit that Oak had an IQ.

When Oak’s voice sounded, Rahn quietly left the team and came to the edge of the position to see if Oak launched a night attack, but didn’t see anything. The dots of campfires outside showed that Oak was still old. It is a very strange thing to squat honestly in their temporary camp. They will obviously be able to take this position immediately.

"I said it! I want Xiami to see how he died! Then I must let them see clearly!"

"But boss, the warlord's side..."


Baz slapped his new adjutant into the air, not giving him a chance to speak.

After the battle in Ash Mountain, he only took a day's rest and immediately returned to the battlefield alive, and his body was a whole lap larger than before, and he quickly re-taught his team.

As one of the bosses who are very optimistic about Yakuya, Baz has become a "family" unit, so he did not play in the previous attack until Yiya finally completely lost his patience, and Buzz has the opportunity to play.

As soon as he came up, he dropped the five strongholds of dried shrimp one after another, and slaughtered all the panting on them.

But this place is an exception. This is his first attack on the deflated stronghold. The courage of the shrimps here is simply appalling. They even pretend to be corpses waiting for their approach.

Buzz rarely has feelings of admiration for other things, but for the shrimp here, he also had to silently say a word of approval in his heart. You must know that many boys do not have such courage.

So he decided to give these shrimps a decent way to die, even though it was slightly contrary to the warlord's order.

But this is the battlefield, here he has the final say.

Ask for a ticket~~~

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