Orc Tyrant

Chapter 448: Surprise (Part 1)

Kushbaha stood in the blood of the corpse mountain and became the focus of the battle. A kid followed him, holding the banner of the war gang high.


Soon, the first monster-like giant crocodile slowly stepped into his sight from the dust.

Kushbach has never seen such a huge animal besides Skug's behemoth. Its head with cloudy eyes is as big as a wheel, and its body is like a garbage truck of a scavenger, and its tail seems to be infinitely long.

On the magnificent sedan chair and platform on the huge backs of these monsters, standing beastized shaman wearing red-green robes and chain armor, they shouted, while waving their bone staff, injecting craziness into the beastized people below The power of the enemy, and drove many insects to bite the fighting Okko boy.

Those giant crocodiles are simply terrifying. They ignore the light firepower, their swords and axes bounce off their black scales, and anything that stands in the way is easily trampled under their feet.

"Cannon! Blow me up!"

Kushbaha put away his hatchet and took aim with his pistol. He felt his boots were heavy and understood that it was because the leather was soaked in blood.

After a few shots, he sent all six bullets into the sedan chair on the back of the nearest giant crocodile.

The mechanics in the battle gang made these bullets, tightly pressing the metal monofilament and ammunition into the oval warhead, with huge destructive power, and the explosion of six bullets was enough to shred the sedan chair and everyone inside.

Shrapnel and metal wire also injured the beast, but the slow painful response caused it to slowly shake its body.

The giant crocodile turned to him and threw the nearby kid into the sky with his huge jaws. Kushbach didn't have time to reload, so he could only hold his tomahawk to fight.


The long-awaited sound of cannons came, and the howling shells exploded the creature's throat and right shoulder in the splashing flesh and blood.

It immediately fell to the ground, its huge mouth plowed across the ground, its hind legs twitched and kicked, its huge tail flicked, and dozens of unfortunately hit bodies flew away.

Kushbaha was about to reload the ammunition, but did not get a chance, two evil orcs waved their long swords and rushed towards him.

He blocked the first cut with the empty weapon, and then threw the gun away to fight the enemy.

The evil orc screamed at him, his red mane trembling, but Kushbaha took his long knife backhand, dragged him in front of him, and smashed the bridge of the opponent's nose with a hammer. .

"The cartilaginous head!"

Kushbaha yelled happily, and the evil orc became weaker, and then he used the handle of the long knife to twist the guy aside as a meat shield.

Another evil orc swordsman had already swung a long sword at Kushbaha, so the blade cut into the back of his comrade-in-arms instead.

The long knife in Kushbaha's hand immediately belonged to him, and he took the weapon out of a pair of dead hands, spinning and stabbing the second evil orc sword hand.

The slender blade pierced in the man's left face and penetrated from the back of his head.

Kushbaha drew out the strange weapon, held a knife in one hand and an axe in the other, and madly waved the sword hand of the third evil orc approaching him from the left, but he did not hit the opponent.

The next moment, the swordsman fell to the ground and died.

A kid grabbed Kushbach by the shoulder, and the bullet from his pistol killed the enemy soldier.

"Too many, boss!"

The kid was obviously stabbed in the face, and a **** scar stretched from his forehead to his chin, looking extremely hideous.

"I can't think about it!"

Kushbaha knew that this was right. In this melee, all formations and organizations have long ceased to exist, and the beasts are constantly coming to cut the boys apart.

The erected large-to-sud gun position has been destroyed, and on the right flank of the camp, the newly organized front of the defeated gang seems to have completely collapsed.

And the tumbling dust cloud that followed the beastification like a shroud was slowly drawing into Ok's camp.

They had tried their best, and Kushbach felt like they had been fighting all day, but in fact it was less than ten minutes.

The contempt for the stinky guy supports the hard-fighting Okee boys, but this will not last long, and the number of enemies is simply abnormal.

"Just do it!"

Kushbach shouted to his boys:

"Withdraw first! Withdraw first!"

He imagined that his war gang could withdraw from the front line and join a larger counterattack cluster after the reorganization. Those big war gangs must have been organized, and by then -

But the dust gradually enveloped them, and there were beastized people everywhere, and he realized that they were lucky if they could leave alive...

Namath boss's notorious violent temper disappeared at this time, and he suddenly became calm and calm, thinking carefully and patiently.

This interesting trait is obviously extremely rare for an Oak, but the kid who really knows him knows that in the face of crisis, he will be shrouded in a kind of glacial forest.

Namath was able to develop a No.50 boy's war gang into the current tens of thousands of large-scale battle groups, not only relying on his strength and courage, but also more coldness, precision and concentration.

"There are a lot of stinky guys, including Bad Tooth, and the camp of the Sawtooth Shark War Gang, which have been submerged."

Namath’s deputy stood by his right hand, shrugging exaggeratedly on his shoulder armor, and inlaid with two shriveled heads. These were two brave chieftains who led a team to ambush Ou during a raid. K, it’s a pity that if you fail to catch it, it has become someone else’s spoils.

"I took a look. At least twenty camps of the war gang were annihilated or defeated."

Namar nodded characteristically. His height of nearly three meters and the armor from the abandoned city made him look like a cruel machine made up of a pile of steel. The leader of the battle gang was waiting for him to speak, the whispers of the mechanic and the nerve boy The low groan came from all sides.

"Where is the big dirty car?"

His voice has a strong metallic texture, just like a craftsman grinding steel with a grinding wheel, and it sounds quite harsh.

"It will be here soon."

Namath turned and walked out of the hall, his entourage followed closely behind.

They walked onto the open platform and stood in the changing color of dawn. A low-walled terrace on the upper edge of the fortress was transformed into this long-distance observation station. Heavy telescopes stood beside the railings, and clumps of large guns looked like trimmed. The trees stand in the middle of the terrace.

The kid standing guard on the terrace gave a respectful growl to the boss, and the other party just nodded.

This fortress is currently occupied by three companies. Although the area is not small, it is still very crowded. Every inch of land is won with fists. At present, Namat has the largest iron fist battle gang, but he is still not satisfied.

That's right, he is a boss who wants to become a warlord and will not allow others to meddle with his own things.

This fortress was called Sacred Spear Fort. It was once the core stronghold of the lycanthropes resisting Oc’s invasion. It formed a horn-fighting situation with the nearby Wushan, and the invasion of the Golden Teeth was once blocked here.

In the end, it was through a treacherous night attack that Ouke seized the fortress guarded by more than 100,000 beasts and slaughtered the defenders inside.

Namath decided that this place would be his rise, and named it Iron Fist Fortress privately. Unfortunately, the other two bosses didn't buy it.

Now, he finally saw an opportunity, an opportunity to prove his strength and silence the other bosses.

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