Orc Tyrant

Chapter 464: Beast of Steel (4)


The captain of the Fury said in a suspicious tone:

"You can't see anything, but is there something outside?"

"Get your weapon ready, no matter what you think now, get your weapon ready!"

There was another turbulent electronic tone on the intercom, and the call was paused.

"The razor calls the hammer, what's the order?"

The second car in the team finally appeared, but Miviman could hear tension and anxiety in his voice.

The other people in the car have the same feelings as him—heavy depression and the sourness of adrenaline. They all feel this way, but no one except the silent car knows what this means. what.

Beside him, the gunner was muttering to himself in a low voice, praying to one of them.

"All units."

Miviman paused.

"Get your weapons ready."

The neuroboy who was once in a coma shook his head while working overtime. He raised his head, sat upright, and put his hand on the glass.

He felt a low vibration, like the rhythm of an engine, and the ground vibrated with the heavy tracks.

"What did I hear..."

He said softly, and Miviman turned to look at him.

The neuroboy knocked on the skull on the table, raised his voice and said:

"What did I hear."

He turned his head and found that the captain was looking at him, his eyes full of incomprehension, and the nervous boy nodded at him.

"Can you hear? They are outside, not far away."

He paused.

"It's very close to us."

Miviman didn't speak, turned around and started to toggle the switch of the intercom.

"Get closer to me."

The nervous boy shook his head, as if trying to shake his smile down, tension and exhaustion flooded his body.

Miviman leaned forward and leaned his head on the armored glass he had been staring at for several hours. He glanced at the observation slit in front of him. The dense fog once again enveloped them, covering everything in a yellow, when he When he was about to turn his head to look at the nervous boy, he saw something moving in the thick fog.


He said carefully, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Did you see anything?"


There was a noisy sound from the phone, a bit like a harsh scream.

"But they are nearby, right?"

Miviman held his eyes and looked at the fuzzy glass, he felt very cold.

Today is really a strange day.

The thought floated through his mind, like a cold echo of a sign of misunderstanding.

"It's weird."

The gunner murmured too, and Miviman heard him flip more switches.

"Some sounds are coming from the microphone, listen."

Miviman raised the volume.

After a second, he heard what the captain of the Fury said: a muffled noise fluctuated after static electricity.

He leaned against the microphone again, and the sound came and went, like slow waves hitting the shore or the sound of a heart beating.


He spoke, but then he saw it again. It emerged from the thick fog, like a sea creature floating up and breathing before diving into the water.

He saw hard corners and dark, unpolished steel, which was approaching and was within a hundred meters.

When he moved his gaze to the front, something in the fog caught his eye—

He didn't know what he saw just now, it was too blurry, and disappeared in the fog after only an afterimage.

He turned the periscope back, and the fog in the distance of the mud mound became thick again.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

What exactly is it?

Miviman felt cold on his skin.

If it were...a figure...

No, that's impossible.


His hand fell on the microphone.

"The Fury—"

He said this, trying to keep his voice calm, and there was a crackling sound from the microphone.

"Are you in front or behind?"

"Ahead...probably? I seem to be able to see you..."

The voice of the captain of the Fury was tired because of the tension.

"How far?"

Just after he asked, the fog dispersed along the mound in front, revealing the rusty body of the Fury, and in front of it—

A figure was standing less than a hundred meters in front of the Fury, motionless, as black as graphite, with dust from the withered ground spilling from its joints and armor plates.

It is not a human being, nor is it even a lycanthrope. It looks like a cyborg, but it is surrounded by a lot of blood vessels and tumors.

A demon-like machine, and it stared straight down at the Fury.

"All units!"

The roar roared from Miviman's throat, but it was too late.

The Fury was destroyed in an instant.

Jets of molten metal blasted out from all directions of the car body. The huge armor exploded when the jet penetrated its car body. A ball of fire flew out of the dead tank and hit another nearby vehicle. It flips to the side, like a doll pushed down by a child.

Then the cyborg demon took up its large-mouth weapon and fired.

In the blink of an eye, a red jet of neon penetrated the fog and touched the right skirt of the Razor behind, and then a bright white ball of light emerged out of nowhere.

As the white light pierced his retina, Miviman slammed his head away from his field of vision.

The Hammer was trembling under the blast of the cascading explosions, and there were many voices yelling around him, yelling in the microphone, filling the small tank cabin.

He blinked hard, trying to eliminate the bright flares imprinted in his sight.

Crossing them, he could see many figures moving on the screen, and red threat icons were rising from below the ground, surrounding him...

The outside world was hovering with thick smoke and blood-red flames. The clear vision in front of Miviman's eyes could not be maintained for a few seconds. When he could observe, he saw death rising from the ground, stepping forward to take his life.

Some slender black outlines moved forward with the clumsy figure of the roaring mechanical demon.

They started shooting, and the spiral of lightning flashed past, hitting the One Hit Victor in the distance, and crawling over its armor.

One of the secondary turrets of the One Hit Victor was detonated, and the ignited oil and broken metal were sprayed in all directions, as well as the broken body of the fart.

Miviman's eyes danced with the dizzying pixels, the screen flickered, the image was spinning continuously, and the external microphone was neighing, like a chorus of dying crows.

He took a breath, it tasted like electricity and metal.


He yelled, the main gunner still shaking his head, his eyes blinking vigorously behind his eyepieces.

"I can't see."

The main gunner said so.

"Fire! Right now!"

Miviman's roar was similar to a roar, and the main gunner touched the artillery controller and pulled the trigger.


Amid the huge roar, the cannon leaped backwards, and Miviman felt that Hammer’s front artillery also fired after a second.

The cannonball fell blindly, penetrated the ground and detonated, the dust was lifted high into the smoke, and he saw the walking enemies-the twisted combination of machinery and flesh and blood.

The loader is loading shells into the smoking breech of the cannon.

"Go ahead, full speed!"

He yelled again, he was not looking at the screen anymore, it was useless.

This is a disaster, a completely crazy disaster, but he hasn't lost yet, that's for sure.

Although he couldn't see the location and identity of the remaining units, the enemy's surprise attack was also very thorough, leaving them nowhere to escape, completely nowhere to escape.

But he hasn't lost, nor has Hammer!

Tomorrow will be the first at 10 o'clock!

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