Orc Tyrant

Chapter 471: Narrate

Miviman sat on the ground, alone, silent, staring at the water droplets dripping from the armor plate.

For a moment, he wondered if the water was leaking from the Hammer, and then he laughed because he had this idea.

If it seeps in from inside, that guy must have been drinking inside again.

He thought about it, and noticed the rotten pits on the armor plate.

As soon as he returned to the camp, the passion factor in his body disappeared, like a tide receding after a storm, revealing the wreckage it passed by.

The boys passed by him, all drank all kinds of meat and vegetables, and all were busy having fun. The big urn on the fire in the distance was stewing fresh offal soup, and a strong fishy smell filled the air.

Food that is rare in the abandoned city, but today is open for supply. Of course, sufficient raw materials are also a factor.

Some boys looked at him, but he carefully avoided their eyes. He didn't want to talk to any boys, he didn't want to look into their eyes.

He stood up and walked down the long gray stone road, without knowing where to go until he stopped.

In the end he just sat with his back against the wall, waiting for something meaningful to happen.

He was sure that it was a few hours ago. He blinked and shook his head, feeling tired and empty.

He looked at the Hammer lying quietly in the dark, and felt that the world was only left with this sealed tomb.

He held up his hands and stared at his palm prints.

What am i doing? I am not a fighter, never...

He heard the other boys talking about fighting back and fighting back until the blood of the enemy spilled into their land.

Their blood, their land.

"Thinking too much will kill an Ok, you know."

Suddenly, a voice came from above his head.

He raised his head, a big guy with sharp edges and corners, with conspicuous white skin, and wearing a heavy mechanical armor was looking down at him.

The opponent is so huge that Miviman feels like a fart.


He cowered and spoke, his voice trembling a little, then stood up straight.

Beyond Guk, he also saw the iron face of his boss Namath, as well as many fierce guards.

When it's over, the boss must be very angry.

Miviman had a desperate idea. Undoubtedly, the loss he caused even alarmed the overlord. If he could survive this time, he would lack arms and legs. Maybe he had to book a mechanical prosthesis in advance.

"I heard that you are in trouble, on the road."

Guk's tone was so calm that he couldn't hear any emotions.

"Yes...oh, no, that...we, we"

Miviman was a bit at a loss. He danced for a long time without explaining his thoughts. Guk was not angry because he knew that the mechanics were often not so good at speech, and asked them to express one thing, or something clearly. This principle is very difficult.

In other words, it is very difficult for most Oukes.

"Did you still bring back the corpse."

"Yes! Yes!"

"Take me to take a look."


Following Miviman to the Hammer, Guk saw the debris piled up on the ground.

He drew some mechanical claws and examined it for a while, and found that it was a very complicated mechanical structure, but it was not the same as Oak’s rough style. It was very fine, and under the neatly cut armor plate, there were a lot of thin hairs. The wire of the wire and the interface smaller than the needle.

His first reaction is that this is not something that a stinky guy can do.

Then, he tore off some remaining organic matter from the metal shell, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

It's smelly, but it's not the kind of smelly guy. It's another smell. It's not unfamiliar, but Gu Ke will not remember what it is for a while.

"Weird things..."

He picked up a damaged weapon and looked at it carefully, confirming that it was definitely not something that a stinky guy could make.

"... By the way, didn't I say that I found that there are a lot of powerful guys in the hands of the stinky guy."

Guk turned his head to Grak, who had just arrived.

"Well, yes, the boys picked up a lot of big guns and cannons, a little more powerful than what I made."

"I wonder--"

Guk stared at the wreckage on the ground, paused for a moment, and said:

"Is anyone helping the stinky guys and giving them weapons."


Miviman, who had not dared to speak, suddenly stood up, and then handed it out with trembling hands. Gu Ke looked down and found that there was a light blue crystal in the palm of the opponent's hand.

"This one!"

Guk grabbed it, and he finally remembered where the disgusting smell came from. For so long, he even forgot about these enemies.

"Which found it!"

"Just, in the body of these things."

Guk glanced at Grak, who blinked and said:

"That hole, I remember."


Gu Ke pronounced the name with hatred, and then crushed the crystal in his hand.

"They hooked up with the stinky guy."

"Boss, do the stinker first! Then we will go to do these... Oh what!"

There is no need for Grak to say that, in his heart, Guk put the death sentence on these shrimps who kept looking for troubles, and those stinky guys will also die, and only Ouke is destined to be left on this planet!

"Tell me about how you met them, how they fought, and how many they were."

Although surrounded by many bosses, Miviman knew that he should have passed the test today, so he relaxed a lot and his speech became clearer.

After spending an hour, he recounted what happened today, including the frequent failure of equipment, the appearance of the enemy, and the thrilling process of close combat in their armor...

Under the vivid description of the other party, the surrounding bigwigs were all taken aback. It wasn't that they erupted in exclamation, and even the surrounding boys were attracted a lot, but the guards stopped them outside.

"——Then we shot! Boom! It flew into the sky! The Razor smashed over, and the other two heads burst!"

After speaking, Miviman swallowed his throat, his throat was about to smoke, but he didn't dare to ask for a bowl of water.

"Tsk tsk, good luck, this all survived."

"If I were to die, I wouldn't sit in this iron coffin."

"You can't come out and punch them with your fists, persevere!"

Guk looked down at Miviman, was silent for a short while, then raised his hand to interrupt the noise of the bosses.

"what's your name."

"Mi, Miviman, they both like to call me turbines, my engine is the best-"

"I remember you."

After speaking, Guk turned and left with the bosses. Miviman was stunned for a long time and didn't understand the other party's meaning. There was no punishment in his imagination, and no reward in expectation.

That's it?

His mind couldn't turn around all of a sudden.

Ask for a ticket~~~!

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