Orc Tyrant

Chapter 473: Holy Spear Offense and Defense (1)

The Ork army burned down all the buildings outside Fort St. Spear before the attack.

Heavy artillery high on the hills in the distance dropped flames from the air, and the storm rolled through the wreckage of the building, setting off a number of small-scale cyclones.

Thick smoke flowed down the streets, engulfing rocks and steel with hunger.

The hammering of the heavy artillery blasted the still burning buildings into rubble, and the firelight shone the smoke into blood-red and pus-yellow flakes.

Twenty minutes later, the artillery group stopped firing. At that moment, the body of Holy Spear Fort only burned in place.

Immediately, the artillery began to roar again, and the death city trembles as Ouk advances through the western plains.

To the north of the attacker are several converging rivers, which are covered in thick fog. To the south of the attacker, the swamp covered with solidified mud is like a black mirror.

The Oukes came in groups, like a wave ten kilometers wide and thirty kilometers deep.

The siege tanks first rushed into the periphery of Holy Spear Fort. They were machines with a block shell, riveting scrap iron guard plates.

Under their tracks, the rubble was turned into dust, large-caliber artillery protruded from their hulls and turrets, and armored bulldozers pushed the gravel aside like fresh snow.

They passed through a maze of rubble-filled streets and collapsed buildings, and the commander's periscope scanned the ruins, searching for their enemies.

Crushed stones hit their shells like dust.

The crew of these behemoths are not militant bosses, but they all come with the desire to destroy the enemy.

They advanced ten meters, one hundred meters, two hundred meters... still nothing.

Signals are transmitted between the advancing machinery-does anyone see anything? Why didn't you encounter resistance? Perhaps the bombing has destroyed the enemy?

The [Black Bullets] of the Gough Corps have to go faster as the eyes of overweight armorers.

In the second battle of Aswan, it was their chariot that rushed into the fury of fire and iron. When the gang was destroyed, Cragg himself ordered it to be rebuilt.

Now they are serving as the tip of the spear for the first wave of attacks, consisting of thirty quick attack motorcycles painted in coal black.

But after advancing for a kilometer in the smoke, they became the first casualties in the battle.

At the bottom of a ditch that used to be the widest road connecting the fortress to the outside, green light beams shot from the ruins to the side of the black bullet war gang column.

The illumination beam touched the body of a fast-attack motorcycle and pierced its engine.

In the next second, the motorcycle disappeared, its shell exploded into a cloud of smoke, and the motorcycles on both sides of it were overturned, like playing cards.

The green light beam disappeared and reappeared afterwards. Another motorcycle disappeared.

In the advancing super-heavy armor, the command vehicle’s screen began to flash signals of heat and energy, and the main guns fired, shooting huge projectiles into the ground in front of them.

The concealed weapons of the defenders were activated one after another, and more artillery fired from the ruins.

The armored steel soldiers and the laser-emitting automatic turrets began to pour firepower on Ouke's spears, and the lycanthrope infantry controlled all kinds of direct-fire cannons, rapid-fire cannons, and machine guns to resist the rolling torrent.

Throughout the fortress, from north to south, defenders appeared from preset ambush locations.

In an instant, thousands of boys died, pierced or shattered by the explosion.

More defenders emerged from the labyrinth of ruins, and continued to kill.

In the south, in a flooded swamp, pitch-black two-legged and four-legged walking machines drilled out of flooded tunnels.

They are two or three kids tall, and flesh and blood are covered with armor and twisted metal tubes.

As they stalked through the ruins, lightning shot from the barrels on their shoulders and backs, crawling on the armor, and killing the occupants.

For a while, the advance of the attackers seemed to stop.

After that, the second wave of attacks passed the first wave, and more armors and Ork infantry came up, and they continued to flow.

The defenders who had survived the bombing died later.

They died in the flames, their armor was pierced, and their bodies were blown into pieces of flesh and blood-they died between the two heartbeats, and the roar of the impact of cannonballs echoed in their ears.

Although lycanthropes are inferior civilized creatures, they still have simple feelings at the moment of death approaching. They die in a thousand memories of their homeland and faces they will never see again.

Miviman felt the shock of the falling shell when the Hammer rushed to the edge of the tunnel slope.

On both sides of him, more overweight tanks pouring out of the protection of the fog, light beams and colored spots flicker in the observation gap, and the entire row of flames illuminates the dense fog and illuminates the black skeleton of the building.

Everything was shaking, his mouth was dry, and the smell of rubber filled his throat.

"Be careful!"

Udo screamed, and Miviman had only time to pull the Hammer aside before it hit the tank in front of him.

He cursed.

Tanks rushed out of the queue like a herd of animals rushing out of the animal pen, and shells exploded between them, pushing them torsion and leaving large pieces of wreckage on the ground.

Miviman drove the Hammer forward, following the boss's battle flag, he could only barely determine his destination, and the main microphone channel was like a thick wall of jumbled noises.

This is really a mess.

Thinking of this, he opened the squad channel.

"Where are we going?"

The voice of the commander of the Razor rang immediately.

"The fortress in front."

"and then!"

"The boss told us to rush over and get rid of everything that got in the way."

"that's all?"


After speaking, he turned off the microphone.

Today’s fog is bigger than yesterday, and Miviman doesn’t want to get lost again.

"This fog is a bit weird."

Standing on the green fortress, Guk looked down on the battlefield where the artillery fires skyrocketed. Today's fog is thicker than before. The flash after the cannonball hits the ground is like a light bulb that is constantly on and off in the distance, full of haziness.

"I didn't feel anything."

In the open hatch near his feet, Mogdrogen exposed half of his body, and his mask was covered with drops of water.

"There are no demons, nothing..."

"But the fog must be sneaky."

The green fortress moved forward slowly, and now it is the command center of the entire Ork troops, so there is no way to directly enter the battlefield.

Guk seldom rides his own beast into the battlefield anymore. Its flesh and blood body has become more and more difficult to cope with the environment of the bullet rain. Maybe there will be changes in the future, but now Guk chooses to take the ride of Mogdrogen. .

Behind the moving giant armor is a team of guards ready to go. They are full of desire for the battlefield, but they need to stick to their duties.

"An enemy who is not a stinky man appeared in front."

Mogdrogen quickly received the intelligence information from the front, and Guk was not surprised when he heard it.

"Tell Gerak and Namath, run over."


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