Orc Tyrant

Chapter 475: Holy Spear Offense and Defense (3)

"Now I make a rule that everything coming from in front of us should be considered as hostile targets."

Ur turned his head to look at him, trying to see what he wanted to say.

A burst of noise came from his earphones, and Miviman's head was filled with static screams.

Damn it again.

He pressed his head with his hands and rubbed it on his headgear. The static scream got higher and higher, and then turned into a clicking sound like a broken machine.

He heard something yelling, wondering if it might be himself.

Then, the sound disappeared, leaving only a slight tinnitus in his ears.

"This is again—"

"What did I see!"

The neuroboy stood up suddenly, then knocked his head on the hatch with a muffled noise, then squatted down again and took off his tin cap.

"I saw them!"

Aura began to appear in his eyes and on the top of his head, but he didn't have the kind of madness before he ran out of control.

"It's approaching."

Miviman immediately looked at the observation hole.

There was indeed something moving on the other side of the square. He opened the infrared field of vision and immediately saw them-similar to a human shape, three meters high, with a long head and bends. The whole body was heating up, and there was a human-high sword in his hand, a beast. The shaped head sticks out a long tongue and wraps it around the sword.

The cooling mist trail stretched behind them. He didn't recognize this kind of thing, and he didn't look like a stinky guy, whether it was appearance or movement.

"Ready to reload."

Why didn't Razor fire?

This question flashed in his mind, but he was quickly abandoned by him, and he opened his mouth to order the shooting.

Miviman's eyes swept to the screen.

The target is there, but they are all flashing red and blue, between friendly and enemy forces.

"Hammer, what's wrong?"

Suddenly the voice of the captain of the Razor came from the microphone.

"How did you raise your cannon? Did you find something?"

Miviman didn't answer, he licked his lips. It feels like time is frozen.

He could feel every seam of the mechanic's uniform close to his skin, air pumped out of the mask, and the wrench in his thigh pocket.

The microphone rang again, and an unfamiliar voice came.



Miviman yelled and closed his eyes as the muzzle flare illuminated his vision.

The crackling sound of two giant guns firing echoed through the car, and Miviman's teeth were aching when the loader was preparing for the next shot, and then he opened his eyes again.

The leading enemy had disappeared without a trace, and the shell slammed into a wall that had fallen in half.

The outside world was hovering with thick smoke and blood-red flames. The clear vision in front of Miviman's eyes could not be maintained for a few seconds. When he could observe, he saw death rising from the ground, stepping forward to take his life.

The enemy is already in front of you, there are a total of five, and they look like the elites of the beasts-the evil orcs, but they are larger and slender, with a beast-like face, slender skulls with long horns, and burning flames. Angrily, pupilless eyes, a faintly visible halo of evil power lingered all over his body.

What's more terrifying is the sword in their hands. Its appearance is a large two-handed sword with uneven blades. Its smoked blade exudes terrible temptation. The **** visible to the naked eye is trapped on its surface, just like A black shroud.

Miviman has never seen such an enemy.

"Go ahead! Full speed!"

They were only 20 meters away from the Hammer, and it was too late to fire. The bullets from the side cannon seemed to have no effect on them.

Miviman, can only choose the most direct way-to run over.


When the tank hit the first enemy with all its strength, Miviman saw the monsters' eyes all focused on him and the Hammer. Although there was a periscope, he still knew they were watching him.

What a **** day!

The impact shook the body, and the monster scratched and scratched in front of the tank. As it was pushed forward, its legs were dragged under the body.

Miviman can clearly see the engravings and runes carved on its armor.

The Hammer hobbled forward, the track turned faster and faster, the enemy disappeared, and a sound of metal breaking and breaking echoed at the bottom of the tank as it advanced.

Miviman was breathing quickly, his eyes jumping between any battlefield information he could see-observation window, screen, periscope.

They must be in the center of the square. The enemies spread out from their front and sides. The smoke and flames cut the vision in all directions into narrow corridors.

He only hoped that Razor and Ironhoof knew they were in trouble.

Suddenly, the rays of the laser cannon roared in the air, and he could feel the irritation of the weapon fired on his skin.

The main gun fired again. He didn't know who they were shooting at. The roar of shrapnel and the roar of the shell exploded covered the roar of the engine.

When he looked through an observation window, something happened to hit him and cracked the armored glass. He slammed his head back and felt dizzy for a moment.


In the next second, a blood-red sword slammed in along the observation window, and pierced Miviman’s ear into the chair on his back. The suffocating smell of blood came on his face and almost knocked him off. Fainted.


Click! Click!

Not only this one, but in other directions, the three swords pierced the weak parts of Hammer's armor at the same time, sticking out their mouthparts like hungry mosquitoes.

One almost pierced Ur, the main gunner, the other pierced some hapless ass, which died in an instant, and the other pierced the arm of the technical deputy.

"Old, boss..."

He wanted to pull his arm out, but couldn't move it. At the same time, his sturdy body began to dry out quickly, and when he reached out his hand to ask Miviman for help, it was almost dead bones.


All the swords were drawn out at the same time, and the deputy's body fell behind the cabin with a thud.

Miviman blinked, his mind was still alive.

"I saw you!"

Suddenly, the nerve boy jumped up, threw away the tin cap in his hand, opened the hatch with a metal stick and drilled out.

"caught you!"

The nerve boy shouted, and a bolt of lightning shot out from the metal rod, and it hit a monster climbing on the body of the hammer, and the opponent burst into flames in an instant.

Miviman waved his fist, his triumphant howl drowned in the buzzing echo of the explosion.

But in the blink of an eye, another sword pierced the nerve boy's chest from behind, picking him up in the air...

"Hammer! You have been attacked! What should we do!"

At this time, Razor and Ironshoe finally discovered the anomaly, but the enemy had already climbed on the body of the Hammer. Their machine guns and machine guns could not help each other, and the main gun could not shoot at the Hammer. Doing anxious in the microphone.

"Send your nerve boys out! Hurry up!"

"I didn't bring it!" ×2


Just when Miviman had already held the wrench in his hand and was about to go out, he felt the vibration in the air.


"what is that?"

Ur screamed, and Miviman kept his eyes on, he knew what it was.

Guk is here!

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