Orc Tyrant

Chapter 485: Past from the stars

"The order has come down. Evacuate within six hours."

One of the countless spires on Wushan, a certain mechanical trembling sound rang, which touched a figure standing in front of the window looking into the distance.

"I want to take another look at the situation. You can follow me if you want."

The figure turned around, the silver-gray mask on his face gleamed in the dying sunset, but the burning blue flames eyes were a little dim.

The people standing behind him nodded, and they stepped out of the minaret and returned to the open space radiated by the setting sun.

The busyness of the entire Wushan main fort has been significantly increased. Between the sections of the gully beyond the edge of the outer wall, huge lizards are lining up in a winding queue, landing in turns to load passengers and cargo.

Those flying vehicles at the farthest place rippled under the cover of weird heat.

"In that case, you dislike Ok, Master Avilon?"

As they strolled through the camp, every lycanthrope who saw them would bend over to greet them.

"From a certain point of view, not at all. They are quite perfect organic creatures. As I said before, I have seen them four times."

Ten minutes later, they walked into the temporary command post belonging to the Trust Council. At this moment, dozens of arcanists and technicians were busy dismantling this large tent with an artificial environment.

The man called Master Avilon came to a small desk and began to pack his books and belongings.

"The first time was when I was conducting a scientific exploration of outer space."

He stretched out a finger and said to the entourage who also wears the silver mask.

"That was also the first time I went to the universe. Our expedition team encountered them on an asteroid that theoretically should not have life. The Ouk tribe is not large in size, but its killing efficiency is extremely high... The bodyguards almost All sacrifices, we must know that the weapons they carried at the time could destroy the current primitive world twice."

Then he held up his second finger.

"The second time, it was on a satellite in Frum. At that time, there was a serious safety accident at a biological experiment station. They were like...like iron men. I don’t want to exaggerate it deliberately, but if the emergency is not activated. Prefabricated plans, they might be able to run away in the spacecraft..."

He stretched out his third finger.

"Ok pirates, in the child galaxy h23v1-19, we were going to the home planet of Terra to participate in an academic conference. We were chased by a huge hulk for three standard months. According to our conscience, if it weren’t for their social structure. The existence of natural defects is not just as simple as a federal-level public hazard, and we have not many advantages compared with them."

"You said it was four times in total."

He was a follower who asked.

"Yes it is."

Master Colin Avilon nodded, and he raised his fourth finger like a gesture of surrender.

"Just now, I have heard some sayings, we have all heard some sayings, but it is far less terrifying than witnessing."

"What do you mean?"

"In the past, the consensus of the biological community was that the differences between Ouke individuals were very small, and the variability of organisms in different environments was not reflected in them at all. Some people even inferred that they are a kind of honeycomb thinking organism."

"Yes, I have also heard of it."

"But now it seems that this is very wrong. Oak and Oak are different. Some are kings and some are monsters. What created these things that shouldn't be created?"


"This is a new theory, at least... 10,000 years ago."

Master Avilon paused, then continued:

"Some biologists try to simulate Oak's evolutionary process, but they have found that no matter what the environment or conditions, it is impossible to naturally evolve this kind of genetic structure."

"The Creator? This sounds...like theology."

"Sometimes, we also have to imagine...something beyond reason."

With that said, Master Avilon glanced outside the tent, and it happened that a lycanthrope shaman passed by. He was sitting on the chair, underneath were two panting servants.

"They slaughter everything, destroy everything, and the worst thing is that they enjoy the process of making the enemy doomsday very much. There is nothing admirable and exhilarating in them, but as a creature, besides perfection, I It is difficult to choose other praise words."

Master Avilon stopped talking, turned around and gave instructions to the sons of dawn.

They are very respectful, well-trained, and fast.

"Evacuate completely."

He said, looking downcast.

"All the troops, we have to withdraw from the battle and let the beasts solve it alone. This war has caused us a huge loss, and we also killed a member of the legislature. The result is over."

"The lycanthrope still has a back hand."

Master Avilon sat in a chair, opened his backpack, and took out a broken disk.

"This is the data and images left by Senator Reses before his death. Lilin apparently accepted the support of us and the blood worshippers at the same time. He planned an ambush to destroy Guk."

"But it still failed."

"The results are important, but the means to achieve them are also important."

Avilon showed a standard scholar thinking.

"The key question is, what have we gained from this conflict? What is the difference between Guk and other Oukes? What will he bring to the whole world? What is the conspiracy that the blood worship has been planning? "

"Can you answer any of these questions, master?"

"I can't answer a single one. The only certainty is that what is waiting for us in the future will be some kind of terrible threat that we can't imagine."

"This sounds very pessimistic."

"I actually saw them for the fifth time..."

Avilon suddenly said softly:

"It was a war between two other races, an ancient race, we call it Ada. They are deadly and arrogant. They don't care about human behavior and affairs. Their magnificent starships are like cities... I saw it with my own eyes. Yes, because it gleams like glass, even in the dark void."

His voice began to become erratic, and the blue flames in his eyes flickered, as if the candle was about to be extinguished.

"In any case, we have never been able to understand their culture, their language, and what they are protecting. We probably only know that they have been preventing us from approaching somewhere or getting involved in something. Anyway, you can realize that they are definitely Is there something worth defending."

Avilon lowered his head and stared at the broken disc, as if the truth was hidden in it, and the follower guessed that the other party might have been trying to find the answer there for a long time.

"In the end all that was gone."

He raised his head and looked at his entourage.

"They started begging, Oak's fleet descended on them, the city starship fell apart, and they realized that they were about to lose everything... They started begging for us nearby to lend a hand. It seemed that as long as it could save the slightest, it would be better than losing. Everything, but we never really understand what they want to express, or what kind of reward they can give. I personally think that they are willing to sacrifice all their lives to save the starship... but it is too late. Oak will never stop. That city was razed to the ground and everything was destroyed. Nothing was left in the place where it passed. There was not even a single thing that could be recycled. There was no spoils worth keeping, heritage, history, culture, all destroyed."

Avilon fell silent immediately.

The tent also became silent, and the entourage didn't know whether the other party was narrating a past event or depicting a scene that might appear in the future.

Either way, it is terrible.

Suddenly, a floating crystal made a soft sound.

The entourage picked up the backpack and nodded to Master Avilon.

"It's time to go to the evacuation point."

"Okay, let's go, take back everything we saw. As for these mutants, it depends on whether their so-called gods can play a role."

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