Orc Tyrant

Chapter 491: Herd (1)

When the last afterglow of the sunset was about to disappear, Guk launched an attack.

The first thing the defenders of Osan’s outer defense line tasted was a fierce bombardment by artillery and rockets, in addition to a large number of overweight armor and a number of combat vehicles providing fire support.

The guards are deployed along the eastern ridgeline. There is a main road that leads directly to the fortress at the top of Oshan. The main force of the Beastized Guards is also deployed here. They will drain the last drop of blood in this place. .

Boom boom boom boom~~!

Barrage hammered the road, razing three fortress areas to the ground and breaking up the enemy's line.

Tens of thousands of ordinary lycanthropes and thousands of evil orcs were killed in the artillery fire, and the destroyed weapons burned in the rain.

The beasts also tried to fight back. They manipulated huge cold-blooded animals, like a wave of anger pouring down from the mountain.

But with a flood of cannonballs pouring down on them, Oak depleted their power by relying solely on ruthless firepower, and their flesh and scales turned to ashes. Only then did they realize that what they depend on for survival is So fragile.

Numerous wrecks fell within a radius of several hundred meters. Some of the flying rocks were killed by soldiers who fled, while others defended their positions under the scolding of the furious scarlet masters, hiding behind bunkers and bunkers and attacking them.

The information from the communication equipment screamed and roared throughout the area, and they were desperately requesting support.

The overweight tank carrying the large-caliber main gun rushed forward, the armor dripping with dew, and it drove over the water-filled road.

They knocked down the wall, crushed the rocks, crushed the lycanthrope soldiers trapped in the collapsed bunker into powder, and the side mounted secondary artillery screamed and spewed out blue-white twilight, turning the rain into lingering steam. Then the loud noise of heavy artillery tore the air, filling the enemy's position with destruction.

Guk led his troops on foot behind the armored front, and quickly passed through the broken foothills.

On his left is the team of Grak and Lame Luo, and the team on the right is led by Mogdrogen and Nakat. Several Maoge warlords from the Hulk formed a broad right-wing force to guard the beasts. After the reorganization of the army, a counter-charge came to nothing.

Massive infantry gathered in the rear and left flank of the main force, swept across the northwest of the foothills, pulled out all the stinks from their bunkers and trenches, and slaughtered them one by one.

This will be an extinct war, and Guk only intends to keep one-tenth of his captives as a spice in the arena.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! ! !

The cry of battle was shaking, and even the atmosphere seemed to be shocked, and the greasy rainstorm began to fall.

Evil orcs wearing sophisticated breastplates formed a scarlet front in the torrential rain, trying to block the charge, and at the same time, hidden weapons that had been hidden for a long time opened fire after the enemy approached.

A flash of dazzling laser destroyed the first dirty car tank, the armor that had lost its tracks collapsed on the spot and burned, and the roaring automatic guns and roaring machine gun bullets also caused the green figures to fall down.

But in the face of the raging offensive, it was just a handful of weak flames.

The concentrated firepower placed in the right position may temporarily break Ouke’s charge, but the duration of this process is very, very short. The boys ignore the enemy’s firepower and face the opponent’s guns expectantly. They drew their swords and axes. They yearn for close combat.

They want to vent the power accumulated in their bodies in a melee. No matter what the outcome of this battle, it is impossible to affect the final direction of the war.

The demise of the lycanthrope is doomed.

"For the Beast God! For the King! Kill!"


Under the night sky intertwined with artillery fire, the main guards of the guards that Guk fell and the main force of the lycanthrope guards suddenly met in a huge impact. During the charge, many guards fell, but the green The body still came in front of the solid scarlet front, like a huge wave crashing on the rocks on the coast.

But the front of the lycanthrope is not as strong as the reef.

In the next second, they broke through the enemy line, tore the line of defense, and swarmed in, red and green intertwined. The huge power, the superhuman power, drove the metal to break in the scream.

Blood of different colors spewed in the downpour, the damaged corpse fell to the ground, and water splashed everywhere.

The handle covered with rain, oil, and blood became slippery, the shield was worn and broken, the armor shattered, the air was full of the smell of gunpowder smoke, the shock of energy, and the explosion of electricity.

Guk plunged into the deepest part of the enemy's line.

With a magic blade in one hand and a mechanical claw in one hand, the shriveled devil's head and his personal metal logo are behind his back. The pumped mechanical armor exhales smoke and steam, and the skulls dotted on the shoulder armor and waist crunch in the wind. , Like the sneer of the dead.

He blasted a head into a scattered blood mist, then pierced another enemy.

He chopped off an arm and split a head in half.

It’s been a long time since he killed so wantonly. As his subordinates are getting stronger and stronger, he also lacks the opportunity to go to the battlefield. The warlords have been able to deal with most of the problems, and the happiness brought by the simple killing has been Can't make him excited anymore.

Yes, even though he is harvesting a huge amount of life every second, his heart is calm, like drinking a bowl of wine and eating a piece of meat is so common, blood can't bring any excitement.

These enemies can't make him excited, just like a farmer harvesting weeds in the field, it will never be interesting, on the contrary, it will only become irritable and boring over time.

They can shoot at him, they can swing swords at him.

But it can't bring a loss of threat.

If they can, he even hopes they can make a little more interesting resistance

However, it turns out that this is their limit.

Slaughter, slaughter, absolute and complete killing.

In Guk's eyes, death turned into a storm of red and dark green to visit, and he was the most dazzling guest among them.

An evil orc staggered, his arms spread out, blood was gushing from the huge wound on his torso, and a piece of shrapnel was embedded in his neck.

The other, with both hands cut off, light smoke from the broken arm, slowly fell to his knees, and then a bullet pierced his chest.

On the other, the left half of the red helmet was cut off, and the white brain flower was exposed to the air.

The other trembles and twitches under the saw tooth cutting, like an electric shock.

The other was chopped over by a battle axe.

The other was shattered by gunfire from overweight armor.

The other one died under heavy iron boots.



Another... Growl, curse, curse, gasp, bleed, attack, turn around, move, die.

Life is as cheap as mud at this moment. This is the nature of war.

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