Orc Tyrant

Chapter 546: peacemaker

"Let me practice with you."

Charkin didn't use weapons, but adopted a crouching posture, which was a kind of unarmed fighting technique, and then he charged towards Lame Luo with full force.

The lame boss also rushed towards the captain of the guard who had escaped the sudden attack. Charkin attacked from below with his low posture, and his forearm slammed into Lame Luo’s elbow with a swift blow. Throwing the fangs on the chain onto his face, the opponent immediately roared and waved his arms with brand new vitality.

Chalkin avoided the awkward bear hug that was targeting him, and took advantage of Lame's momentum to get around the opponent's ass.

This strategy seems to be working.

But Lame Luo saw through his plan long ago, put aside his tomahawk and supported his body with his free hand, and turned around.

His turn was too quick for Charkin to stop him, and the captain of the guard was hit in the abdomen with a heavy punch.

After a backhand blow, Lame Luo tried to launch a series of attacks, but Charkin avoided the attack range and used a terrible set of uppercuts to force the opponent back again and again.

With the sound of more bricks being broken, Lime Luo stood up, but Charkin had already clung to him, expanding his advantage.

He slammed Lame Luo's nose, ears and temples with three hand knives like rain.

After the offensive staggered, the lame boss was no longer able to cope with Charkin's pressing, so he had to embrace his torso with his arms and use his weight to push him.


The captain of the guard roared, holding his arms against the opponent, and threw Lame Luo across the street, into a pile of tall wooden barrels.

When he retreated, his white forehead watched the **** pile loosen, and piles of wooden barrels fell down and hit Lame Luo on his body.

"is that enough?"

After a moment, Charkin panted and asked.

Tranced and full of frustration, Lame Luo crawled out of the garbage, looked up at the victorious captain of the guard, laughed, showing his fangs.

"you win."

"Ha, get up."

Charkin said, pulling Lame Lola up.

But a gust of wind came from behind, which could have made him flash to the right immediately.

Jinya, who had been thoroughly enraged, launched a sneak attack.

He dashed forward, the blade was so fast that he couldn't catch up with his eyes, and he slashed straight to Lame Luo, his movements blended with the howling sea breeze, like a wave covering the enemies who had not yet risen.


In the next second, the sharktooth knife slashed into Lame Luo's armor with a diamond-like light, and the cut steel pulsed with sparks, instantly illuminating the duel.

And then he

One knife struck Lame Luo's forefoot, another knife pierced his knees from back to front, and placed the opponent on the ground again.

Lame Luo waved his arms blindly, as if he was holding a torch to expel darkness, and drew a combat knife from the sheath tied to his calf, trying to get up on his knees, but the tip of the opponent's knife was already leaning under his chin.

"I won't give you any chance!"

Jin Fang laughed loudly, the blade pressed against the soft part of the armor of Lame Luo's throat, ready to kill the opponent at any time.

"Idiot, when I throw your head at the feet of your bastards, I will take a good look at the expressions on their faces."

That moment was approaching, and that moment that had been repeated countless times, Jinya stood in front of the defeated opponent, twisting his face with a triumphant smile.

As long as a slight movement of the wrist and a small amount of force are applied, the head of this **** terrapin will roll down his shoulders.

He would easily grab this head, lift the head to the surrounding battlefield, let his followers worship, and make the enemy desperate--both can bring him the same satisfaction.

His tongue licked his fangs, he spent a second savoring the moment, and then he shook his wrist.


But the blade did not move, it quietly pressed against Lame Luo's throat, but couldn't cut it down.

There is no sad gasp when the trachea and arteries are cut open, and there is no flesh and blood rhythm when the head and neck are separated.

Jinya's smiling face collapsed, he frowned, and the corners of his mouth cocked with anger. He tried to control the arm holding the knife but was resisted, and the blade still refused to move half an inch.

As the limbs resisted him, a trembling numbness spread from the fingertips and climbed onto the arm. The quasi-warlord roared and held the wrist of the other with his left hand.

The hand holding the knife is still locked with muscles, and the tight tendons are pressing on the bones.

It was like the smell of burnt hair rushing to the taste of the golden tooth, flooding his nostrils, his vision narrowed, and the road in front of him stretched into a long corridor, and greasy liquid slowly filled it.

The sound ceased, replaced by a piercing bell that vibrated his eardrums, the screams in his brain expanded rapidly, and a dizziness stole the balance of his legs.

Afterwards, a cold heavy blow refocused the world of Jin Ya, Lame Luo's combat knife pierced his side, and Jin Ya let out a big breath from between his teeth.


The black iron blade in the palm of his hand did not reach the grip, penetrated the armor and muscles, and stabbed his internal organs.

Lame Luo staggered and drew out the short sword, and then fell down again, and the golden tooth hurt his only leg.

The sticky blood flowed down the armor intermittently, and the golden teeth stepped back. His arms were still locked in front of him. He even felt the ground under his feet make a loud noise and began to shake. There was a horrible and chaotic chorus around him, making his ears follow him. The brain is full of overlapping screams.

"Well, he has been taught."

Suddenly, Charkin's voice sounded, and all these oppressions disappeared.

Bai fore lowered his arm, the aura of his eyes gradually dissipated, and the pulsating arc of his fingertips disappeared in the air.

"Everyone bleeds, is that enough?"

Charkin opened his arms and came to the middle of the two bosses. His face was full of ease. The surrounding boys put down their weapons and gathered behind each other's boss.


Lame Luo spit out blood foam and stood up with the support of his deputy.

"This **** bastard! Sooner or later I will soak you in the sea!"

"There will always be a place for you on my cannon, and there will always be—"

Withdrawing the short knife that had been immersed in the body, Jinya responded with a hateful voice.

"The storm is coming, go back to each house, and talk about it tomorrow."

Seeing that the situation finally did not expand, Charkin waved his hand, and the boys gathered in the harbor saw the storm approaching in the distance, and they dispersed.

But when Jinya and Limber were about to leave, Charkin suddenly stopped them.

"you guys--"

He stretched out his hand and said in as calm a tone as possible:

"There is a terrible pain kid in my place. Give me a face and have a drink in my place tonight, huh?"

Glancing at each other, Jinya and Lame Luo didn't know what the guard leader wanted to do, but didn't want to offend him too much, so they nodded together.

"This is great, come on, I brought a lot of good wine from Arkham before."

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